Vẽ (Draw)

Tham Chiếu (Reference)

Chế Độ (Mode)

Chế Độ Biên Soạn (Edit Mode)

Công Cụ (Tool)

Toolbar ‣ Draw

The Curve draw tool allows you to free-hand draw curves.

Sắp Đặt Công Cụ (Tool Settings)


Curve Stroke panel.

Thể Loại (Type)

Type of curve to use for drawing.

Đa Giác (Poly)

Bézier Curve with straight line segments (auto handles).

Bézier (Đường Cong Bézier)
Sai Số (Tolerance)

Lower values give a result that is closer to the drawing stroke, while higher values give more smoothed results.

Phương Pháp (Method)
Tái Khớp/Chỉnh Lại (Refit)

Incrementally refits the curve (gives best results).

Tách Phân (Split)

Splits the curve until the tolerance is met (gives a better drawing performance).

Phát Hiện các Góc (Detect Corners)

Detects corners while drawing based on a specified angle; Any angles above the specified value are considered corners. If a corner is detected, the curve uses non-aligned handles for the corner resulting in a more crisp corner.

Bán Kính (Radius)
Tối Thiểu (Min)

Minimum radius when the minimum pressure is applied (also the minimum when tapering).

Tối Đa (Max)

Radius to use when the maximum pressure is applied (or when a tablet is not used).

Sử Dụng Áp Lực (Use Pressure)

Uses stylus pressure to control the radius of the curve.

Chiều/Độ Sâu (Depth)

Controls where and how the curves are drawn.

Con Trỏ (Cursor)

Uses the depth under the cursor to draw curves.

Bề Mặt (Surface)

Used to draw on top of other objects.

Dịch Chuyển (Offset)

Distance to offset the curve from the surface.

Dịch Chuyển Tuyệt Đối (Absolute Offset)

Applies a fixed offset (does not scale by the curve radius).

Duy Điểm Đầu (Only First)

Only uses the start of the stroke for the depth.

Mặt Phẳng (Plane)

The orientation plane to draw on, available when Only First is enabled.

Pháp Tuyến/Góc Nhìn (Normal/View)

Draws perpendicular to the surface.

Pháp Tuyến/Bề Mặt (Normal/Surface)

Draws aligned to the surface.

Góc Nhìn (View)

Draws aligned to the viewport.

Tùy Chọn (Options)

After the tool is run, these options are available in the Điều Chỉnh Thao Tác Trước Đây (Adjust Last Operation) panel.

Lỗi/Sai Số (Error)

Error distance in object units. This can be seen similar to a subdivision rate for the curve. Lower values give a result that is closer to the drawing stroke while higher values give more smoothed results.

Phương Pháp Khít (Fit Method)
Tái Khớp/Chỉnh Lại (Refit)

Incrementally refits the curve (gives best results).

Tách Phân (Split)

Splits the curve until the tolerance is met (gives a better drawing performance).

Góc Độ của Đỉnh (Corner Angle)

Any angles above this are considered corners.

Cyclic (Tuần Hoàn)

Toggles whether or not the curve is Cyclic.