Bên của Cái Đang Hoạt Động

Tham Chiếu

Chế Độ

Chế Độ Biên Soạn

Trình Đơn

Chọn (Select) ‣ Tương Đồng (Similar)

With an active vertex, this tool will select all vertices in a specified direction. It is similarly to the Loop Inner-Region tool in that it will fill select faces within its perimeters, however, it is determined by direction and not by a closed loop.

Chế Độ Trục

Determines the behavior of the selection. More information on this can be found in Transform Orientations.

Ký Hiệu của Trục
Trục Dương/Âm

Depending on which Axis is chosen, the selection will encompass the positive or negative axis starting from the active vertex outward.

Trục Sắp Hàng

Where Positive and Negative Axis select all vertices in a given direction, Aligned Axis will only select the vertices that are in-line with the active vertex.


While following along the X axis: (from left to right) active vertex, Aligned, Positive, and Negative.


Đổi vị trí của con trỏ 3D.


The amount of influence the selection has outside the original perimeters. The higher the Threshold the more vertices will be selected.