base classes — bpy_struct
, ID
- class bpy.types.Brush(ID)#
Brush data-block for storing brush settings for painting and sculpting
- area_radius_factor#
Ratio between the brush radius and the radius that is going to be used to sample the area center
- Type:
float in [0, 2], default 0.5
- auto_smooth_factor#
Amount of smoothing to automatically apply to each stroke
- Type:
float in [0, 1], default 0.0
- automasking_boundary_edges_propagation_steps#
Distance where boundary edge automasking is going to protect vertices from the fully masked edge
- Type:
int in [1, 20], default 1
- automasking_cavity_blur_steps#
The number of times the cavity mask is blurred
- Type:
int in [0, 25], default 0
- automasking_cavity_curve#
Curve used for the sensitivity
- Type:
, (readonly)
- automasking_cavity_factor#
The contrast of the cavity mask
- Type:
float in [0, 5], default 1.0
- automasking_start_normal_falloff#
Extend the angular range with a falloff gradient
- Type:
float in [0.0001, 1], default 0.25
- automasking_start_normal_limit#
The range of angles that will be affected
- Type:
float in [0.0001, 3.14159], default 0.349066
- automasking_view_normal_falloff#
Extend the angular range with a falloff gradient
- Type:
float in [0.0001, 1], default 0.25
- automasking_view_normal_limit#
The range of angles that will be affected
- Type:
float in [0.0001, 3.14159], default 1.5708
- blend#
Brush blending mode
Mix – Use Mix blending mode while painting.DARKEN
Darken – Use Darken blending mode while painting.MUL
Multiply – Use Multiply blending mode while painting.COLORBURN
Color Burn – Use Color Burn blending mode while painting.LINEARBURN
Linear Burn – Use Linear Burn blending mode while painting.LIGHTEN
Lighten – Use Lighten blending mode while painting.SCREEN
Screen – Use Screen blending mode while painting.COLORDODGE
Color Dodge – Use Color Dodge blending mode while painting.ADD
Add – Use Add blending mode while painting.OVERLAY
Overlay – Use Overlay blending mode while painting.SOFTLIGHT
Soft Light – Use Soft Light blending mode while painting.HARDLIGHT
Hard Light – Use Hard Light blending mode while painting.VIVIDLIGHT
Vivid Light – Use Vivid Light blending mode while painting.LINEARLIGHT
Linear Light – Use Linear Light blending mode while painting.PINLIGHT
Pin Light – Use Pin Light blending mode while painting.DIFFERENCE
Difference – Use Difference blending mode while painting.EXCLUSION
Exclusion – Use Exclusion blending mode while painting.SUB
Subtract – Use Subtract blending mode while painting.HUE
Hue – Use Hue blending mode while painting.SATURATION
Saturation – Use Saturation blending mode while painting.COLOR
Color – Use Color blending mode while painting.LUMINOSITY
Value – Use Value blending mode while painting.ERASE_ALPHA
Erase Alpha – Erase alpha while painting.ADD_ALPHA
Add Alpha – Add alpha while painting.
- Type:
- blur_kernel_radius#
Radius of kernel used for soften and sharpen in pixels
- Type:
int in [1, 10000], default 2
- blur_mode#
- Type:
enum in [‘BOX’, ‘GAUSSIAN’], default ‘GAUSSIAN’
- boundary_deform_type#
Deformation type that is used in the brush
- Type:
enum in [‘BEND’, ‘EXPAND’, ‘INFLATE’, ‘GRAB’, ‘TWIST’, ‘SMOOTH’], default ‘BEND’
- boundary_falloff_type#
How the brush falloff is applied across the boundary
Constant – Applies the same deformation in the entire boundary.RADIUS
Brush Radius – Applies the deformation in a localized area limited by the brush radius.LOOP
Loop – Applies the brush falloff in a loop pattern.LOOP_INVERT
Loop and Invert – Applies the falloff radius in a loop pattern, inverting the displacement direction in each pattern repetition.
