Elastic Deform


Режим (mode)

Режим скульптинга (sculpt mode)

Инструмент (tool)

Toolbar ‣ Elastic Deform

Used to simulate realistic deformations such as grabbing or twisting of Elastic objects. For example, this tool works great for modeling the shape of flesh like objects such as humans or animals. When pressing Ctrl, the brush deforms vertices along the normal of the active vertex.

Настройки кисти

Деформация (deformation)

The surface alteration that is used in the brush.


Used to drag a group of vertices around.

Bi-scale Grab

Like Grab but the falloff is more localized to the center of the brush.

Tri-scale Grab

Like Bi-scale Grab but the falloff is more localized to the center of the brush.

Масштаб (scale)

Displaces vertices away from the active vertex.

Кручение (twist)

Vertices are rotated around the active vertex.

Volume Preservation

Poisson ratio for elastic deformation. Higher values preserve volume more, but also lead to more bulging.