Những sắp đặt của đầu bút vẽ

Bán Kính

This option controls the radius of the brush, measured in pixels. F allows you to change the brush size interactively by dragging the mouse and then LMB (the texture of the brush should be visible inside the circle). Typing a number then enter while using F allows you to enter the size numerically.

Áp Lực Kích Thước

Brush size can be affected by enabling the pressure sensitivity icon, if you are using a Graphics Tablet.

Dùng Bán Kính Đồng Nhất

Use the same brush Radius across all brushes.

Đơn Vị Bán Kính

Controls how the brush Radius is measured.

Góc Nhìn

The Radius is measured based on how the cursor appears on the monitor i.e. "screen space".


The Radius is measured based on real world units. The unit type and scaling can be configured in the Scene Units.

Độ Đậm/Sức Mạnh/Cường Độ

Controls how much each application of the brush affects the model. For example, higher values cause the Draw brush to add depth to the model more quickly, and cause the Smooth brush to smooth the model more quickly. This setting is not available for Grab, Snake Hook, or Rotate.

You can change the brush strength interactively by pressing Shift-F in the 3D Viewport and then moving the brush and then LMB. You can enter the size numerically also while in Shift-F sizing.

Áp Lực làm Sức Mạnh

Brush strength can be affected by enabling the pressure sensitivity icon, if a supported tablet is being used.

Dùng Cường Độ Đồng Nhất

Use the same brush Strength across all brushes.


If the range of strengths does not seem to fit the model (for example, if even the lowest strength setting still makes too large of a change on the model) then you can scale the model (in Edit Mode, not Object Mode). Larger sizes will make the brush's effect smaller, and vice versa.

Chiều Hướng Ctrl

Brush direction toggle, Add raises geometry towards the brush, Subtract lowers geometry away from the brush. This setting can be toggled with Ctrl while sculpting.

Bán Kính Pháp Tuyến

The ratio between the brush radius and the radius that is going to be used to sample the normal i.e. take the average of multiple normals. This influences the brush orientation; increasing this value causes the brush to follow a smooth version of the mesh, while a small value causes the brush to closely follow the contours of the mesh.

Độ Cứng

Khoảng cách suy giảm dần của đầu bút vẽ, kể từ cạnh vào.

Tự Động Mịn Hóa

Sets the amount of smoothing to be applied to each stroke.

Cấu Trúc Liên Kết

See Dyntopo.

Trọng Lượng Pháp Tuyến Ctrl

Constrains brush movement along the surface normal. Especially useful with the Grab brush, can be temporarily enabled by holding Ctrl. E.g. Grab brush can be used to push a depression (hole) into the mesh when Normal Weight is set.

Applies to Grab and Snake Hook brushes.

Dịch Chuyển của Bề Mặt

Offset for planar brushes (Clay, Fill, Flatten, Scrape), shifts the plane that is found by averaging the faces above or below.

Xén Bề Mặt

Ability to limit the distance that planar brushes act. If trim is enabled vertices that are further away from the offset plane than the trim distance are ignored during sculpting.

Cao Cấp

Tự động Chắn Lọc
Cấu Trúc Liên Kết

Setting per each brush, affects only vertices connected to the active vertex under the brush. This can be used for isolating disconnected meshes, face sets, masking cavities, mesh boundary edges, or creating topological falloffs.

Bề Mặt Ấn Định

Affect only vertices that share face sets with active vertex.

Ranh Giới khung lưới

Does not affect non-manifold boundary edges.

Ranh Giới bề mặt Ấn Định

Does not affect vertices which belong to a face set boundary.

Số Bước Ngăn sự Lan Truyền

The distance where Mesh Boundary Auto-Masking is going to protect vertices from the fully masked edge.

Bình Diện Điêu Khắc

Use this menu to set the plane in which the sculpting takes place. In other words, the primary direction that the vertices will move.

Bình Diện của Khu Vực

The movement takes place in the direction of average normal for all active vertices within the brush area. Essentially, this means that the direction is dependent on the surface beneath the brush.

Bình Diện của Góc Nhìn

Sculpting in the plane of the current 3D Viewport.

Mặt phẳng X, Y, Z

The movement takes place in the positive direction of one of the global axes.

Sử dụng Nguyên Thủy
Pháp tuyến/B.Thg

When locked it keeps using the normal of the surface where stroke was initiated, instead of the surface normal currently under the cursor.

Mặt Phẳng

When locked keep using the plane origin of surface where stroke was initiated, instead of the surface plane currently under the cursor.

Chồng Chất/Tích Tụ

Causes stroke dabs to accumulate on top of each other.

Duy các bề mặt Đằng Trước

When enabled, the brush only affects vertices that are facing the viewer.

Chất Liệu

See the global brush settings for Texture settings.

Nét Vẽ

See the global brush settings for Stroke settings.

Suy Giảm Dần

See the global brush settings for Falloff settings.

Con Trỏ

See the global brush settings for Cursor settings.