Armature Operators¶
- bpy.ops.armature.align()¶
Align selected bones to the active bone (or to their parent)
- bpy.ops.armature.assign_to_collection(*, collection_index=-1, new_collection_name='')¶
Assign all selected bones to a collection, or unassign them, depending on whether the active bone is already assigned or not
- Parameters:
collection_index (int in [-1, inf], (optional)) – Collection Index, Index of the collection to assign selected bones to. When the operator should create a new bone collection, use new_collection_name to define the collection name, and set this parameter to the parent index of the new bone collection
new_collection_name (string, (optional, never None)) – Name, Name of a to-be-added bone collection. Only pass this if you want to create a new bone collection and assign the selected bones to it. To assign to an existing collection, do not include this parameter and use collection_index
- bpy.ops.armature.autoside_names(*, type='XAXIS')¶
Automatically renames the selected bones according to which side of the target axis they fall on
- Parameters:
type (enum in ['XAXIS', 'YAXIS', 'ZAXIS'], (optional)) –
Axis, Axis to tag names with
X-Axis – Left/Right.YAXIS
Y-Axis – Front/Back.ZAXIS
Z-Axis – Top/Bottom.
- bpy.ops.armature.bone_primitive_add(*, name='')¶
Add a new bone located at the 3D cursor
- Parameters:
name (string, (optional, never None)) – Name, Name of the newly created bone
- bpy.ops.armature.calculate_roll(*, type='POS_X', axis_flip=False, axis_only=False)¶
Automatically fix alignment of select bones’ axes
- Parameters:
type (enum in ['POS_X', 'POS_Z', 'GLOBAL_POS_X', 'GLOBAL_POS_Y', 'GLOBAL_POS_Z', 'NEG_X', 'NEG_Z', 'GLOBAL_NEG_X', 'GLOBAL_NEG_Y', 'GLOBAL_NEG_Z', 'ACTIVE', 'VIEW', 'CURSOR'], (optional)) – Type
axis_flip (boolean, (optional)) – Flip Axis, Negate the alignment axis
axis_only (boolean, (optional)) – Shortest Rotation, Ignore the axis direction, use the shortest rotation to align
- bpy.ops.armature.click_extrude()¶
Create a new bone going from the last selected joint to the mouse position
- bpy.ops.armature.collection_add()¶
Add a new bone collection
- bpy.ops.armature.collection_assign(*, name='')¶
Add selected bones to the chosen bone collection
- Parameters:
name (string, (optional, never None)) – Bone Collection, Name of the bone collection to assign this bone to; empty to assign to the active bone collection
- bpy.ops.armature.collection_create_and_assign(*, name='')¶
Create a new bone collection and assign all selected bones
- Parameters:
name (string, (optional, never None)) – Bone Collection, Name of the bone collection to create
- bpy.ops.armature.collection_deselect()¶
Deselect bones of active Bone Collection
- bpy.ops.armature.collection_move(*, direction='UP')¶
Change position of active Bone Collection in list of Bone collections
- Parameters:
direction (enum in ['UP', 'DOWN'], (optional)) – Direction, Direction to move the active Bone Collection towards
- bpy.ops.armature.collection_remove()¶
Remove the active bone collection
- bpy.ops.armature.collection_remove_unused()¶
Remove all bone collections that have neither bones nor children. This is done recursively, so bone collections that only have unused children are also removed
- bpy.ops.armature.collection_select()¶
Select bones in active Bone Collection
- bpy.ops.armature.collection_show_all()¶
Show all bone collections
- bpy.ops.armature.collection_unassign(*, name='')¶
Remove selected bones from the active bone collection
- Parameters:
name (string, (optional, never None)) – Bone Collection, Name of the bone collection to unassign this bone from; empty to unassign from the active bone collection
- bpy.ops.armature.collection_unassign_named(*, name='', bone_name='')¶
Unassign the named bone from this bone collection
- Parameters:
name (string, (optional, never None)) – Bone Collection, Name of the bone collection to unassign this bone from; empty to unassign from the active bone collection
bone_name (string, (optional, never None)) – Bone Name, Name of the bone to unassign from the collection; empty to use the active bone
- bpy.ops.armature.collection_unsolo_all()¶
Clear the ‘solo’ setting on all bone collections
- bpy.ops.armature.copy_bone_color_to_selected(*, bone_type='EDIT')¶
Copy the bone color of the active bone to all selected bones
- Parameters:
bone_type (enum in ['EDIT', 'POSE'], (optional)) –
Bone – Copy Bone colors from the active bone to all selected bones.POSE
Pose Bone – Copy Pose Bone colors from the active pose bone to all selected pose bones.
