
The Add-ons section lets you manage secondary scripts, called "Add-ons" that extends Blender's functionality. In this section you can search, install, enable and disable Add-ons.


Blender Preferences Add-ons section.

Finding Add-ons


Blender comes with some preinstalled Add-ons already, ready to be enabled. But you can also add your own, or any interesting ones you find on the web.

Supported Level

Blender's add-ons are split into two groups depending on who writes/supports them:

  • Official: Add-ons that are written by Blender developers.

  • Community: Add-ons that are written by people in the Blender community.

Enabled Add-ons Only

Shows only enabled add-ons for the current Category.


Add-ons are divided into categories by what areas of Blender they affect.

Installing Add-ons

There are hundreds of add-ons that are not distributed with Blender and are developed by others. To add them to the list of other add-ons, they must be installed into Blender.

To install these, use the Install... button and use the File Browser to select the .zip or .py add-on file.

Now the add-on will be installed, however not automatically enabled. The search field will be set to the add-on's name (to avoid having to look for it), Enable the add-on by checking the enable checkbox.


扫描 插件目录,查找新插件。



用户还可以创建个人目录,存放新插件,然后在 偏好设置文件路径 标签页配置文件路径。创建个人脚本目录,请执行以下操作:

  1. 在选择的位置创建一个空文件夹 (如 my_scripts)。

  2. my_scripts 下创建子目录 addons (必须 使用这个名称,Blender才能识别)。

  3. 打开 偏好设置文件路径 标签页。

  4. 设置 脚本 目录指向新建的脚本目录 (如 my_scripts)。

  5. 保存用户设置,重启Blender,这样就可以识别新的插件目录了。

现在,安装插件时,可以在安装第三方脚本时选择 目标路径。Blender会将新安装的插件复制到用户设置中的目标路径下。

Enabling & Disabling Add-ons

To enable or disable an add-on check or uncheck the box to the right of the add-ons shown in the figure below.


Enabling an add-on.

The add-on functionality should be immediately available.


Add-ons that activate or change multiple hotkeys have a special system of activation. For example, with the 3D Viewport Pie Menus add-on for each menu there is a selection box to activate the menu and its hotkey.


If the Add-on does not activate when enabled, check the Console window for any errors that may have occurred.

Add-on Information

You can click the arrow at the left of the add-on box to see more information, such as its location, a description and a link to the documentation. Here you can also find a button to report a bug specific of this add-on.


某些插件可能有自己的设置,可以在插件信息框的 偏好设置 部分找到。
