Viewport Shading¶
The shading of the 3D Viewport can be adjusted to match the task at hand. There are several modes to choose from.
The Material Preview option is not available when the render engine of the scene is set to Workbench.
Shows the full scene by only displaying the edges of the objects (Wireframe).
- Color
- Single
- Render the whole scene using a single color.
- Object
- Use the color that can be set per object in the Viewport Display Object panel.
- Random
- A random color will be selected for every object in the scene.
- Background
How the background is displayed in the 3D Viewport.
- Theme
- Use the background of the theme.
- World
- Use the world viewport display options.
- Viewport
- Select a custom color for the background of the 3D Viewport.
- Options
- X-Ray
- Render the scene transparent. With the slider you can control how transparent the scene should appear. In wireframe mode the opacity of the back wires can be adjusted.
- Outline
- Render the outline of objects in the viewport. The color of the outline can be adjusted.
Show the scene using in solid mode. This mode utilized the Workbench engine to render the 3D Viewport. The lighting, color and options can be found at Workbench render engine section.
- Background
The way the background is displayed in the 3D Viewport.
- Theme
- Use the background of the theme.
- World
- Use the world viewport display options.
- Viewport
- Select a custom color for the background of the 3D Viewport.
Material Preview¶
Render the 3D Viewport with Eevee and a HDRI environment. This mode is particularly suited for previewing materials and texture painting. You can select different lighting conditions to test your materials.
- Lighting
- Scene Lights
- Use the lights in the scene when rendering the scene.
- Scene World
Use the world of the scene when rendering the scene. When turned off a world will be constructed with the next options.
- HDRI Environment
- The environment map used to light the scene.
- Rotation
- The rotation of the environment on the Z axis.
- Strength
- Light intensity of the environment.
- Background
- The opacity level of a very blurred version of the HDRI will be rendered as background in the 3D View.
Render the 3D Viewport with the scene Render Engine, for interactive rendering. By default the scene lights are used for lighting. A HDRI environment can be used as well, with the same options as Material Preview mode.
- Render Pass Cycles Only
- Instead of the combined render, show another render pass. Useful to analyze and debug geometry, materials and lighting.