Tham Chiếu
- Chế Độ
Chế Độ Vật Thể
- Trình Đơn
- Tổ Hợp Phím Tắt
Vị Trí, Xoay Chiều, Tỷ Lệ Alt-G, Alt-R, Alt-S
Clearing transforms resets the transform values. The objects location and rotation values are set to 0, and the scale to 1.
- Xóa Vị Trí Alt-G
Clear (reset) the location of the selection. This will move the selection back to the coordinates (0, 0, 0).
- Xóa tỷ lệ Alt-S
Clear (reset) the scale of the selection. This will change the scale to (1, 1, 1).
- Xóa Sự xoay chiều Alt-R
Clear (reset) the rotation of the selection. This will set the rotation of the selection to 0 degrees in each plane.
- Xóa Gốc Tọa Độ
Clears (resets) the offset of the child objects origin from the Parent. This will cause child objects to move to the origin of the parent. The relationship between the parent and child is not affected, you can confirm the relationship is still intact by using the Outliner to verify that the child object is still parented.
Tùy Chọn
- Xóa Delta
Clear the delta transform in addition to clearing the primary transforms. (Appears in the Điều Chỉnh Thao Tác Trước Đây panel.)