Nút Chất Liệu hình ảnh
Ghi chú
Unlike the other texture nodes, this node operates differently
in geometry nodes compared to the equivalent shader node.
When not connected the Vector input has an implicit position
attribute value.
Nút Chất Liệu hình ảnh.
The Image Texture node is used to add an image file as a texture. The image data is sampled with the input Vector and outputs a Color and Alpha value.
Đầu Vào
- Hình Ảnh
The image socket can be used to connect to the Group Input node. If this is not connected the image can be opened or selected from the node.
- Véctơ
Texture coordinate for texture look-up. If this socket is left unconnected, the Position attribute is used.
- Khung Hình
If the Image supports animation, the frame can be set here. This can be keyframed so that the image changes between frames.
Tính Chất
- Nội Suy
Method to scale images up or down for sampling.
- Tuyến Tính
Nội suy chất lượng thông thường.
- Lập Phương
Smoother, better quality interpolation. For bump maps this should be used to get best results.
- Gần Nhất
No interpolation, use only closest pixel for rendering pixel art.
- Nới Rộng/Đuôi
Extension defines how the image is extrapolated past the original bounds:
- Lặp Lại
Will repeat the image horizontally and vertically giving tiled-looking result.
- Nới/Mở Rộng
Will extend the image by repeating pixels on its edges.
- Cắt/Xén
Clip to the original image size and set all the exterior pixels values to transparent black.
Đầu Ra
- Màu Sắc
RGBA color from the image.
- Alpha
Alpha channel from image.
Ví Dụ
Image Texture displacing a plane.