Thanh Bên (Sidebar)
Chỉnh Sửa Hành Động (Edited Action)
Tham Chiếu (Reference)
- Panel (Bảng):
Thanh Bên (Sidebar) ‣ Hành Động Biên Soạn (Edited Action)

Bảng Hành Động Biên Soạn.
This panel is available for actions that have not been "Pushed Down".
- Hành Động (Action)
A Data-Block menu that allows you to edit actions shown in the action track. See also the Action Editor's Action.
- Ngoại Suy (Extrapolation)
Action to take for gaps past the strip extents.
- Giữ (Hold)
Affects both sides of the strip. This should only be set on the very first strip. When the order of strips changes (for example by dragging them in the NLA editor), a strip that is marked as Hold is no longer the very first strip will automatically be set to Hold Forward by Blender.
- Giữ Từ Đây Trở Đi (Hold Forward)
Affects the region after the clip, only. This can be set on any strip.
- Không (Nothing)
Affects only the region of the strip itself. This can be set on any strip.
- Pha Trộn (Blending)
Affects how the property values directly produced by the strip are combined with the result of evaluating the stack below. The bottom-most strip is blended on top of the default values of the properties.
- Thay Thế (Replace)
The top strip is linearly blended in with the accumulated result according to influence, completely overwriting it if influence is set to 100%.
- Nhân, Khấu Trừ, Cộng (Multiply, Subtract, Add)
The result of the strip is multiplied, subtracted, or added to the accumulated results, and then blended in according to influence.
\(result = mix(previous, previous (+-*) value, influence)\)
- Kết Hợp (Combine)
Một trong các phương pháp sau sẽ được tự động chọn tùy theo thể loại của từng tính chất:
- Xoay Chiều Trục/Góc Độ (Axis/Angle Rotation)
\(result = previous + value * influence\)
Phép toán này cho kết quả tính trung bình của trục và thêm số lượng vòng quay.
- Quaternion Rotation (Xoay Chiều Quatenion)
Phép toán Quaternion được áp dụng cho toàn bộ bốn kênh của tính chất cùng một lúc:
\(result = {previous} \times {value} ^ {influence}\)
- Cân Xứng [Tỷ Lệ] (Proportional [Scale])
\(result = previous * (value / default) ^ {influence}\)
- Những cái Khác (Others)
\(result = previous + (value - default) * {influence}\)
This allows layering actions that can also be used as a standalone. Properties keyframed at their default values remain at default.
Ghi chú
Since this blending mode is based on using quaternion multiplication to calculate the Quaternion Rotation properties, it always drives all four channels during playback, and Insert Single Keyframe is forced to insert all four keys. Other types of channels can still be keyed individually.
- Tác Động/Ảnh Hưởng (Influence)
Amount the active Action contributes to the result of the NLA stack.
Dải (Strip)
- Tên [Name]
Name of the track which the strip currently belongs to.
- Tắt/Giải Hoạt (Mute)
Toggles NLA strip evaluation, the strip outline will be dashed.
Dải đang Hoạt Động (Active Strip)
Tham Chiếu (Reference)
- Panel (Bảng):
Thanh Bên (Sidebar) ‣ Dải (Strip) ‣ Dải đang Hoạt Động (Active Strip)

Bảng Dải đang Hoạt Động.
- Khung Hình Khởi Đầu, Kết Thúc (Frame Start, End)
The boundaries of the strip itself. Note that this will stretch the duration of the Action, it will not cause greater or fewer keyframes from the Actions to play (see below for that option).
- Ngoại Suy (Extrapolation)
Xin xem mục Ngoại Suy (Extrapolation).
- Pha Trộn (Blending)
Xin xem mục Pha Trộn (Blending).
- Pha Trộn Vào, Ra (Blend In, Out)
The first and last frame that represents when this strip will have full influence.
- Tự Động Pha Trộn Vào/Ra (Auto Blend In/Out)
Creates a ramp starting at the overlap of the strips. The first strip has full control, and it ramps linearly giving the second strip full control by the end of the overlapping time period.
- Chơi Lại (Playback)
- Đảo Nghịch (Reversed)
Cause this strip to be played completely backwards.
- Tuần Hoàn Thời Gian của Dải (Cyclic Strip Time)
Cycle the animated time within the action start and end.
Ảnh Hưởng Hoạt Họa (Animated Influence)
Enabling alteration of the degree of influence this strip has as a keyframable value. If influence isn't animated, the strips will fade linearly, during the overlap. These can be found in the Dope Sheet or Graph Editors under the NLA Control Curves and look like group channels. They appear before all the groups or F-Curves for that channel.
Thời Gian Đoạn Hoạt Họa (Animated Strip Time)
Same as Animated Influence, but with Strip Time.
Đoạn Quay Hành Động (Action Clip)
Tham Chiếu (Reference)
- Panel (Bảng):
Sidebar region ‣ Animations ‣ Action Clip

Bảng về Đoạn Quay Hành Động.
This represents the 'object data' of the strip. Much like the transform values of an object.
- Hành Động (Action)
A reference to the Action contained within the strip. Can be changed to replace the current strip's value with another Action.
- Khung Hình Khởi Đầu, Kết Thúc (Frame Start, End)
How much of the Action to use.
For instance, it is common to set the first and last keyframe of an Action to be the same keyframes. The problem with this is if you loop the animation, there is a slight hitch where the same keyframes are played twice. To fix this, simply reduce the End Frame.
Ghi chú
If you select values that are above or below the actual keyframe count of the Action, then the F-Curve Extrapolation will be applied.
- Đồng Bộ Hóa Độ Dài (Sync Length)
Causes the Start and End Frames, above, to be reset to the first and last keyframed frames of the Action.
- Ngay Bây Giờ (Now)
The Now button causes the Start and End Frames, above, to be reset to the first and last keyframed frames of the Action.
- Đổi Tỷ Lệ Chơi Lại (Playback Scale)
Stretches strip, another way of increasing the Strip Extents: End Frame, above.
- Lặp Lại (Repeat)
Also expands the strip, but by looping from the first keyframe and going forward.
Hành Động (Action)
Tham Chiếu (Reference)
- Panel (Bảng):
Sidebar region ‣ Animations ‣ Action
This panel is identical to the one in Dope Sheet, and allows viewing or changing properties of the action used in the Action Clip, i.e. Manual Frame Range.
Modifiers (Bộ Điều Chỉnh)
Tham Chiếu (Reference)
- Panel (Bảng):
Vùng Thanh Bên (Sidebar region) ‣ Bộ Điều Chỉnh (Modifiers) ‣ Bộ Điều Chỉnh (Modifiers)
Like its counterparts in graph and video editing, Modifiers can stack different combinations of effects for strips.
Xin xem mục Bộ Điều Chỉnh Đường Cong-F (F-Curve Modifiers).