Viewport Display

Tham Chiếu -- Reference

Bảng -- Panel

Hệ Thống Hạt (Particle System) ‣ Hiển Thị (Display)

Kết Xuất -- Rendered

Display hair as curves.

Đường/Đi/Dẫn -- Path

Display just the end points of the hairs.

Số Bước -- Steps

The number of segments (control points minus 1) of the hair strand. In between the control points the segments are interpolated. The number of control points is important:

  • For the soft body animation, because the control points are animated like vertices, so more control points mean longer calculation times.

  • For the interactive editing, because you can only move the control points (but you may recalculate the number of control points in Particle Edit Mode).

Gợi ý

Phân Đoạn -- Segments

Ten Segments should be sufficient even for very long hair, five Segments are enough for shorter hair, and two or three segments should be enough for short fur.