


Región Barra Lateral ‣ Modificadores ‣ Modificadores


Modifiers are used to make adjustments on the image, like contrast, brightness, saturation, color balance and applying masks.

You can add these modifiers directly to the selected strip, or you can use it within an «Adjustment Layer» effect strip, which allows you to apply these modifiers onto several strips the same time.

Modo Lineal

Calculate modifiers in linear space instead of sequencer space.

Copiar a Clips Seleccionados

Allows you to copy the modifiers to selected strips. This works two ways, you can either replace the old modifiers or append/add to the previous modifiers.

Opciones en común

Cada modificador tiene varios botones en su parte superior:

Silenciar (ícono de ojo)

Disables the modifier. Very useful to compare the image, with / without modifications.

Mover (ícono de flecha arriba/abajo)

The next two buttons are used to change the modifier’s position in the stack.

Eliminar X

The cross is to delete the modifier from the stack.

Input Mask Type


Use this to apply the modification on the whole image, or to use another strip’s image (with alpha channel) for masking the modifier (and only this modifier), by choosing it in the «Mask» select menu.


This allows you to choose a Mask created in the Mask editor which will limit the modification to the masked image’s zones.


Actualmente, se admiten los siguientes modificadores:

Bright/Contrast Modifier

Adjusts the brightness and contrast of the modifier input.

Modificador Color Balance

Color balance adjustments, either by the Lift, Gamma, and Gain or the Slope, Offset and Power method.

This modifier works similar to the Color Balance Node.


Según el método seleccionado, se pueden aplicar las siguientes operaciones a los valores de color en el espacio de color del secuenciador:

Realce / Gama / Ganancia

Aumenta el valor de las áreas oscuras.


Ajusta los medios tonos.


Ajusta las áreas iluminadas.

Desplazamiento / Potencia / Pendiente (ASC-CDL)

The following formula is applied to each RGB color value separately: \(c_{out} = (c_{in}*s + o)^p\)


El multiplicador \(s\) influye en todos los valores de color excepto en el negro. Su efecto es más fuerte cuanto más brillante es el color de origen.


Shifts color values after applying Slope by adding the Offset \(o\) to them. Note that the selected value shown in the UI will be subtracted by 1, so the default value of 1 means effectively no offset is applied.


Over-all exponent \(p\), which mainly adjusts the midtones.

Modificador Curvas

Curvas de color y RVA.

This modifier works the same as the Curves Node.

Modificador de Corrección de Tono

Curvas multipunto TSV.

This modifier works the same as the Curves Node.

Modificador Máscara

Use it for masking the other modifiers in the stack which are below.

For example, to correct the brightness only on a certain zone of the image, you can filter the Bright/Contrast modifier by placing a Mask modifier, just before it in the stack. You can choose to use a Mask created in the Mask editor, or to use another strip as a mask (the image of this strip must have an alpha channel). This mask will be applied on all the others modifiers below it in the stack.

Modificador Mapeo Tonal

Se utiliza para asignar un conjunto de colores a otro para aproximarse a la apariencia de imágenes de alto rango dinámico en un medio que tiene un rango dinámico más limitado.

This modifier works the same as the Tone Map Node.

Modificador Balance de Blancos

Use it to adjust the white balance by choosing the color that should be white.