Di Chuyển

Tham Chiếu

Chế Độ

Chế Độ Vật Thể và Chế Độ Tư Thế -- Object Mode and Pose Mode

Trình Đơn

Cốt (Armature) ‣ Biến Hóa (Transform) ‣ Canh Hàng Xương (Align Bones)

Tổ Hợp Phím Tắt


In Object Mode, the move option lets you move objects. Translation means changing location of objects. It also lets you move any elements that make up the object within the 3D space of the active 3D Viewport.

Pressing G activates "Move" transformation mode. The selected object or element then moves freely according to the mouse pointer's location and camera. To confirm the action, press LMB. While moving items, the amount of change along the X, Y, and Z axis is displayed in the header of the 3D Viewport.


Công cụ dịch chuyển.


Moving an object in Object Mode changes the object's origin. Moving the object's vertices/edges/faces in Edit Mode does not change the object's origin.

Xem thêm

Using a combination of shortcuts gives you more control over your transformation. See Transform Control.

Tùy Chọn

Di Chuyển X, Y, Z

The amount to move the selection on the respected axis.

Định Hướng

Aligns the transformation axes to a specified orientation constraint. See Transform Orientations for more information.

Biên Soạn Cân Đối

The extruded face will affect nearby geometry. See Proportional Editing for a full reference.