Bên của Cái Đang Hoạt Động (Side of Active)
Tham Chiếu (Reference)
- Chế Độ (Mode)
Chế Độ Biên Soạn (Edit Mode)
- Trình Đơn (Menu)
With an active vertex, this tool will select all vertices in a specified direction. It is similarly to the Loop Inner-Region tool in that it will fill select faces within its perimeters, however, it is determined by direction and not by a closed loop.
- Chế Độ Trục (Axis Mode)
Determines the behavior of the selection. More information on this can be found in Transform Orientations.
- Ký Hiệu của Trục (Axis Sign)
- Trục Dương/Âm (Positive/Negative Axis)
Depending on which Axis is chosen, the selection will encompass the positive or negative axis starting from the active vertex outward.
- Canh Hàng với Trục (Aligned Axis)
Where Positive and Negative Axis select all vertices in a given direction, Aligned Axis will only select the vertices that are in-line with the active vertex.
- Axis (Trục)
Đổi vị trí của con trỏ 3D.
- Ngưỡng (Threshold)
The amount of influence the selection has outside the original perimeters. The higher the Threshold the more vertices will be selected.