Snake Hook


Режим (mode)

Режим скульптинга (sculpt mode)

Инструмент (tool)

Toolbar ‣ Snake Hook

Горячая клавиша


Pulls vertices along with the movement of the brush to create long, snake-like forms.

Настройки кисти


The Snake Hook brush tends to loose volume along the stroke, with Magnify value greater than 0.5 it’s possible to sculpt shapes without losing volume.

Rake (Гребень)

A factor to support moving the mesh with rotation following the cursor’s motion.

Деформация (deformation)

Deformation type that is used by the brush.

Radius Falloff

Applies the brush falloff to the tip of the brush.


Modifies the entire mesh using an Elastic deformation, see also the Elastic Deform tool.