Gizmogroup Operators¶
- bpy.ops.gizmogroup.gizmo_select(*, extend=False, deselect=False, toggle=False, deselect_all=False, select_passthrough=False)¶
Select the currently highlighted gizmo
- Parameters:
extend (boolean, (optional)) – Extend, Extend selection instead of deselecting everything first
deselect (boolean, (optional)) – Deselect, Remove from selection
toggle (boolean, (optional)) – Toggle Selection, Toggle the selection
deselect_all (boolean, (optional)) – Deselect On Nothing, Deselect all when nothing under the cursor
select_passthrough (boolean, (optional)) – Only Select Unselected, Ignore the select action when the element is already selected
- bpy.ops.gizmogroup.gizmo_tweak()¶
Tweak the active gizmo