Uv Operators#


Aligns selected UV vertices on a line


axis (enum in ['ALIGN_S', 'ALIGN_T', 'ALIGN_U', 'ALIGN_AUTO', 'ALIGN_X', 'ALIGN_Y'], (optional)) –

Axis, Axis to align UV locations on

  • ALIGN_S Straighten – Align UV vertices along the line defined by the endpoints.

  • ALIGN_T Straighten X – Align UV vertices, moving them horizontally to the line defined by the endpoints.

  • ALIGN_U Straighten Y – Align UV vertices, moving them vertically to the line defined by the endpoints.

  • ALIGN_AUTO Align Auto – Automatically choose the direction on which there is most alignment already.

  • ALIGN_X Align Vertically – Align UV vertices on a vertical line.

  • ALIGN_Y Align Horizontally – Align UV vertices on a horizontal line.

bpy.ops.uv.align_rotation(method='AUTO', axis='X', correct_aspect=False)#

Align the UV island’s rotation

  • method (enum in ['AUTO', 'EDGE', 'GEOMETRY'], (optional)) –

    Method, Method to calculate rotation angle

    • AUTO Auto – Align from all edges.

    • EDGE Edge – Only selected edges.

    • GEOMETRY Geometry – Align to Geometry axis.

  • axis (enum in ['X', 'Y', 'Z'], (optional)) –

    Axis, Axis to align to

    • X X – X axis.

    • Y Y – Y axis.

    • Z Z – Z axis.

  • correct_aspect (boolean, (optional)) – Correct Aspect, Take image aspect ratio into account



bpy.ops.uv.average_islands_scale(scale_uv=False, shear=False)#

Average the size of separate UV islands, based on their area in 3D space

  • scale_uv (boolean, (optional)) – Non-Uniform, Scale U and V independently

  • shear (boolean, (optional)) – Shear, Reduce shear within islands


Copy selected UV vertices

bpy.ops.uv.cube_project(cube_size=1.0, correct_aspect=True, clip_to_bounds=False, scale_to_bounds=False)#

Project the UV vertices of the mesh over the six faces of a cube

  • cube_size (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Cube Size, Size of the cube to project on

  • correct_aspect (boolean, (optional)) – Correct Aspect, Map UVs taking image aspect ratio into account

  • clip_to_bounds (boolean, (optional)) – Clip to Bounds, Clip UV coordinates to bounds after unwrapping

  • scale_to_bounds (boolean, (optional)) – Scale to Bounds, Scale UV coordinates to bounds after unwrapping

bpy.ops.uv.cursor_set(location=(0.0, 0.0))#

Set 2D cursor location


location (mathutils.Vector of 2 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Location, Cursor location in normalized (0.0 to 1.0) coordinates

bpy.ops.uv.cylinder_project(direction='VIEW_ON_EQUATOR', align='POLAR_ZX', pole='PINCH', seam=False, radius=1.0, correct_aspect=True, clip_to_bounds=False, scale_to_bounds=False)#

Project the UV vertices of the mesh over the curved wall of a cylinder

  • direction (enum in ['VIEW_ON_EQUATOR', 'VIEW_ON_POLES', 'ALIGN_TO_OBJECT'], (optional)) –

    Direction, Direction of the sphere or cylinder

    • VIEW_ON_EQUATOR View on Equator – 3D view is on the equator.

    • VIEW_ON_POLES View on Poles – 3D view is on the poles.

    • ALIGN_TO_OBJECT Align to Object – Align according to object transform.

  • align (enum in ['POLAR_ZX', 'POLAR_ZY'], (optional)) –

    Align, How to determine rotation around the pole

    • POLAR_ZX Polar ZX – Polar 0 is X.

    • POLAR_ZY Polar ZY – Polar 0 is Y.

  • pole (enum in ['PINCH', 'FAN'], (optional)) –

    Pole, How to handle faces at the poles

    • PINCH Pinch – UVs are pinched at the poles.

    • FAN Fan – UVs are fanned at the poles.

