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The STL-file format is useful if you intend to import/export the files for CAD software. It is also commonly used for loading into 3D printing software.
- Scale
Value by which to scale the imported objects in relation to the world's origin.
- Scene Unit
Apply current scene's unit (as defined by unit scale) to imported data.
- Facet Normals
Use (import) facet normals (note that this will still give flat shading).
- Forward / Up Axis
Since many applications use a different axis for pointing upwards, these are axis conversion for these settings, Forward and up axes -- By mapping these to different axes you can convert rotations between applications default up and forward axes.
Blender uses Y forward, Z up (since the front view looks along the +Y direction). For example, it is common for applications to use Y as the up axis, in that case -Z forward, Y up is needed.
- Validate Mesh
Check the imported mesh for corrupt data and fix it if necessary. This option will make the importing slower but is often not necessary.
Exports the stl-file in ASCII format rather than as a binary format
- Batch Mode
Export each object as a separate STL file.
- Include -- Selection Only
When checked, only selected objects are exported. Instanced objects, for example collections that are instanced in the scene, are considered 'selected' when their instancer is selected.
- Scale
Value by which to scale the exported objects in relation to the world's origin.
- Transform -- Scene Unit
Apply current scene's unit (as defined by unit scale) to exported data.
- Forward, Up
Since many applications use a different axis for 'Up', these are axis conversion for these settings, Forward and Up axes -- By mapping these to different axes you can convert rotations between applications default up and forward axes.
Blender uses Y Forward, Z Up (since the front view looks along the +Y direction). For example, it's common for applications to use Y as the up axis, in that case -Z Forward, Y Up is needed.
- Geometry -- Apply Modifiers
Export objects using the evaluated mesh, meaning the resulting mesh after all Modifiers have been calculated.