Node Light Path


Node Light Path.

The Light Path node is used to find out for which kind of incoming ray the shader is being executed; particularly useful for non-physically-based tricks. More information about the meaning of each type is in the Light Paths documentation.


Ce node n’a pas d’entrées.


Ce node n’a pas de propriétés.


Is Camera Ray
1.0 if shading is executed for a camera ray, 0.0 otherwise.
Is Shadow Ray
1.0 if shading is executed for a shadow ray, 0.0 otherwise.
Is Diffuse Ray
1.0 if shading is executed for a diffuse ray, 0.0 otherwise.
Is Glossy Ray
1.0 if shading is executed for a glossy ray, 0.0 otherwise.
Is Singular Ray
1.0 if shading is executed for a singular ray, 0.0 otherwise.
Is Reflection Ray
1.0 if shading is executed for a reflection ray, 0.0 otherwise.
Is Transmission Ray
1.0 if shading is executed for a transmission ray, 0.0 otherwise.
Ray Length
Distance traveled by the light ray from the last bounce or camera.
Ray Depth

Number of times the ray has « bounced », i.e. been reflected or transmitted on interaction with a surface.


Passing through a transparent shader does not count as a normal « bounce ».

Diffuse Depth
Glossy Depth
Transparent Depth
Returns the number of transparent surfaces passed through.
Transmission Depth
Replace a Transmission light path after X bounces with another shader, e.g. a Diffuse one. This can be used to avoid black surfaces, due to low amount of max bounces.