  • seam (boolean, (optional)) – Preserve Seams, Separate projections by islands isolated by seams

  • radius (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Radius, Radius of the sphere or cylinder

  • correct_aspect (boolean, (optional)) – Correct Aspect, Map UVs taking image aspect ratio into account

  • clip_to_bounds (boolean, (optional)) – Clip to Bounds, Clip UV coordinates to bounds after unwrapping

  • scale_to_bounds (boolean, (optional)) – Scale to Bounds, Scale UV coordinates to bounds after unwrapping

bpy.ops.uv.export_layout(filepath='', export_all=False, export_tiles='NONE', modified=False, mode='PNG', size=(1024, 1024), opacity=0.25, check_existing=True)#

Export UV layout to file

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – filepath

  • export_all (boolean, (optional)) – All UVs, Export all UVs in this mesh (not just visible ones)

  • export_tiles (enum in ['NONE', 'UDIM', 'UV'], (optional)) –

    Export Tiles, Choose whether to export only the [0, 1] range, or all UV tiles

    • NONE None – Export only UVs in the [0, 1] range.

    • UDIM UDIM – Export tiles in the UDIM numbering scheme: 1001 + u_tile + 10*v_tile.

    • UV UVTILE – Export tiles in the UVTILE numbering scheme: u(u_tile + 1)_v(v_tile + 1).

  • modified (boolean, (optional)) – Modified, Exports UVs from the modified mesh

  • mode (enum in ['SVG', 'EPS', 'PNG'], (optional)) –

    Format, File format to export the UV layout to

    • SVG Scalable Vector Graphic (.svg) – Export the UV layout to a vector SVG file.

    • EPS Encapsulated PostScript (.eps) – Export the UV layout to a vector EPS file.

    • PNG PNG Image (.png) – Export the UV layout to a bitmap image.

  • size (int array of 2 items in [8, 32768], (optional)) – Size, Dimensions of the exported file

  • opacity (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Fill Opacity, Set amount of opacity for exported UV layout

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – check_existing




Follow UVs from active quads along continuous face loops


mode (enum in ['EVEN', 'LENGTH', 'LENGTH_AVERAGE'], (optional)) –

Edge Length Mode, Method to space UV edge loops

  • EVEN Even – Space all UVs evenly.

  • LENGTH Length – Average space UVs edge length of each loop.

  • LENGTH_AVERAGE Length Average – Average space UVs edge length of each loop.




Hide (un)selected UV vertices


unselected (boolean, (optional)) – Unselected, Hide unselected rather than selected


Pack each face’s UVs into the UV bounds

  • PREF_CONTEXT (enum in ['SEL_FACES', 'ALL_FACES'], (optional)) –


    • SEL_FACES Selected Faces – Space all UVs evenly.

    • ALL_FACES All Faces – Average space UVs edge length of each loop.

  • PREF_PACK_IN_ONE (boolean, (optional)) – Share Texture Space, Objects share texture space, map all objects into a single UV map

  • PREF_NEW_UVLAYER (boolean, (optional)) – New UV Map, Create a new UV map for every mesh packed

  • PREF_BOX_DIV (int in [1, 48], (optional)) – Pack Quality, Quality of the packing. Higher values will be slower but waste less space

  • PREF_MARGIN_DIV (float in [0.001, 1], (optional)) – Margin, Size of the margin as a division of the UV




Mark selected UV edges as seams


clear (boolean, (optional)) – Clear Seams, Clear instead of marking seams

bpy.ops.uv.minimize_stretch(fill_holes=True, blend=0.0, iterations=0)#

Reduce UV stretching by relaxing angles

  • fill_holes (boolean, (optional)) – Fill Holes, Virtually fill holes in mesh before unwrapping, to better avoid overlaps and preserve symmetry

  • blend (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Blend, Blend factor between stretch minimized and original

  • iterations (int in [0, inf], (optional)) – Iterations, Number of iterations to run, 0 is unlimited when run interactively

bpy.ops.uv.pack_islands(udim_source='CLOSEST_UDIM', rotate=True, rotate_method='ANY', scale=True, merge_overlap=False, margin_method='SCALED', margin=0.001, pin=False, pin_method='LOCKED', shape_method='CONCAVE')#

Transform all islands so that they fill up the UV/UDIM space as much as possible

  • udim_source (enum in ['CLOSEST_UDIM', 'ACTIVE_UDIM', 'ORIGINAL_AABB'], (optional)) –

    Pack to

    • CLOSEST_UDIM Closest UDIM – Pack islands to closest UDIM.

