Mesh Boolean Node#

Mesh Boolean node.

The Mesh Boolean Node allows you to cut, subtract, and join the geometry of two inputs. This node offers the same operations as the Boolean modifier.


Mesh 1/2

Entrada padrão de geometria.

Self Intersection

Correctly calculates cases when one or both operands have self-intersections. This involves more calculations making the node slower.

Hole Tolerant

Optimizes the Boolean output for Non-manifold geometry at the cost of increased computational time. Because of the performance impact, this option should only be enabled when the solver demonstrates errors with non-manifold geometry.



Produz uma nova geometria contendo apenas o volume dentro de tanto a geometria 1 e geometria 2.


The two input meshes are joined, then any interior elements are removed.


Geometria 2 é subtraída da geometria 1 (tudo fora da geometria 2 é mantido).


Algorithm used to calculate the Boolean intersections.


Uses a mathematically simple solver which offers the best performance; however, this solver lacks support for overlapping geometry.


Uses a mathematically complex solver which offers the best results and has full support for overlapping geometry; however, this solver is much slower than the Fast Solver.



Saída padrão de geometria.

Intersecting Edges Exact Solver

A boolean attribute field with a selection of the edges that were created where the two inputs meet.