Hiển Thị Màn Chắn Lọc (Mask Display)
This popover controls mask display options.
- Chốt Trục (Spline)
Toggles the display of the mask splines. This option is useful while combined with the Overlay option below to see a simplified view of the mask. Note the splines must be enabled to select and edit the spline points.
- Kiểu Hiển Thị Cạnh (Edge Display Type)
Style of the edge.
- Hình/Lớp Vẽ/Lồng (Overlay)
Added mask overlay to both Image and Clip editors.
- Chế Độ Vẽ Lồng (Overlay Mode)
- Alpha Channel (Kênh Alpha):
Which displays the rasterized mask as a grayscale image.
- Kết Hợp (Combined):
Displays both the clip along with the mask overlaid on top.
- Hệ Số Pha Trộn (Blending Factor)
How much the clip is mixed with the grayscale mask representation when using "Combined" Overlay Mode.