Chọn Tương Đồng (Select Similar)
Tham Chiếu (Reference)
- Chế Độ (Mode)
Chế Độ Biên Soạn (Edit Mode)
- Trình Đơn (Menu)
- Tổ Hợp Phím Tắt (Shortcut)
Select geometry that has similar certain properties to the ones selected, based on a threshold that can be set in tool properties after activating the tool. Tool options change depending on the selection mode:
- Chế độ lựa chọn điểm đỉnh (Vertex Selection Mode):
- Normal (Pháp tuyến)
Selects all vertices that have normals pointing in similar directions to those currently selected.
- Số Lượng Bề Mặt Kề Cạnh (Amount of Adjacent Faces)
Selects all vertices that have the same number of faces connected to them.
- Nhóm Điểm Đỉnh (Vertex Groups)
Selects all vertices in the same vertex group.
- Số Lượng các Cạnh Kết Nối (Amount of Connecting Edges)
Selects all vertices that have the same number of edges connected to them.
- Chế độ lựa chọn cạnh (Edge Selection Mode):
- Chiều Dài (Length)
Selects all edges that have a similar length as those already selected.
- Chiều Hướng (Direction)
Selects all edges that have a similar direction (angle) as those already selected.
- Số lượng Bề Mặt Bao Quanh một Cạnh (Amount of Faces Around an Edge)
Selects all edges that belong to the same number of faces.
- Góc Độ Bề Mặt (Face Angles)
Selects all edges that are between two faces forming a similar angle, as with those already selected.
- Crease (Nếp Gập)
Selects all edges that have a similar Crease value as those already selected.
- Bevel (Bo Tròn)
Selects all edges that have the same Bevel Weight as those already selected.
- Đường Khâu (Seam)
Selects all edges that have the same Seam state as those already selected. Seam is a mark used in UV texturing.
- Độ Sắc Nhọn (Sharpness)
Selects all edges that have the same Sharp state as those already selected. Sharp is a mark used by the Edge Split Modifier.
- Chế độ lựa chọn bề mặt (Face Selection Mode):
- Nguyên Vật Liệu (Material)
Selects all faces that use the same material as those already selected.
- Diện Tích/Khu Vực (Area)
Selects all faces that have a similar area as those already selected.
- Số Cạnh của Đa Giác (Polygon Sides)
Selects all faces that have the same number of edges.
- Chu Vi (Perimeter)
Selects all faces that have a similar perimeter (added values of its edge lengths).
- Normal (Pháp tuyến)
Selects all faces that have a similar normal as those selected. This is a way to select faces that have the same orientation (angle).
- Cùng Mặt Phẳng (Co-planar)
Selects all faces that are (nearly) in the same plane as those selected.
- Bằng Thẳng/Mịn (Flat/Smooth)
Selects all faces with similar face shading.
- Ánh Xạ Bề Mặt (Face-Map)
Selects all faces belonging to a Face-Map.
- Dấu Chỉ Bề Mặt PCTD (Freestyle Face Marks)
Selects all faces with similar Freestyle Face Marks.
Các Vùng của Bề Mặt (Face Regions)
Tham Chiếu (Reference)
- Chế Độ (Mode)
Chế Độ Biên Soạn (Edit Mode)
- Trình Đơn (Menu)
Select matching features on a mesh that has multiple similar areas based on the topology.