- Type:
enum in [‘CONSTANT’, ‘RADIUS’, ‘LOOP’, ‘LOOP_INVERT’], default ‘CONSTANT’
- boundary_offset#
Offset of the boundary origin in relation to the brush radius
- Type:
float in [0, 30], default 0.0
- brush_capabilities#
Brush’s capabilities
- Type:
, (readonly, never None)
- clone_alpha#
Opacity of clone image display
- Type:
float in [0, 1], default 0.5
- clone_offset#
- Type:
of 2 items in [-inf, inf], default (0.0, 0.0)
- cloth_constraint_softbody_strength#
How much the cloth preserves the original shape, acting as a soft body
- Type:
float in [0, 1], default 0.0
- cloth_damping#
How much the applied forces are propagated through the cloth
- Type:
float in [0.01, 1], default 0.01
- cloth_deform_type#
Deformation type that is used in the brush
- Type:
- cloth_force_falloff_type#
Shape used in the brush to apply force to the cloth
- Type:
enum in [‘RADIAL’, ‘PLANE’], default ‘RADIAL’
- cloth_mass#
Mass of each simulation particle
- Type:
float in [0.01, 2], default 1.0
- cloth_sim_falloff#
Area to apply deformation falloff to the effects of the simulation
- Type:
float in [0, 1], default 0.75
- cloth_sim_limit#
Factor added relative to the size of the radius to limit the cloth simulation effects
- Type:
float in [0.1, 10], default 2.5
- cloth_simulation_area_type#
Part of the mesh that is going to be simulated when the stroke is active
Local – Simulates only a specific area around the brush limited by a fixed radius.GLOBAL
Global – Simulates the entire mesh.DYNAMIC
Dynamic – The active simulation area moves with the brush.
- Type:
enum in [‘LOCAL’, ‘GLOBAL’, ‘DYNAMIC’], default ‘LOCAL’
- color#
- Type:
of 3 items in [0, inf], default (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- color_type#
Use single color or gradient when painting
Color – Paint with a single color.GRADIENT
Gradient – Paint with a gradient.
- Type:
enum in [‘COLOR’, ‘GRADIENT’], default ‘COLOR’
- crease_pinch_factor#
How much the crease brush pinches
- Type:
float in [0, 1], default 0.5
- cursor_color_add#
Color of cursor when adding
- Type:
float array of 4 items in [0, inf], default (1.0, 0.39, 0.39, 0.9)
- cursor_color_subtract#
Color of cursor when subtracting
- Type:
float array of 4 items in [0, inf], default (0.39, 0.39, 1.0, 0.9)
- cursor_overlay_alpha#
- Type:
int in [0, 100], default 33
- curve#
Editable falloff curve
- Type:
, (readonly, never None)
- curve_preset#
- Type:
enum in Brush Curve Preset Items, default ‘CUSTOM’
- curves_sculpt_settings#
- Type:
, (readonly)
- curves_sculpt_tool#
- Type:
enum in Brush Curves Sculpt Brush Type Items, default ‘COMB’
- dash_ratio#
Ratio of samples in a cycle that the brush is enabled
- Type:
float in [0, 1], default 1.0
- dash_samples#
Length of a dash cycle measured in stroke samples
- Type:
int in [1, 10000], default 20
- deform_target#
How the deformation of the brush will affect the object
Geometry – Brush deformation displaces the vertices of the mesh.CLOTH_SIM
Cloth Simulation – Brush deforms the mesh by deforming the constraints of a cloth simulation.
- Type:
enum in [‘GEOMETRY’, ‘CLOTH_SIM’], default ‘GEOMETRY’
- density#
Amount of random elements that are going to be affected by the brush
- Type:
float in [0, 1], default 0.0
- direction#
Add – Add effect of brush.SUBTRACT
Subtract – Subtract effect of brush.
- Type:
enum in [‘ADD’, ‘SUBTRACT’], default ‘ADD’
- disconnected_distance_max#
Maximum distance to search for disconnected loose parts in the mesh
- Type:
float in [0, 10], default 0.1
- elastic_deform_type#
Deformation type that is used in the brush
- Type:
enum in [‘GRAB’, ‘GRAB_BISCALE’, ‘GRAB_TRISCALE’, ‘SCALE’, ‘TWIST’], default ‘GRAB’
- elastic_deform_volume_preservation#
Poisson ratio for elastic deformation. Higher values preserve volume more, but also lead to more bulging.
- Type:
float in [0, 0.9], default 0.0
- falloff_angle#
Paint most on faces pointing towards the view according to this angle
- Type:
float in [0, 1.5708], default 0.0
- falloff_shape#
Use projected or spherical falloff
Sphere – Apply brush influence in a Sphere, outwards from the center.PROJECTED
Projected – Apply brush influence in a 2D circle, projected from the view.