    • ACTIVE_UDIM Active UDIM – Pack islands to active UDIM image tile or UDIM grid tile where 2D cursor is located.

    • ORIGINAL_AABB Original bounding box – Pack to starting bounding box of islands.

  • rotate (boolean, (optional)) – Rotate, Rotate islands to improve layout

  • rotate_method (enum in ['ANY', 'CARDINAL', 'AXIS_ALIGNED', 'AXIS_ALIGNED_X', 'AXIS_ALIGNED_Y'], (optional)) –

    Rotation Method

    • ANY Any – Any angle is allowed for rotation.

    • CARDINAL Cardinal – Only 90 degree rotations are allowed.

    • AXIS_ALIGNED Axis-aligned – Rotated to a minimal rectangle, either vertical or horizontal.

    • AXIS_ALIGNED_X Axis-aligned (Horizontal) – Rotate islands to be aligned horizontally.

    • AXIS_ALIGNED_Y Axis-aligned (Vertical) – Rotate islands to be aligned vertically.

  • scale (boolean, (optional)) – Scale, Scale islands to fill unit square

  • merge_overlap (boolean, (optional)) – Merge Overlapping, Overlapping islands stick together

  • margin_method (enum in ['SCALED', 'ADD', 'FRACTION'], (optional)) –

    Margin Method

    • SCALED Scaled – Use scale of existing UVs to multiply margin.

    • ADD Add – Just add the margin, ignoring any UV scale.

    • FRACTION Fraction – Specify a precise fraction of final UV output.

  • margin (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Margin, Space between islands

  • pin (boolean, (optional)) – Lock Pinned Islands, Constrain islands containing any pinned UV’s

  • pin_method (enum in ['SCALE', 'ROTATION', 'ROTATION_SCALE', 'LOCKED'], (optional)) –

    Pin Method

    • SCALE Scale – Pinned islands won’t rescale.

    • ROTATION Rotation – Pinned islands won’t rotate.

    • ROTATION_SCALE Rotation and Scale – Pinned islands will translate only.

    • LOCKED All – Pinned islands are locked in place.

  • shape_method (enum in ['CONCAVE', 'CONVEX', 'AABB'], (optional)) –

    Shape Method

    • CONCAVE Exact Shape (Concave) – Uses exact geometry.

    • CONVEX Boundary Shape (Convex) – Uses convex hull.

    • AABB Bounding Box – Uses bounding boxes.


Paste selected UV vertices

bpy.ops.uv.pin(clear=False, invert=False)#

Set/clear selected UV vertices as anchored between multiple unwrap operations

  • clear (boolean, (optional)) – Clear, Clear pinning for the selection instead of setting it

  • invert (boolean, (optional)) – Invert, Invert pinning for the selection instead of setting it

bpy.ops.uv.project_from_view(orthographic=False, camera_bounds=True, correct_aspect=True, clip_to_bounds=False, scale_to_bounds=False)#

Project the UV vertices of the mesh as seen in current 3D view

  • orthographic (boolean, (optional)) – Orthographic, Use orthographic projection

  • camera_bounds (boolean, (optional)) – Camera Bounds, Map UVs to the camera region taking resolution and aspect into account

  • correct_aspect (boolean, (optional)) – Correct Aspect, Map UVs taking image aspect ratio into account

  • clip_to_bounds (boolean, (optional)) – Clip to Bounds, Clip UV coordinates to bounds after unwrapping

  • scale_to_bounds (boolean, (optional)) – Scale to Bounds, Scale UV coordinates to bounds after unwrapping

bpy.ops.uv.randomize_uv_transform(random_seed=0, use_loc=True, loc=(0.0, 0.0), use_rot=True, rot=0.0, use_scale=True, scale_even=False, scale=(1.0, 1.0))#

Randomize the UV island’s location, rotation, and scale

  • random_seed (int in [0, 10000], (optional)) – Random Seed, Seed value for the random generator

