Thân Cứng (Rigid Body)

Tính Toán Khối Lượng (Calculate Mass)

Tham Chiếu (Reference)

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Trình Đơn (Menu)

Object ‣ Rigid Body ‣ Calculate Mass

Calculate mass values for rigid body objects based on their volume and density. The volume is calculated automatically, the density needs to be given based on the object you want to simulate.

Nguyên Vật Liệu Sắp Đặt Sẵn (Material Preset)

A list of preset density values for real-world materials, if a material is not given you can research the density and use the Custom preset to input the density manually.

Tỷ Trọng (Density)

When the Custom Material Preset is selected, this is the input density, in kg/m3, to use.