Constraint Operators


Add a target to the constraint



bpy.ops.constraint.apply(*, constraint='', owner='OBJECT', report=False)

Apply constraint and remove from the stack

  • constraint (string, (optional, never None)) – Constraint, Name of the constraint to edit

  • owner (enum in ['OBJECT', 'BONE'], (optional)) –

    Owner, The owner of this constraint

    • OBJECT Object – Edit a constraint on the active object.

    • BONE Bone – Edit a constraint on the active bone.

  • report (boolean, (optional)) – Report, Create a notification after the operation

bpy.ops.constraint.childof_clear_inverse(*, constraint='', owner='OBJECT')

Clear inverse correction for Child Of constraint

  • constraint (string, (optional, never None)) – Constraint, Name of the constraint to edit

  • owner (enum in ['OBJECT', 'BONE'], (optional)) –

    Owner, The owner of this constraint

    • OBJECT Object – Edit a constraint on the active object.

    • BONE Bone – Edit a constraint on the active bone.

bpy.ops.constraint.childof_set_inverse(*, constraint='', owner='OBJECT')

Set inverse correction for Child Of constraint

  • constraint (string, (optional, never None)) – Constraint, Name of the constraint to edit

  • owner (enum in ['OBJECT', 'BONE'], (optional)) –

    Owner, The owner of this constraint

    • OBJECT Object – Edit a constraint on the active object.

    • BONE Bone – Edit a constraint on the active bone.

bpy.ops.constraint.copy(*, constraint='', owner='OBJECT', report=False)

Duplicate constraint at the same position in the stack

  • constraint (string, (optional, never None)) – Constraint, Name of the constraint to edit

  • owner (enum in ['OBJECT', 'BONE'], (optional)) –

    Owner, The owner of this constraint

    • OBJECT Object – Edit a constraint on the active object.

    • BONE Bone – Edit a constraint on the active bone.

  • report (boolean, (optional)) – Report, Create a notification after the operation

bpy.ops.constraint.copy_to_selected(*, constraint='', owner='OBJECT')

Copy constraint to other selected objects/bones

  • constraint (string, (optional, never None)) – Constraint, Name of the constraint to edit

  • owner (enum in ['OBJECT', 'BONE'], (optional)) –

    Owner, The owner of this constraint

    • OBJECT Object – Edit a constraint on the active object.

    • BONE Bone – Edit a constraint on the active bone.

bpy.ops.constraint.delete(*, constraint='', owner='OBJECT', report=False)

Remove constraint from constraint stack

  • constraint (string, (optional, never None)) – Constraint, Name of the constraint to edit

  • owner (enum in ['OBJECT', 'BONE'], (optional)) –

    Owner, The owner of this constraint

    • OBJECT Object – Edit a constraint on the active object.

    • BONE Bone – Edit a constraint on the active bone.

  • report (boolean, (optional)) – Report, Create a notification after the operation


Set the influence of this constraint to zero while trying to maintain the object’s transformation. Other active constraints can still influence the final transformation



bpy.ops.constraint.followpath_path_animate(*, constraint='', owner='OBJECT', frame_start=1, length=100)

Add default animation for path used by constraint if it isn’t animated already

  • constraint (string, (optional, never None)) – Constraint, Name of the constraint to edit

  • owner (enum in ['OBJECT', 'BONE'], (optional)) –

    Owner, The owner of this constraint

    • OBJECT Object – Edit a constraint on the active object.

    • BONE Bone – Edit a constraint on the active bone.

  • frame_start (int in [-1048574, 1048574], (optional)) – Start Frame, First frame of path animation

  • length (int in [0, 1048574], (optional)) – Length, Number of frames that path animation should take

bpy.ops.constraint.limitdistance_reset(*, constraint='', owner='OBJECT')

Reset limiting distance for Limit Distance Constraint

  • constraint (string, (optional, never None)) – Constraint, Name of the constraint to edit

  • owner (enum in ['OBJECT', 'BONE'], (optional)) –

    Owner, The owner of this constraint

    • OBJECT Object – Edit a constraint on the active object.

    • BONE Bone – Edit a constraint on the active bone.

bpy.ops.constraint.move_down(*, constraint='', owner='OBJECT')

Move constraint down in constraint stack

  • constraint (string, (optional, never None)) – Constraint, Name of the constraint to edit

  • owner (enum in ['OBJECT', 'BONE'], (optional)) –

    Owner, The owner of this constraint

    • OBJECT Object – Edit a constraint on the active object.

    • BONE Bone – Edit a constraint on the active bone.

bpy.ops.constraint.move_to_index(*, constraint='', owner='OBJECT', index=0)

Change the constraint’s position in the list so it evaluates after the set number of others

  • constraint (string, (optional, never None)) – Constraint, Name of the constraint to edit

  • owner (enum in ['OBJECT', 'BONE'], (optional)) –

    Owner, The owner of this constraint

    • OBJECT Object – Edit a constraint on the active object.

    • BONE Bone – Edit a constraint on the active bone.

  • index (int in [0, inf], (optional)) – Index, The index to move the constraint to

bpy.ops.constraint.move_up(*, constraint='', owner='OBJECT')

Move constraint up in constraint stack

  • constraint (string, (optional, never None)) – Constraint, Name of the constraint to edit

  • owner (enum in ['OBJECT', 'BONE'], (optional)) –

    Owner, The owner of this constraint

    • OBJECT Object – Edit a constraint on the active object.

    • BONE Bone – Edit a constraint on the active bone.


Normalize weights of all target bones



bpy.ops.constraint.objectsolver_clear_inverse(*, constraint='', owner='OBJECT')

Clear inverse correction for Object Solver constraint

  • constraint (string, (optional, never None)) – Constraint, Name of the constraint to edit

  • owner (enum in ['OBJECT', 'BONE'], (optional)) –

    Owner, The owner of this constraint

    • OBJECT Object – Edit a constraint on the active object.

    • BONE Bone – Edit a constraint on the active bone.

bpy.ops.constraint.objectsolver_set_inverse(*, constraint='', owner='OBJECT')

Set inverse correction for Object Solver constraint

  • constraint (string, (optional, never None)) – Constraint, Name of the constraint to edit

  • owner (enum in ['OBJECT', 'BONE'], (optional)) –

    Owner, The owner of this constraint

    • OBJECT Object – Edit a constraint on the active object.

    • BONE Bone – Edit a constraint on the active bone.

bpy.ops.constraint.remove_target(*, index=0)

Remove the target from the constraint


index (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – index



bpy.ops.constraint.stretchto_reset(*, constraint='', owner='OBJECT')

Reset original length of bone for Stretch To Constraint

  • constraint (string, (optional, never None)) – Constraint, Name of the constraint to edit

  • owner (enum in ['OBJECT', 'BONE'], (optional)) –

    Owner, The owner of this constraint

    • OBJECT Object – Edit a constraint on the active object.

    • BONE Bone – Edit a constraint on the active bone.