  • use_loc (boolean, (optional)) – Randomize Location, Randomize the location values

  • loc (mathutils.Vector of 2 items in [-100, 100], (optional)) – Location, Maximum distance the objects can spread over each axis

  • use_rot (boolean, (optional)) – Randomize Rotation, Randomize the rotation value

  • rot (float in [-6.28319, 6.28319], (optional)) – Rotation, Maximum rotation

  • use_scale (boolean, (optional)) – Randomize Scale, Randomize the scale values

  • scale_even (boolean, (optional)) – Scale Even, Use the same scale value for both axes

  • scale (float array of 2 items in [-100, 100], (optional)) – Scale, Maximum scale randomization over each axis



bpy.ops.uv.remove_doubles(threshold=0.02, use_unselected=False, use_shared_vertex=False)#

Selected UV vertices that are within a radius of each other are welded together

  • threshold (float in [0, 10], (optional)) – Merge Distance, Maximum distance between welded vertices

  • use_unselected (boolean, (optional)) – Unselected, Merge selected to other unselected vertices

  • use_shared_vertex (boolean, (optional)) – Shared Vertex, Weld UVs based on shared vertices


Reset UV projection


Reveal all hidden UV vertices


select (boolean, (optional)) – Select

bpy.ops.uv.rip(mirror=False, release_confirm=False, use_accurate=False, location=(0.0, 0.0))#

Rip selected vertices or a selected region

  • mirror (boolean, (optional)) – Mirror Editing

  • release_confirm (boolean, (optional)) – Confirm on Release, Always confirm operation when releasing button

  • use_accurate (boolean, (optional)) – Accurate, Use accurate transformation

  • location (mathutils.Vector of 2 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Location, Mouse location in normalized coordinates, 0.0 to 1.0 is within the image bounds

bpy.ops.uv.rip_move(UV_OT_rip=None, TRANSFORM_OT_translate=None)#

Unstitch UVs and move the result

  • UV_OT_rip (UV_OT_rip, (optional)) – UV Rip, Rip selected vertices or a selected region

  • TRANSFORM_OT_translate (TRANSFORM_OT_translate, (optional)) – Move, Move selected items

bpy.ops.uv.seams_from_islands(mark_seams=True, mark_sharp=False)#

Set mesh seams according to island setup in the UV editor

  • mark_seams (boolean, (optional)) – Mark Seams, Mark boundary edges as seams

  • mark_sharp (boolean, (optional)) – Mark Sharp, Mark boundary edges as sharp

bpy.ops.uv.select(extend=False, deselect=False, toggle=False, deselect_all=False, select_passthrough=False, location=(0.0, 0.0))#

Select UV vertices

  • extend (boolean, (optional)) – Extend, Extend selection instead of deselecting everything first

  • deselect (boolean, (optional)) – Deselect, Remove from selection

  • toggle (boolean, (optional)) – Toggle Selection, Toggle the selection

  • deselect_all (boolean, (optional)) – Deselect On Nothing, Deselect all when nothing under the cursor

  • select_passthrough (boolean, (optional)) – Only Select Unselected, Ignore the select action when the element is already selected

  • location (mathutils.Vector of 2 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Location, Mouse location in normalized coordinates, 0.0 to 1.0 is within the image bounds


Change selection of all UV vertices


action (enum in ['TOGGLE', 'SELECT', 'DESELECT', 'INVERT'], (optional)) –

Action, Selection action to execute

  • TOGGLE Toggle – Toggle selection for all elements.

  • SELECT Select – Select all elements.

  • DESELECT Deselect – Deselect all elements.

  • INVERT Invert – Invert selection of all elements.

bpy.ops.uv.select_box(pinned=False, xmin=0, xmax=0, ymin=0, ymax=0, wait_for_input=True, mode='SET')#

Select UV vertices using box selection

  • pinned (boolean, (optional)) – Pinned, Border select pinned UVs only

  • xmin (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – X Min

  • xmax (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – X Max

  • ymin (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Y Min

  • ymax (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Y Max

  • wait_for_input (boolean, (optional)) – Wait for Input

  • mode (enum in ['SET', 'ADD', 'SUB'], (optional)) –


    • SET Set – Set a new selection.

