Attribute Separate XYZ


Attribute Separate XYZ Node.

The Attribute Separate XYZ Node splits a vector into its individual components.

Inputs – Уводи

Geometry – Геометрія

Standard geometry input.

Vector – Вектор

The vector to split into components. This can be an attribute name or a vector.

Result X, Result Y, Result Z

The names of the attributes to store the components of the input vector. A new attribute with that name is added if it does not exist yet. If it does exist, the values of the existing attribute are overridden.

Properties – Властивості

Type – Тип
Атрибут – Attribute

The input is a text field that expects an attribute name.

Vector – Вектор

The input is a vector of three float numbers.

Вивід – Output

Geometry – Геометрія

Standard geometry output.