Modificador Deformação de Superfície

The Surface Deform modifier allows an arbitrary mesh surface to control the deformation of another, essentially transferring its motion/deformation. One great use for this is to have a proxy mesh for cloth simulation, which will in turn drive the motion of your final and more detailed mesh, which would otherwise not be suitable for simulation.



The Surface Deform modifier.

The object to which to bind (this setting is unavailable after binding).
Decaimento para interpolação

How much a vertex bound to one face of the target will be affected by the surrounding faces (this setting is unavailable after binding). This essentially controls how smooth the deformations are.


While lower values result in smoother deformations, they may also introduce slight artifacts.

Bind the current state of the modified mesh to the current state of the target mesh, such that any later change in the target mesh will deform the modified mesh as well. Note that until the bind has been executed, this modifier will have no effect at all.
Once the mesh is bound, the Bind button changes to Unbind. Executing this frees the modified mesh from the target, and resets it to its original shape.


As malhas são vinculadas em relação a coordenadas globais, mas modificações posteriores no objeto são ignoradas. Isso significa que você pode transformar livremente o alvo ou o objeto modificado depois de vincular, sem afetar o objeto modificado. A malha modificada irá apenas pegar modificações em relação à malha do objeto alvo em si.


Quanto mais uma malha desvia da superfície da malha alvo, mais provável é de obter artefatos. Essa é uma característica intrínseca de vínculo de superfície em geral, portanto é recomendável ter malhas razoavelmente coincidentes, a fim de obter um bom vínculo.


Validade da Malha Alvo

While there are no restrictions with regard to the modified mesh, the target object’s mesh has a few constraints, which if not followed, will prevent a successful binding:

  • It must not contain edges with more than two faces.
  • It must not contain concave faces.
  • It must not contain overlapping vertices (doubles).
  • It must not contain faces with collinear edges.



Cloth simulation copied to an arbitrary mesh with rings as instancing faces.