    • ADD Extend – Extend existing selection.

    • SUB Subtract – Subtract existing selection.

bpy.ops.uv.select_circle(x=0, y=0, radius=25, wait_for_input=True, mode='SET')#

Select UV vertices using circle selection

  • x (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – X

  • y (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Y

  • radius (int in [1, inf], (optional)) – Radius

  • wait_for_input (boolean, (optional)) – Wait for Input

  • mode (enum in ['SET', 'ADD', 'SUB'], (optional)) –


    • SET Set – Set a new selection.

    • ADD Extend – Extend existing selection.

    • SUB Subtract – Subtract existing selection.

bpy.ops.uv.select_edge_ring(extend=False, location=(0.0, 0.0))#

Select an edge ring of connected UV vertices

  • extend (boolean, (optional)) – Extend, Extend selection rather than clearing the existing selection

  • location (mathutils.Vector of 2 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Location, Mouse location in normalized coordinates, 0.0 to 1.0 is within the image bounds

bpy.ops.uv.select_lasso(path=None, use_smooth_stroke=False, smooth_stroke_factor=0.75, smooth_stroke_radius=35, mode='SET')#

Select UVs using lasso selection

  • path (bpy_prop_collection of OperatorMousePath, (optional)) – Path

  • use_smooth_stroke (boolean, (optional)) – Stabilize Stroke, Selection lags behind mouse and follows a smoother path

  • smooth_stroke_factor (float in [0.5, 0.99], (optional)) – Smooth Stroke Factor, Higher values gives a smoother stroke

  • smooth_stroke_radius (int in [10, 200], (optional)) – Smooth Stroke Radius, Minimum distance from last point before selection continues

  • mode (enum in ['SET', 'ADD', 'SUB'], (optional)) –


    • SET Set – Set a new selection.

    • ADD Extend – Extend existing selection.

    • SUB Subtract – Subtract existing selection.


Deselect UV vertices at the boundary of each selection region


Select all UV vertices linked to the active UV map

bpy.ops.uv.select_linked_pick(extend=False, deselect=False, location=(0.0, 0.0))#

Select all UV vertices linked under the mouse

  • extend (boolean, (optional)) – Extend, Extend selection rather than clearing the existing selection

  • deselect (boolean, (optional)) – Deselect, Deselect linked UV vertices rather than selecting them

  • location (mathutils.Vector of 2 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Location, Mouse location in normalized coordinates, 0.0 to 1.0 is within the image bounds

bpy.ops.uv.select_loop(extend=False, location=(0.0, 0.0))#

Select a loop of connected UV vertices

  • extend (boolean, (optional)) – Extend, Extend selection rather than clearing the existing selection

  • location (mathutils.Vector of 2 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Location, Mouse location in normalized coordinates, 0.0 to 1.0 is within the image bounds


Change UV selection mode


type (enum in Mesh Select Mode Uv Items, (optional)) – Type


Select more UV vertices connected to initial selection


Select all UV faces which overlap each other


extend (boolean, (optional)) – Extend, Extend selection rather than clearing the existing selection


Select all pinned UV vertices

bpy.ops.uv.select_similar(type='PIN', compare='EQUAL', threshold=0.0)#

Select similar UVs by property types

  • type (enum in ['PIN', 'LENGTH', 'LENGTH_3D', 'AREA', 'AREA_3D', 'MATERIAL', 'OBJECT', 'SIDES', 'WINDING', 'FACE'], (optional)) – Type

  • compare (enum in ['EQUAL', 'GREATER', 'LESS'], (optional)) – Compare

  • threshold (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Threshold


Select only entirely selected faces

bpy.ops.uv.shortest_path_pick(use_face_step=False, use_topology_distance=False, use_fill=False, skip=0, nth=1, offset=0, object_index=-1, index=-1)#

Select shortest path between two selections

  • use_face_step (boolean, (optional)) – Face Stepping, Traverse connected faces (includes diagonals and edge-rings)

  • use_topology_distance (boolean, (optional)) – Topology Distance, Find the minimum number of steps, ignoring spatial distance

