Chọn Đối Xứng

Tham Chiếu

Chế Độ

Chế Độ Biên Soạn

Trình Đơn

Select ‣ Select Mirror

Tổ Hợp Phím Tắt


Select Mirror flips a selection to the opposite side of the mesh.


Choose on which axis the selection will occur. The axis is based on the meshes origin. Therefore, if the origin is not centered within the mesh, the selection will have varying results.

Nới/Mở Rộng

The new selection will include the mirrored selection as well as the original.


(From left to right) initial selection, after Select Mirror on the X axis, with Extend.


With Extend activated, hold Shift while choosing an axis to include more than one axis in the selection. Otherwise, with Extend off, the mirror will take into account two to three axes.

Ví Dụ


(From left to right) initial selection, mirrored along X and Z axes, with Extend.