Bảng biến hóa

Tham Chiếu

Chế Độ

Chế Độ Biên Soạn


Xương (Bone) ‣ Biến Hóa (Transform)

When nothing is selected, the panel is empty. When more than one vertex is selected, the median values are edited and "Median" is added in front of the labels.

Điểm Điều Khiển, Điểm Đỉnh

The first controls (X, Y, Z) show the coordinates of the selected point or handle (vertex). In case of a NURBS curve, there is a fourth component available (W), which defines the weight of the selected control point or the median weight.

Cách/Khoảng Trống/Không Gian

The Space radio buttons let you choose if those coordinates are relative to the object origin (local) or the global origin (global).

Toàn Cầu, Địa Phương

Trọng Lượng

Controls the "goal weight" of selected control points, which is used when a curve has Soft Body physics, forcing the curve to "stick" to their original positions, based on the weight.

Bán Kính

Controls the width of the extrusion/bevel along the "spinal" curve. The radius will be interpolated from point to point (you can check it with the normals).

Xoay Nghiêng

Controls how the normals (visualized as arrows) twist around each control point -- so it is only relevant with 3D curves! The tilt will be interpolated from point to point (you can check it with the normals).