  • use_fill (boolean, (optional)) – Fill Region, Select all paths between the source/destination elements

  • skip (int in [0, inf], (optional)) – Deselected, Number of deselected elements in the repetitive sequence

  • nth (int in [1, inf], (optional)) – Selected, Number of selected elements in the repetitive sequence

  • offset (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Offset, Offset from the starting point

bpy.ops.uv.shortest_path_select(use_face_step=False, use_topology_distance=False, use_fill=False, skip=0, nth=1, offset=0)#

Selected shortest path between two vertices/edges/faces

  • use_face_step (boolean, (optional)) – Face Stepping, Traverse connected faces (includes diagonals and edge-rings)

  • use_topology_distance (boolean, (optional)) – Topology Distance, Find the minimum number of steps, ignoring spatial distance

  • use_fill (boolean, (optional)) – Fill Region, Select all paths between the source/destination elements

  • skip (int in [0, inf], (optional)) – Deselected, Number of deselected elements in the repetitive sequence

  • nth (int in [1, inf], (optional)) – Selected, Number of selected elements in the repetitive sequence

  • offset (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Offset, Offset from the starting point

bpy.ops.uv.smart_project(angle_limit=1.15192, margin_method='SCALED', rotate_method='AXIS_ALIGNED_Y', island_margin=0.0, area_weight=0.0, correct_aspect=True, scale_to_bounds=False)#

Projection unwraps the selected faces of mesh objects

  • angle_limit (float in [0, 1.5708], (optional)) – Angle Limit, Lower for more projection groups, higher for less distortion

  • margin_method (enum in ['SCALED', 'ADD', 'FRACTION'], (optional)) –

    Margin Method

    • SCALED Scaled – Use scale of existing UVs to multiply margin.

    • ADD Add – Just add the margin, ignoring any UV scale.

    • FRACTION Fraction – Specify a precise fraction of final UV output.

  • rotate_method (enum in ['AXIS_ALIGNED', 'AXIS_ALIGNED_X', 'AXIS_ALIGNED_Y'], (optional)) –

    Rotation Method

    • AXIS_ALIGNED Axis-aligned – Rotated to a minimal rectangle, either vertical or horizontal.

    • AXIS_ALIGNED_X Axis-aligned (Horizontal) – Rotate islands to be aligned horizontally.

    • AXIS_ALIGNED_Y Axis-aligned (Vertical) – Rotate islands to be aligned vertically.

  • island_margin (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Island Margin, Margin to reduce bleed from adjacent islands

  • area_weight (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Area Weight, Weight projection’s vector by faces with larger areas

  • correct_aspect (boolean, (optional)) – Correct Aspect, Map UVs taking image aspect ratio into account

  • scale_to_bounds (boolean, (optional)) – Scale to Bounds, Scale UV coordinates to bounds after unwrapping


Snap cursor to target type


target (enum in ['PIXELS', 'SELECTED', 'ORIGIN'], (optional)) – Target, Target to snap the selected UVs to


Snap selected UV vertices to target type


target (enum in ['PIXELS', 'CURSOR', 'CURSOR_OFFSET', 'ADJACENT_UNSELECTED'], (optional)) – Target, Target to snap the selected UVs to

bpy.ops.uv.sphere_project(direction='VIEW_ON_EQUATOR', align='POLAR_ZX', pole='PINCH', seam=False, correct_aspect=True, clip_to_bounds=False, scale_to_bounds=False)#

Project the UV vertices of the mesh over the curved surface of a sphere

  • direction (enum in ['VIEW_ON_EQUATOR', 'VIEW_ON_POLES', 'ALIGN_TO_OBJECT'], (optional)) –

    Direction, Direction of the sphere or cylinder

    • VIEW_ON_EQUATOR View on Equator – 3D view is on the equator.

    • VIEW_ON_POLES View on Poles – 3D view is on the poles.

    • ALIGN_TO_OBJECT Align to Object – Align according to object transform.

  • align (enum in ['POLAR_ZX', 'POLAR_ZY'], (optional)) –

    Align, How to determine rotation around the pole

    • POLAR_ZX Polar ZX – Polar 0 is X.

