Dọn dẹp
These tools are to help cleanup degenerate geometry and fill in missing areas of a mesh.
Tiêu Hao Hình Học
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- Chế Độ
Chế Độ Biên Soạn
- Trình Đơn
The Decimate Geometry tool allows you to reduce the vertex/face count of a mesh with minimal shape changes.
- Tỷ Số
Ratio of triangles to reduce to.
- Nhóm Điểm Đỉnh
Use the active vertex group as an influence.
- Trọng Lượng
Strength of the vertex group.
- Đảo Nghịch
Inverts the vertex group.
- Đối Xứng
Maintain symmetry on either the X, Y, or Z axis.
Xem thêm
This tool works similar to the Decimate Modifier.
Lấp Lỗ
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This tool can take a large selection and detect the holes in the mesh, filling them in.
This is different from the face creation operator in three important respects:
Holes are detected, so there is no need to manually find and select the edges around the holes.
Holes can have a limit for the number of sides (so only quads or tris are filled in for example).
Mesh data is copied from surrounding geometry (UVs, vertex colors, multi-res, all layers), since manually creating this data is very time-consuming.
Tạo Bề Mặt Bằng Phẳng
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The Make Planar Faces iteratively flattens faces. This can happen with faces over three vertices and it is a common convention that faces should be kept planar.
- Hệ Số
Distance to move the vertices each iteration.
- Số Lần số lần tuần hoàn/Nhắc/lặp lại
Number of times to repeat the operation.
Phân Chia các Bề Mặt Không Phẳng
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This tool avoids ambiguous areas of geometry by splitting non-flat faces when they are bent beyond a given limit.
Phân Chia các Bề Mặt Lõm
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This tool can be used to convert any Concave Face to convex by splitting the concave into two or more convex faces.
Xóa Rời Rạc
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This tool removes disconnected vertices and edges (optionally faces).
Tiêu Hủy có Suy Biến
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This tool collapses / removes geometry which you typically will not want.
Edges with no length.
Faces with no areas (faces on a point or thin faces).
Face corners with no area.
Hội Nhập theo Khoảng Cách
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- Trình Đơn
Merge by Distance is a useful tool to simplify a mesh by merging the selected vertices that are closer than a specified distance to each other. An alternative way to simplify a mesh is to use the Decimate Modifier.
- Khoảng Cách Hội Nhập
Sets the distance threshold for merging vertices.
- Chưa Chọn
Allows vertices in the selection to be merged with unselected vertices. When disabled, selected vertices will only be merged with other selected ones.