Snake Hook
- Режим (mode)
Режим скульптинга (sculpt mode)
- Инструмент (tool)
- Горячая клавиша
Pulls vertices along with the movement of the brush to create long, snake-like forms.
Настройки кисти
- Magnify
The Snake Hook brush tends to loose volume along the stroke, with Magnify value greater than 0.5 it’s possible to sculpt shapes without losing volume.
- Rake (Гребень)
A factor to support moving the mesh with rotation following the cursor’s motion.
- Деформация (deformation)
Deformation type that is used by the brush.
- Radius Falloff
Applies the brush falloff to the tip of the brush.
- Elastic
Modifies the entire mesh using an Elastic deformation, see also the Elastic Deform tool.