    • POLAR_ZY Polar ZY – Polar 0 is Y.

  • pole (enum in ['PINCH', 'FAN'], (optional)) –

    Pole, How to handle faces at the poles

    • PINCH Pinch – UVs are pinched at the poles.

    • FAN Fan – UVs are fanned at the poles.

  • seam (boolean, (optional)) – Preserve Seams, Separate projections by islands isolated by seams

  • correct_aspect (boolean, (optional)) – Correct Aspect, Map UVs taking image aspect ratio into account

  • clip_to_bounds (boolean, (optional)) – Clip to Bounds, Clip UV coordinates to bounds after unwrapping

  • scale_to_bounds (boolean, (optional)) – Scale to Bounds, Scale UV coordinates to bounds after unwrapping

bpy.ops.uv.stitch(use_limit=False, snap_islands=True, limit=0.01, static_island=0, active_object_index=0, midpoint_snap=False, clear_seams=True, mode='VERTEX', stored_mode='VERTEX', selection=None, objects_selection_count=(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))#

Stitch selected UV vertices by proximity

  • use_limit (boolean, (optional)) – Use Limit, Stitch UVs within a specified limit distance

  • snap_islands (boolean, (optional)) – Snap Islands, Snap islands together (on edge stitch mode, rotates the islands too)

  • limit (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Limit, Limit distance in normalized coordinates

  • static_island (int in [0, inf], (optional)) – Static Island, Island that stays in place when stitching islands

  • active_object_index (int in [0, inf], (optional)) – Active Object, Index of the active object

  • midpoint_snap (boolean, (optional)) – Snap at Midpoint, UVs are stitched at midpoint instead of at static island

  • clear_seams (boolean, (optional)) – Clear Seams, Clear seams of stitched edges

  • mode (enum in ['VERTEX', 'EDGE'], (optional)) – Operation Mode, Use vertex or edge stitching

  • stored_mode (enum in ['VERTEX', 'EDGE'], (optional)) – Stored Operation Mode, Use vertex or edge stitching

  • selection (bpy_prop_collection of SelectedUvElement, (optional)) – Selection

  • objects_selection_count (int array of 6 items in [0, inf], (optional)) – Objects Selection Count

bpy.ops.uv.unwrap(method='CONFORMAL', fill_holes=False, correct_aspect=True, use_subsurf_data=False, margin_method='SCALED', margin=0.001, no_flip=False, iterations=10, use_weights=False, weight_group='uv_importance', weight_factor=1.0)#

Unwrap the mesh of the object being edited

  • method (enum in ['ANGLE_BASED', 'CONFORMAL', 'MINIMUM_STRETCH'], (optional)) – Method, Unwrapping method (Angle Based usually gives better results than Conformal, while being somewhat slower)

  • fill_holes (boolean, (optional)) – Fill Holes, Virtually fill holes in mesh before unwrapping, to better avoid overlaps and preserve symmetry

  • correct_aspect (boolean, (optional)) – Correct Aspect, Map UVs taking image aspect ratio into account

  • use_subsurf_data (boolean, (optional)) – Use Subdivision Surface, Map UVs taking vertex position after Subdivision Surface modifier has been applied

  • margin_method (enum in ['SCALED', 'ADD', 'FRACTION'], (optional)) –

    Margin Method

    • SCALED Scaled – Use scale of existing UVs to multiply margin.

    • ADD Add – Just add the margin, ignoring any UV scale.

    • FRACTION Fraction – Specify a precise fraction of final UV output.

  • margin (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Margin, Space between islands

  • no_flip (boolean, (optional)) – No Flip, Prevent flipping UV’s, flipping may lower distortion depending on the position of pins

  • iterations (int in [0, 10000], (optional)) – Iterations, Number of iterations when “Minimum Stretch” method is used

  • use_weights (boolean, (optional)) – Importance Weights, Whether to take into account per-vertex importance weights

  • weight_group (string, (optional, never None)) – Weight Group, Vertex group name for importance weights (modulating the deform)

  • weight_factor (float in [-10000, 10000], (optional)) – Weight Factor, How much influence the weightmap has for weighted parameterization, 0 being no influence


Weld selected UV vertices together