Giao Cắt (Bool)
Tham Chiếu
- Chế Độ
Chế Độ Biên Soạn
- Trình Đơn
Performs Boolean operations with the selection on the unselected geometry. While the Bộ Điều Chỉnh Bool is useful for non-destructive edits, access to these operations with a tool in Edit Mode can be useful to quickly perform edits.
- Thao tác Lôgic Bool
- Giao Cắt Nhau
Opposite of Difference (everything inside of the target mesh is kept).
- Hợp Nhất
The target mesh is added to the modified mesh.
- Hiệu
The target mesh is subtracted from the modified mesh (everything outside of the target mesh is kept).
- Trình Giải Nghiệm
Algorithm used to calculate the Boolean intersections.
- Nhanh
Uses a mathematically simple solver which offers the best performance; however, this solver lacks support for overlapping geometry.
- Ngưỡng hội nhập
Tolerance for close faces to be considered touching. It may be useful to increase this when some intersections aren't detected that should be and when extra geometry is being created because edges aren't detected as overlapping.
Cảnh báo
A threshold approaching the size of faces may cause very slow calculation, in general keep this value small.
- Chính Xác
Uses a mathematically complex solver which offers the best results and has full support for overlapping geometry; however, this solver is much slower than the Fast Solver.
- Tráo Đổi
Changes the order of the operations when using Difference to determine which side is kept.
- Bản Thân Giao Cắt Nhau
Correctly calculates cases when one or both operands have self-intersections, this involves more calculations making it slower.