Trình Biên Soạn Nút Hình Học
The Geometry Node editor is used to edit a Node Group which is used by the Geometry Node Modifier. This node group can define many operations to modify an object's geometry.
A list of all Geometry Nodes is available in the modeling section.
Giao Diện
Tiêu Đề
- Góc Nhìn
Standard view menu.
- Chọn
Menu for Selecting Nodes.
- Cộng Thêm
Menu for adding new Geometry Nodes.
- Nút
Menu for Editing Nodes.
- Nhóm Nút Hình Học
The data-block selector can change the active node group being edited.
- Ghim (biểu tượng cái đinh ghim)
The pin button will keep the current geometry node group selection fixed, instead of using the Active Modifier. When a geometry node group is pinned, it will remain visible in the Geometry Node editor even when another object or modifier is selected elsewhere.
- Cây Nút Phụ Huynh
Jumps up a node group level, see Biên Soạn Nhóm for more information.
- Bám Dính
Controls to control snapping when transforming nodes.
Thanh Công Cụ
The Geometry Node editor has several tools to work with tools that can be accessed from the Toolbar.