Tầng Lớp (Layer)

Tham Chiếu (Reference)

Chế Độ (Mode)

Chế Độ Điêu Khắc (Sculpt Mode)

Công Cụ (Tool)

Toolbar ‣ Layer

Tổ Hợp Phím Tắt (Shortcut)


This brush is similar to Draw, except that the height of the displacement layer is capped. This creates the appearance of a solid layer being drawn. This brush does not draw on top of itself; a brush stroke intersects itself. Releasing the mouse button and starting a new stroke will reset the depth and paint on top of the previous stroke.

Những Sắp Đặt của Đầu Bút Vẽ (Brush Settings)

Chiều Cao (Height)

The amount of displacement for each layer.

Ổn Định (Persistent)

You can keep sculpting on the same layer between strokes when this is on.

Đặt Cơ Sở Ổn Định (Set Persistent Base)

This button resets the base so that you can add another layer.