Di Chuyển, Xoay Chiều, Đổi tỷ lệ (Move, Rotate, Scale)
Tham Chiếu (Reference)
- Chế Độ (Mode)
Chế Độ Biên Soạn (Edit Mode)
- Công Cụ (Tool)
- Trình Đơn (Menu)
- Tổ Hợp Phím Tắt (Shortcut)
Mức Phân Chia W, X
Once you have a selection of one or more elements, you can move G, rotate R or scale S them, like many other things in Blender, as described in the Manipulation in 3D Space section. To move, rotate and scale selected components, either use the Move, Rotate, and Scale buttons, the transform gizmos, or the shortcuts: G, R, and S respectively.
After moving a selection, the options in the Điều Chỉnh Thao Tác Trước Đây (Adjust Last Operation) panel allow you to fine-tune your changes, limit the effect to certain axes, turn Proportional Editing on and off, etc. Of course, when you move an element of a given type (e.g. an edge), you also modify the implicitly related elements of other kinds (e.g. vertices and faces).
Pressing G twice enters either Edge Slide or Vertex Slide tool depending on the selection. You also have in Edit Mode an extra option when using these basic manipulations: the Proportional Editing.
Bảng biến hóa (Transform Panel)
Tham Chiếu (Reference)
- Chế Độ (Mode)
Chế Độ Biên Soạn (Edit Mode)
- Bảng (Panel)
When nothing is selected, the panel is empty. When more than one vertex is selected, the median values is edited and "Median" is added in front of the labels.
- Vertex (Điểm Đỉnh)
The first controls (X, Y, Z) show the coordinates of the selected vertex or the median point.
- Khoảng Cách/Trống/Không Gian (Space)
The Space radio buttons let you choose if those coordinates are relative to the object origin (local) or the global origin (global).
Toàn Cầu, Địa Phương
Dữ liệu điểm đỉnh (Vertex Data)
- Trọng Lượng Bo Tròn (Bevel Weight)
This vertex property, a value between (0.0 to 1.0), is used by the Bevel Modifier to control the bevel intensity of the vertices, when the Only Vertices option is active.
Dữ liệu cạnh (Edge Data)
When an edge is selected, the following options are available. More buttons appear:
- Trọng Lượng Bo Tròn (Bevel Weight)
This edge property, a value between (0.0 to 1.0), is used by the Bevel Modifier to control the bevel intensity of the edges.
This property can also be set using the Trọng Lượng Bo Tròn Cạnh (Edge Bevel Weight) operator.
- Crease (Nếp Gập)
This edge property, a value between (0.0 to 1.0), is used by the Subdivision Surface Modifier to control the sharpness of the edges in the subdivided mesh.