Bộ Điều Chỉnh Mạch Lưới
The Wireframe modifier transforms a mesh into a wireframe by iterating over its faces, collecting all edges and turning those edges into four-sided polygons. Be aware of the fact that your mesh needs to have faces to be wireframed. You can define the thickness, the material and several other parameters of the generated wireframe dynamically via the given modifier options.
Tùy Chọn
Bộ Điều Chỉnh Khung Dây -- Wireframe Modifier.
- Độ Dày
The depth or size of the wireframes.
- Dịch Chuyển
A value between (-1 to 1) to change whether the wireframes are generated inside or outside of the original mesh. Set to zero, Offset will center the wireframes around the original edges.
- Ranh Giới
Creates wireframes on mesh island boundaries.
- Thay Thế Bản Gốc
If this option is enabled, the original mesh is replaced by the generated wireframe. If not, the wireframe is generated on top of it.
- Độ Dày
- Đều Đặn
Duy trì chiều dày bằng cách chỉnh sửa các góc Sắc Nhọn. Đôi khi cải thiện chất lượng song lại cũng làm tăng thời gian tính toán.
- Tương Đối
Determines the edge thickness by the length of the edge. Longer edges will be thicker.
- Miết Nếp Gấp của Cạnh
This option is intended for usage with the Subdivision modifier. Enable this option to crease edges on their junctions and prevent large curved intersections.
- Trọng lượng nếp nhăn/gấp
Define how much crease (0 to 1, nothing to full) the junctions should receive.
- Dịch Chuyển của Nguyên Vật Liệu
Uses the chosen material index as the material for the wireframe; this is applied as an offset from the first material.
Cảnh báo
Wireframe thickness is an approximation. While Even Thickness should yield good results in many cases, skinny faces can cause ugly spikes. In this case you can either reduce the extreme angles in the geometry or disable the Even Thickness option.
Nhóm Điểm Đỉnh
The weights of the selected vertex group are multiplied onto the Thickness, so vertices with lower weights will be less thick. The vertices which are not part of the vertex group will be used as if their weight was zero.
- Đảo Nghịch
Reverses the vertex group weights, so that the used weight is one minus the actual weight.
- Hệ Số
How much the vertex weights are taken into account.
On 0.0 , vertices with zero weight will have no thickness at all.
On 0.5 , vertices with zero weight will be half as thick as those with full weight.
On 1.0 , the weights are ignored and the Thickness value is used for every vertex.
Ghi chú
If the final thickness of a vertex is zero, it will still generate a wireframe. Therefore creating duplicate geometry, which sometimes needs extra care.
Ví Dụ
Wireframes on a displaced plane.
In this example, the wireframes carry a second (dark) material while the displaced plane uses its original one.
Vertex group weighting.
The weights of the vertex group gradually change from 0 to 1.
Nhập Khẩu Phân Hóa Bề Mặt.
Cube with enabled Crease Edges option. The Crease Weight is set to 0, 0.5 and 1.