在生产环境中部署 Blender

本页包含在动画工作室和学校等环境中设置 Blender 的技巧。


安装 Blender

Blender downloads can be extracted to any directory on the system, as a self contained installation. Multiple Blender versions can co-exist on the same system, and deployment can be automated using standard file management tools.

New Blender versions may add, remove or change functionality that affects the results of production files. For a given project, it is advisable to use a single LTS version of Blender. LTS versions receive bug fixes for two years.



默认情况下,Blender 不会访问互联网,但可以在系统偏好设置中通过联机访问选项启用。

脱机工作可通过使用 --offline-mode 命令行参数来强制执行。这样,用户就无法在偏好设置中启用在线访问。


遵循此设置的插件只有在启用的情况下才会连接到互联网。然而,Blender 无法阻止第三方插件违反这一规则。


When working offline or in a more controlled environment, it may be useful to provide a set of extensions to all users. For this there is a default read-only System repository. This repository can for example be located on a read-only network drive or in a system directory.



The $BLENDER_SYSTEM_EXTENSIONS environment variable controls the default location. This should point to a directory, within which a system directory should exist.

Extensions packages should be extracted in this system directory, with a resulting path like this:


In the Extensions preferences, it's possible to manually set a custom directory for the default System repository, or to create multiple repositories.


Besides extensions, it's possible to bundle scripts for presets, application templates, legacy add-ons, as well as scripts run on startup.

Script directories can be manually added in the File Paths preferences. The $BLENDER_SYSTEM_SCRIPTS can also be used to add a script directory without modifying the preferences.

These script directories are expected to contain specific directories like presets, addons and startup for different types of scripts. See 路径布局 for a complete list.


The Blender Python API can be used to customize Blender. This includes changing preferences, changing the startup file and adding UI elements.

For example, a script can enable add-ons for every user.

def register():
    import addon_utils

def unregister():

if __name__ == "__main__":


应用模板可以用来为特定任务或项目设置 Blender,与默认配置分开。创建新文件时,用户可以选择模板。




尚未转换为扩展的插件需要放在 addons 脚本目录中。



VFX 平台

Blender follows the VFX reference platform, which means it is able to run on the same systems as other VFX software and exchange image, volume and scene files with them.

Python 版本

Blender and the bpy module are only compatible with a single Python version. This makes it possible for add-ons and VFX software in general to only have to target a single Python version.

Blender bundles a complete Python installation and does not interact with the system Python by default. This can be changed with the --python-use-system-env command line argument, if care is taken to set up a compatible Python version.