Đối Xứng

Tham Chiếu

Chế Độ

Chế Độ Điêu Khắc

Công Cụ

Thanh Bên (Sidebar) ‣ Biên Soạn (Edit) ‣ Bề Mặt (Surfaces)

Đối Xứng Hóa/Gương

Mirror the brush strokes across the selected local axes. Note that if you want to alter the directions the axes point in, you must rotate the model in Edit Mode and not in Object Mode.


These three buttons allow you to block any modification/deformation of your model along selected local axes, while you are sculpting it.

Bố Trí Ô Cờ

Using this option allows you to seamlessly tile your strokes along the given axes. This allows to create repeating patterns.

Mép Nhòe

Reduces the strength of the stroke where it overlaps the planes of symmetry.

X, Y, Z của Toả Tròn

These settings allow for radial symmetry in the desired axes. The number determines how many times the stroke will be repeated within 360 degrees around the central axes.

Dịch Chuyển của Ô trong X, Y, Z

The offset allows the option to alter the tile size along all three axes. The default tile size is set to one unit.

Chiều Hướng

Determines which direction the model will be symmetrized.

Đối Xứng Hóa

Uses direction orientation to symmetrize. Since Dyntopo adds details dynamically it may happen that the model becomes asymmetric, so this a good tool for that.