Vật Thể Rỗng

The "empty" is a single coordinate point with no additional geometry. Because an empty has no volume and surface, it cannot be rendered. Still it can be used as a handle for many purposes.

Hình Học Cơ Bản


Bảng Hiển Thị của Cổng Nhìn.

Trục Tọa Độ

Displays as six lines, initially with one pointing in each of the +X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, and -Z axis directions.

Đa Mũi Tên

Displays as arrows, initially pointing in the positive X, Y, and Z axis directions, each with a label.

Đơn Mũi Tên

Displays as a single arrow, initially pointing in the +Z axis direction.


Displays as a circle initially in the XZ plane.

Lập Thể

Displays as a cube, initially aligned to the XYZ axes.

Hình Cầu

Displays as an implied sphere defined by three circles. Initially, the circles are aligned, one each, to the X, Y, and Z axes.

Hình Nón

Displays as a cone, initially pointing in the +Y axis direction.

Hình Ảnh

Empties can display images. This can be used to create reference images, including blueprints or character sheets to model from. The image is displayed regardless of the 3D display mode.

Các tập lệnh mẫu có thể được truy cập từ Trình Biên Soạn Văn Bản (Text Editor) ‣ Khuôn Mẫu (Templates) ‣ Python.

Dịch Chuyển X, Y

Offset the image origin (where 1.0 represents the width/height of the image).

X=0.5, Y=0.5

Object origin at image center.

X=0.0, Y=0.0

Object origin at image bottom, left.

X=1.0, Y=1.0

Object origin at image top, right.

Chiều/Độ Sâu
Mặc Định

Use normal depth behavior.


Always display on top of other objects.

Quay Lại/Đằng Sau/Lưng

Always display behind of other objects.


When using the image as a reference for modeling, it can be useful to set the depth to Front, with a low Opacity.

Cả Hai

Display both the front and back of the empty.


Only display the front of the image.

Quay Lại/Đằng Sau/Lưng

Only display the back of the image.


This is useful if you are using an image as a reference where you have photos from both the front and back, so two empty images can be set only to show when viewed from the correct side.

Hiển thị Trong
Chính Giao

Chuyển đổi giữa chế độ góc nhìn phối cảnh xa gần và chế độ góc nhìn trực giao.

Phối Cảnh Xa Gần

Chuyển đổi giữa chế độ góc nhìn phối cảnh xa gần và chế độ góc nhìn trực giao.

Gợi ý

It's often useful to disable this so reference images don't get in the way when viewing a model.

Duy Thẳng Hàng theo Trục

Only displays the image contents when the view is aligned with the object's local axis.

Độ Đục

Blends the image with the background. The value slider adjusts the opacity of the image, changing how much of the image is blended with the background.

Biên Soạn

An empty can only be edited in Object Mode, which includes its transformation and parenting properties. For other tools see the Object section.

Áp Dụng Tỷ Lệ Ctrl-A

While empties don't exactly have any object data attached to them which can be used for supporting "true" apply scale (i.e. with non-uniform scaling), they do have Display Size which controls how large the empties are displayed (before scaling). This works by taking the scale factor on the most-scaled axis, and combines this with the existing empty Display Size to maintain the correct dimensions on that axis.

Tính Chất

Hiển thị là

Các trình bổ sung này nhằm để sử dụng trong các quá trình vẽ hoặc thao tác Cổng Nhìn 3D.

Kích Thước

Controls the size of the empties visualization. This does not change its scale, but functions as an offset.

Sử Dụng

Empties can serve as transform handles. Some examples of ways to use them include:

Vật thể phụ huynh cho một nhóm vật thể

An empty can be parented to any number of other objects. This gives the user the ability to control a group of objects easily, and without affecting a render.

Mục tiêu cho các ràng buộc

An empty can also be used as a target for normal, or bone constraints. This gives the user far more control; for instance, a rig can easily be set up to enable a camera to point towards an empty using the Track to constraint.

Dịch chuyển Mảng

An empty can be used to offset an Array Modifier, meaning complex deformations can be achieved by only moving a single object.


An example of an empty being used to control an array.


An example of an empty being used to control the Track To constraint.

Những tác dụng thông thường khác:

  • Giữ Chỗ

  • Dựng Giàn Điều Khiển

  • Khoảng Cách -- Distance

  • Tham Chiếu -- Reference