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Cộng Thêm (Add) ‣ Bộ Cốt (Armature)

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When adding curves there are some common options like other Objects.

In Object/Edit Mode, the Add Curve menu, provides five different curve primitives:

Đường Cong Bézier

Adds an open 2D Bézier curve with two control points.

Vòng Tròn Bézier

Adds a closed, circle-shaped 2D Bézier curve (made of four control points).

Đường Cong Nurbs

Adds an open 2D NURBS curve, with four control points, with Uniform knots.

Vòng Tròn Nurbs

Adds a closed, circle-shaped 2D NURBS curve (made of eight control points).


Adds a NURBS open 3D curve made of five aligned control points, with Endpoint knots and the Curve Path setting enabled.