- File:
- bpy.ops.armature.delete(*, confirm=True)¶
Remove selected bones from the armature
- Parameters:
confirm (boolean, (optional)) – Confirm, Prompt for confirmation
- bpy.ops.armature.dissolve()¶
Dissolve selected bones from the armature
- bpy.ops.armature.duplicate(*, do_flip_names=False)¶
Make copies of the selected bones within the same armature
- Parameters:
do_flip_names (boolean, (optional)) – Flip Names, Try to flip names of the bones, if possible, instead of adding a number extension
- bpy.ops.armature.duplicate_move(*, ARMATURE_OT_duplicate=None, TRANSFORM_OT_translate=None)¶
Make copies of the selected bones within the same armature and move them
- Parameters:
ARMATURE_OT_duplicate (
, (optional)) – Duplicate Selected Bone(s), Make copies of the selected bones within the same armatureTRANSFORM_OT_translate (
, (optional)) – Move, Move selected items
- bpy.ops.armature.extrude(*, forked=False)¶
Create new bones from the selected joints
- Parameters:
forked (boolean, (optional)) – Forked
- bpy.ops.armature.extrude_forked(*, ARMATURE_OT_extrude=None, TRANSFORM_OT_translate=None)¶
Create new bones from the selected joints and move them
- Parameters:
ARMATURE_OT_extrude (
, (optional)) – Extrude, Create new bones from the selected jointsTRANSFORM_OT_translate (
, (optional)) – Move, Move selected items
- bpy.ops.armature.extrude_move(*, ARMATURE_OT_extrude=None, TRANSFORM_OT_translate=None)¶
Create new bones from the selected joints and move them
- Parameters:
ARMATURE_OT_extrude (
, (optional)) – Extrude, Create new bones from the selected jointsTRANSFORM_OT_translate (
, (optional)) – Move, Move selected items
- bpy.ops.armature.fill()¶
Add bone between selected joint(s) and/or 3D cursor
- bpy.ops.armature.flip_names(*, do_strip_numbers=False)¶
Flips (and corrects) the axis suffixes of the names of selected bones
- Parameters:
do_strip_numbers (boolean, (optional)) – Strip Numbers, Try to remove right-most dot-number from flipped names.Warning: May result in incoherent naming in some cases
- bpy.ops.armature.hide(*, unselected=False)¶
Tag selected bones to not be visible in Edit Mode
- Parameters:
unselected (boolean, (optional)) – Unselected, Hide unselected rather than selected
- bpy.ops.armature.move_to_collection(*, collection_index=-1, new_collection_name='')¶
Move bones to a collection
- Parameters:
collection_index (int in [-1, inf], (optional)) – Collection Index, Index of the collection to move selected bones to. When the operator should create a new bone collection, do not include this parameter and pass new_collection_name
new_collection_name (string, (optional, never None)) – Name, Name of a to-be-added bone collection. Only pass this if you want to create a new bone collection and move the selected bones to it. To move to an existing collection, do not include this parameter and use collection_index
- bpy.ops.armature.parent_clear(*, type='CLEAR')¶
Remove the parent-child relationship between selected bones and their parents
- Parameters:
type (enum in ['CLEAR', 'DISCONNECT'], (optional)) – Clear Type, What way to clear parenting
- bpy.ops.armature.parent_set(*, type='CONNECTED')¶
Set the active bone as the parent of the selected bones
- Parameters:
type (enum in ['CONNECTED', 'OFFSET'], (optional)) – Parent Type, Type of parenting
- bpy.ops.armature.reveal(*, select=True)¶
Reveal all bones hidden in Edit Mode
- Parameters:
select (boolean, (optional)) – Select
- bpy.ops.armature.roll_clear(*, roll=0.0)¶
Clear roll for selected bones
- Parameters:
roll (float in [-6.28319, 6.28319], (optional)) – Roll
- bpy.ops.armature.select_all(*, action='TOGGLE')¶
Toggle selection status of all bones
- Parameters:
action (enum in ['TOGGLE', 'SELECT', 'DESELECT', 'INVERT'], (optional)) –
Action, Selection action to execute
Toggle – Toggle selection for all elements.SELECT
Select – Select all elements.DESELECT
Deselect – Deselect all elements.INVERT
Invert – Invert selection of all elements.
- bpy.ops.armature.select_hierarchy(*, direction='PARENT', extend=False)¶
Select immediate parent/children of selected bones
- Parameters:
direction (enum in ['PARENT', 'CHILD'], (optional)) – Direction
extend (boolean, (optional)) – Extend, Extend the selection
- bpy.ops.armature.select_less()¶
Deselect those bones at the boundary of each selection region
- bpy.ops.armature.select_linked(*, all_forks=False)¶
Select all bones linked by parent/child connections to the current selection
- Parameters:
all_forks (boolean, (optional)) – All Forks, Follow forks in the parents chain
- bpy.ops.armature.select_linked_pick(*, deselect=False, all_forks=False)¶
(De)select bones linked by parent/child connections under the mouse cursor
- Parameters:
deselect (boolean, (optional)) – Deselect
all_forks (boolean, (optional)) – All Forks, Follow forks in the parents chain
- bpy.ops.armature.select_mirror(*, only_active=False, extend=False)¶
Mirror the bone selection
- Parameters:
only_active (boolean, (optional)) – Active Only, Only operate on the active bone
extend (boolean, (optional)) – Extend, Extend the selection
- bpy.ops.armature.select_more()¶
Select those bones connected to the initial selection
- bpy.ops.armature.select_similar(*, type='LENGTH', threshold=0.1)¶
Select similar bones by property types
- Parameters:
threshold (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Threshold
- bpy.ops.armature.separate()¶
Isolate selected bones into a separate armature
- bpy.ops.armature.shortest_path_pick()¶
Select shortest path between two bones
- bpy.ops.armature.split()¶
Split off selected bones from connected unselected bones
- bpy.ops.armature.subdivide(*, number_cuts=1)¶
Break selected bones into chains of smaller bones
- Parameters:
number_cuts (int in [1, 1000], (optional)) – Number of Cuts
- bpy.ops.armature.switch_direction()¶
Change the direction that a chain of bones points in (head and tail swap)
- bpy.ops.armature.symmetrize(*, direction='NEGATIVE_X')¶
Enforce symmetry, make copies of the selection or use existing
- Parameters:
direction (enum in ['NEGATIVE_X', 'POSITIVE_X'], (optional)) – Direction, Which sides to copy from and to (when both are selected)