Mỹ Thuật Đường Nét
Tham Chiếu
- Chế Độ
Chế Độ Vật Thể
- Bảng
The Line Art panel is used to enable extra display options for customizing line art rendering for a specific object.
- Sử Dụng
How the object is loaded into line art. This property overrides the parent collection's Mỹ Thuật Đường Nét usage.
- Thừa Kế
No special loading strategy for line art. Loading of the object is controlled by parent collection's line art settings.
- Include/Bao Gồm cả
Force include the object into line art calculation even if its parent collection specifies otherwise.
- Duy Vùng Giao Cắt Nhau
The object will only produce intersection lines in the scene and its own geometry stays invisible.
- Duy Sự Che Khuất
The object will only cause occlusion to existing feature lines and its geometry stays invisible.
- Loại/Ngoại Trừ
The object will not be loaded into line art at all.
- Không Giao Cắt Nhau
The object will not generate intersection lines on itself or with other objects in scene.
- Vượt Quyền về Nếp Gấp
Allows the object to have a different crease value than the global one set in the line art modifier.
- Nếp Gập
Override crease value for the object.