The Модификатор Normal Edit can be used to edit normals.
The Модификатор Weighted Normal can be used to affect normals by various methods, including Face Strength (see below).
You can also copy normals from another mesh using Mesh Data Transfer (operator or modifier).
Flip (отразить)
- Mode
Режим редактирования
- Меню
This will reverse the normals direction of all selected faces. Note that this allows you to precisely control the direction (not the orientation, which is always perpendicular to the face) of your normals, as only the selected faces are flipped.
- Mode
Режим редактирования
- Меню
- Горячая клавиша
Ctrl-N and Shift-Ctrl-N
These tools will recalculate the normals of selected faces so that they point outside (respectively inside) the volume that the face belongs to. The volume does not need to be closed; inside and outside are determined by the angles with adjacent faces. This means that the face of interest must be adjacent to at least one non-coplanar other face. For example, with a Grid primitive, recalculating normals does not have a meaningful result.
Set from Faces
- Mode
Режим редактирования
- Меню
Set the custom normals at corners to be the same as the face normal that the corner is part of.
- Mode
Режим редактирования
- Меню
- Горячая клавиша
This is an interactive tool. As you move the mouse around, the selected normals are rotated. You can also invoke the Rotate Normals tool by pressing the Rotate transform key R, followed by N.
Point to Target
- Mode
Режим редактирования
- Меню
- Горячая клавиша
All selected normals are set to point from their vertex to the target after confirmed by Return or LMB.
A target is set by the keys:
The mouse cursor M
The pivot L
The object origin O
The cursor (set at this click) Ctrl-LMB
A mesh item selection (set by this click) Ctrl-RMB
- Mode
The tool operation can be modified; if one of the following keys has been previously pressed:
- Align A
All normals will point in the same direction: from the center of selected points to the target.
- Spherize S
Each normal will be an interpolation between its original value and the direction to the target.
- Invert I
The normal directions are reversed from what was specified above.
- Reset R
Will reset the custom normals back to what they were when the operation started.
- Mode
Режим редактирования
- Меню
Merge all of the normals at selected vertices, making one average normal for all of the faces.
- Mode
Режим редактирования
- Меню
Split the normals at all selected vertices so that there are separate normals for each face, pointing in the same direction as those faces.
- Mode
Режим редактирования
- Меню
Average all of the normals in each fan of faces between sharp edges at a vertex.
Copy Vectors
- Mode
Режим редактирования
- Меню
If a single normal is selected, copy it to an internal vector buffer.
Paste Vectors
- Mode
Режим редактирования
- Меню
Replace the selected normals with the one in the internal vector buffer.
Smooth Vectors
- Mode
Режим редактирования
- Меню
Adjust the normals to bring them closer to their adjacent vertex normals.
Reset Vectors
- Mode
Режим редактирования
- Меню
Put normals back the to default calculation of the normals.
Select by Face Strength
- Mode
Режим редактирования
- Меню
Another way to affect normals is to set a Face Strength on the faces of the model. The Face Strength can be either Weak, Medium, or Strong. The idea is that the Модификатор Weighted Normal can be set to pay attention to the Face Strength as follows: When combining the normals that meet at a vertex, only the faces with the strongest Face Strength will contribute to the final value.
Например, если три грани встречаются в вершине и имеют веса граней «слабый», «средний» и «сильный», то для задания окончательного результата будет использоваться только нормаль, связанная с сильной гранью.
Use the submenu to pick one of Weak, Medium, or Strong. Then this tool selects those faces that have the chosen face strength.
Set Face Strength
- Mode
Режим редактирования
- Меню
Use the submenu to pick one of Weak, Medium, or Strong. Then this tool changes the Face Strength of currently selected faces to the chosen face strength.