Nhóm Điểm Đỉnh (Vertex Groups)

Tham Chiếu (Reference)

Panel (Bảng)

Particle System ‣ Vertex Groups

The Vertex groups panel allows you to specify vertex groups to use for several child particle settings. You can also negate the effect of each vertex group with the checkboxes. You can affect the following attributes:

Tỷ Trọng/Mật Độ (Density)

Defines the density of the particle distribution.

Chiều Dài (Length)

Defines the length of the hair.

Khóm Lại (Clump)

Controls the amount of clumping. The weight of 1.0 gives current Clump value, weight of 0.0 completely removes effect.

Xoắn Vặn (Kink)

Controls the frequency of the children Kink.

Độ Rối 1 (Roughness 1)

Adjusts the Uniform roughness parameter.

Độ Rối 2 (Roughness 2)

Adjusts the Random roughness parameter.

Độ Ráp/Rối ở Đỉnh (Roughness End)

Adjusts the Endpoint roughness parameter.

Xoắn Vặn (Twist)

Vertex group to control the children's Twist effect. Gives control over the direction of the twist, as well as the amount. The weight of 0.5 is neutral, i.e. there is no twist effect.