Tái cấu trúc liên kết (Retopology)

Retopology is the process of simplifying the topology of a mesh to make it cleaner and easier to work with. Retopology is need for mangled topology resulting from sculpting or generated topology, for example from a 3D scan. Meshes often need to be retopologized if the mesh is going to be deformed in some way. Deformations can include rigging or physics simulations such as cloth or soft body. Retopology can be done by hand by manipulating geometry in Edit Mode or through automated methods.

Sử Dụng Công Cụ Dựng Đa Giác (Using the Poly Build Tool)

Nội dung cần viết thêm 2.76.

Kiến Tạo Lại Khung Lưới (Remeshing)

Tham Chiếu (Reference)

Chế Độ (Mode)

Chế Độ Vật Thể, Chế Độ Điêu Khắc (Object Mode, Sculpt Mode)

Bảng (Panel)

Properties ‣ Object Data ‣ Remesh

Remeshing is a technique that automatically rebuilds the geometry with a more uniform topology. Remeshing can either add or remove the amount of topology depending on a defined resolution. This technique is especially useful for sculpting, to generate better topology after blocking out the initial shape.

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Remesh modifier

Voxel (Thể Tích Tử)

The Voxel Remesher uses OpenVDB to generate a new manifold mesh from the current geometry. It produces a mesh with perfectly even distributed topology and it does not have any performance penalty once the new mesh is calculated. This makes the voxel remesher great for sculpting as it is possible to sculpt at a much higher level of detail than using other features like dyntopo which often adds more performance overhead.

Kích Thước Thể Tích Tử (Voxel Size)

The resolution or the amount of detail the remeshed mesh will have. The value is used to define the size, in object space, of the Voxel. These voxels are assembled around the mesh and are used to determine the new geometry. For example a value of 0.5 m will create topological patches that are about 0.5 m (assuming Preserve Volume is enabled). Lower values preserve finer details but will result in a mesh with a much more dense topology.

Tùy Ứng (Adaptivity)

Reduces the final face count by simplifying geometry where detail is not needed. This introduce triangulation to faces that do not need as much detail. Note, an Adaptivity value greater than zero disables Fix Poles.

Sửa các Điểm Hội Tụ (Fix Poles)

Tries to produce less Poles at the cost of some performance to produce a better topological flow.

Bảo Tồn (Preserve)
Âm Lượng (Volume)

Tells the algorithm to try to preserve the original volume of the mesh. Enabling this could make the operator slower depending on the complexity of the mesh.

Sơn Vẽ Vùng Chắn Lọc (Paint Mask)

Reprojects the paint mask onto the new mesh.

Bề Mặt Ấn Định (Face Sets)

Reprojects Face Sets onto the new mesh.

Thuộc Tính Màu (Color Attributes)

Reprojects the Color Attributes onto the new mesh.

Bố Trí Lại Thể Tích Tử (Voxel Remesh)

Performs the remeshing operation to create a new manifold mesh based on the volume of the current mesh. Performing this will lose all mesh object data layers associated with the original mesh.

Quad (Tứ Giác, viết tắt)

The Quad remesh uses the Quadriflow algorithm to create a Quad based mesh with few poles and edge loops following the curvature of the surface. This method is relatively slow but generates a higher quality output for final topology.

Cảnh báo

Performing Quadriflow Remesh will lose all mesh object data layers associated with the original mesh.

Tứ Giác Hóa Khung Lưới (Quadriflow Remesh)

Opens a pop-up used to set parameters for the remesh operation.

Sử Dụng sự Đối Xứng Hóa của Sơn (Use Paint Symmetry)

Generates a symmetrical mesh using the Mesh Symmetry options.

Bảo Tồn nét Sắc Nhọn (Preserve Sharp)

Tells the algorithm to try to preserve sharp features of the mesh. Enabling this could make the operator slower depending on the complexity of the mesh.

Bảo Tồn Ranh Giới Khung Lưới (Preserve Mesh Boundary)

Tells the algorithm to try to preserve the original volume of the mesh. Enabling this could make the operator slower depending on the complexity of the mesh.

Bảo Tồn Màn Chắn Sơn Vẽ (Preserve Paint Mask)

Reprojects the Paint Mask onto the new mesh.

Làm Mượt Pháp Tuyến (Smooth Normals)

Applies the Smooth Normals operator to the resulting mesh.

Chế Độ (Mode)

Phương pháp để xác định lượng chi tiết cho khung lưới mới.

Tỷ Số (Ratio)

Xác định số lượng bề mặt mục tiêu tương đối với khung lưới hiện tại.

Độ Dài Cạnh (Edge Length)

Chiều dài mục tiêu của cạnh trong khung lưới mới.

Bề Mặt (Faces)

Số lượng bề mặt mục tiêu cung cấp trong khung lưới mới.

Seed (Mầm)

Random Seed to use with the solver; different seeds will cause the remesher to generate different quad layouts on the mesh.