Con Cái -- Children

Tham Chiếu -- Reference

Bảng -- Panel

Hệ Thống Hạt (Particle System) ‣ Con Cái (Children)

Children are Hair or Emitter particles originating from individual particles. They make it possible to work primarily with a relatively low amount of Parent particles, for whom the physics are calculated. The children are then aligned to their parents. The number and visualization of the children can be changed without a recalculation of the physics.

If you activate children, the parents are no longer rendered. This can be enabled in the Render panel Parent Particles. By default, parent particles are not rendered because the shape of the children can be quite different from that of their parents.

Tùy Chọn Chung -- Common Options

Child Type
Không Có -- None

No children are generated.

Đơn Giản -- Simple

Children are emitted from the parent position.

Nội Suy -- Interpolated

Children are emitted between the Parent particles on the faces of a mesh. They interpolate between adjacent parents. This is especially useful for fur, because you can achieve an even distribution. Some of the children can become virtual parents, which are influencing other particles nearby.

Display Amount

The number of children in the 3D Viewport.

Render Amount

The number of children to be rendered.

Chiều Dài -- Length

Length of child paths.

Giới Hạn -- Threshold

Amount of particles left untouched by child path length.

Mầm -- Seed

Offset in the random number table for child particles, to get a different randomized result.


Tham Chiếu -- Reference

Bảng -- Panel

Particle System ‣ Children ‣ Clumping

Dùng Đường Cong cho Tạo Khóm -- Use Clump Curve

Use Thành Tố Đường Cong -- Curve Widget instead of parameters.

Khóm Lại -- Clump

Clumping amount along child strands. The children may meet at their tip (1.0) or start together at their root (-1.0).

Hình Dạng -- Shape

Form of Clump. Either inverse parabolic (0.99) or exponentially (-0.99).



Use Twist Curve


Clump Noise

Creates random clumps around the parent hair.

Độ Nhiễu Khi Khóm Lại -- Clump Noise Size

The size of the clumps.

Độ Ráp -- Roughness

Tham Chiếu -- Reference

Bảng -- Panel

Particle System ‣ Children ‣ Roughness

Dùng Đường Cong về Độ Ráp -- Use Roughness Curve

Use Thành Tố Đường Cong -- Curve Widget instead of parameters.

Uniform, Size

It is based on children location so it varies the paths in a similar way when the children are near.

Endpoint, Shape

"Rough End" randomizes path ends (a bit like random negative clumping). Shape may be varied from <1 (parabolic) to 10.0 (hyperbolic).

Random, Size, Threshold

It is based on a random vector so it is not the same for nearby children. The threshold can be specified to apply this to only a part of children. This is useful for creating a few stray children that will not do what others do.

Xoắn Vặn -- Kink

Tham Chiếu -- Reference

Bảng -- Panel

Particle System ‣ Children ‣ Kink


Child particles with Kink.

From left to right: Curl, Radial, Wave, Braid, Spiral.

With Kink you can rotate the children around the parent. See Fig. Child particles with Kink. above picture for the different types of Kink.

Kink Type
Không -- Nothing

Bị giải hoạt (tắt).

Quăn -- Curl

Children grow in a spiral around the parent hairs.

Tỏa Tròn -- Radial

Children form around the parent a wave shape that passes through the parent hair.

Sóng -- Wave

Children form a wave, all in the same direction.

Tết -- Braid

Children braid themselves around the parent hair.

Xoắn Ốc -- Spiral

Generates a spiral at the end of each hair.

Radius, Resolution

Define the overall size.

Hình Dạng -- Shape

Makes a the spiral grow in- or outward.

Ghi chú

Alignment Limitations

When hair is pointing straight up (along the chosen spiral axis, default Z), spirals may not show up! This is a limitation of the projection method used. Giving a slight tilt or random orientation to hairs fixes this.

Biên Độ -- Amplitude

The amplitude of the offset.

Khóm Lại -- Clump

How much clump effects kink amplitude.

Độ Phẳng -- Flatness

How flat the hairs are.

Tần Số -- Frequency

The frequency of the offset (1/total length). The higher the frequency the more rotations are done.

Hình Dạng -- Shape

Where the rotation starts (offset of rotation).

Đơn Giản -- Simple

Kích Thước -- Size

A multiplier for children size.

Random Size

Random variation to the size of child particles.


The radius in which the children are distributed around their parents. This is 3D, so children may be emitted higher or lower than their parents.

Độ Tròn -- Roundness

The roundness of the children around their parents. Either in a sphere (1.0) or in-plane (0.0).

Nội Suy -- Interpolated

Virtual Parents

Relative amount of virtual parents.

Tóc Dài -- Long Hair

Calculate children that suit long hair well.



Creates parting in the children based on parent strands.


The minimum/maximum root to tip angle (tip distance/root distance for long hair).



From left to right: Round: 0.0, Round: 1.0, Clump: 1.0, Clump: -1.0, Shape: -0.99.