- Type:
enum in [‘SPHERE’, ‘PROJECTED’], default ‘SPHERE’
- fill_threshold#
Threshold above which filling is not propagated
- Type:
float in [0, 100], default 0.2
- flow#
Amount of paint that is applied per stroke sample
- Type:
float in [0, 1], default 0.0
- gpencil_sculpt_tool#
- Type:
enum in Brush Gpencil Sculpt Types Items, default ‘SMOOTH’
- gpencil_settings#
- Type:
, (readonly)
- gpencil_tool#
- Type:
enum in Brush Gpencil Types Items, default ‘DRAW’
- gpencil_vertex_tool#
- Type:
enum in Brush Gpencil Vertex Types Items, default ‘DRAW’
- gpencil_weight_tool#
- Type:
enum in Brush Gpencil Weight Types Items, default ‘WEIGHT’
- grad_spacing#
Spacing before brush gradient goes full circle
- Type:
int in [1, 10000], default 0
- gradient_fill_mode#
- Type:
enum in [‘LINEAR’, ‘RADIAL’], default ‘LINEAR’
- gradient_stroke_mode#
- Type:
- hardness#
How close the brush falloff starts from the edge of the brush
- Type:
float in [0, 1], default 0.0
- height#
Affectable height of brush (i.e. the layer height for the layer tool)
- Type:
float in [0, 1], default 0.5
- icon_filepath#
File path to brush icon
- Type:
string, default “”, (never None)
- image_paint_capabilities#
- Type:
, (readonly, never None)
- image_tool#
- Type:
enum in Brush Image Brush Type Items, default ‘DRAW’
- input_samples#
Number of input samples to average together to smooth the brush stroke
- Type:
int in [1, 64], default 1
- invert_density_pressure#
Invert the modulation of pressure in density
- Type:
boolean, default False
- invert_flow_pressure#
Invert the modulation of pressure in flow
- Type:
boolean, default False
- invert_hardness_pressure#
Invert the modulation of pressure in hardness
- Type:
boolean, default False
- invert_to_scrape_fill#
Use Scrape or Fill brush when inverting this brush instead of inverting its displacement direction
- Type:
boolean, default False
- invert_wet_mix_pressure#
Invert the modulation of pressure in wet mix
- Type:
boolean, default False
- invert_wet_persistence_pressure#
Invert the modulation of pressure in wet persistence
- Type:
boolean, default False
- jitter#
Jitter the position of the brush while painting
- Type:
float in [0, 1000], default 0.0
- jitter_absolute#
Jitter the position of the brush in pixels while painting
- Type:
int in [0, 1000000], default 0
- jitter_unit#
Jitter in screen space or relative to brush size
View – Jittering happens in screen space, in pixels.BRUSH
Brush – Jittering happens relative to the brush size.
- Type:
enum in [‘VIEW’, ‘BRUSH’], default ‘BRUSH’
- mask_overlay_alpha#
- Type:
int in [0, 100], default 33
- mask_stencil_dimension#
Dimensions of mask stencil in viewport
- Type:
of 2 items in [-inf, inf], default (0.0, 0.0)
- mask_stencil_pos#
Position of mask stencil in viewport
- Type:
of 2 items in [-inf, inf], default (0.0, 0.0)
- mask_texture_slot#
- Type:
, (readonly)
- mask_tool#
- Type:
enum in [‘DRAW’, ‘SMOOTH’], default ‘DRAW’
- multiplane_scrape_angle#
Angle between the planes of the crease
- Type:
float in [0, 160], default 0.0
- normal_radius_factor#
Ratio between the brush radius and the radius that is going to be used to sample the normal
- Type:
float in [0, 2], default 0.5
- normal_weight#
How much grab will pull vertices out of surface during a grab
- Type:
float in [0, 1], default 0.0
- paint_curve#
Active paint curve
- Type:
- plane_offset#
Adjust plane on which the brush acts towards or away from the object surface
- Type:
float in [-2, 2], default 0.0
- plane_trim#
If a vertex is further away from offset plane than this, then it is not affected
- Type:
float in [0, 1], default 0.5
- pose_deform_type#
Deformation type that is used in the brush
- Type:
- pose_ik_segments#
Number of segments of the inverse kinematics chain that will deform the mesh
- Type:
int in [1, 20], default 1
- pose_offset#
Offset of the pose origin in relation to the brush radius
- Type:
float in [0, 2], default 0.0
- pose_origin_type#
Method to set the rotation origins for the segments of the brush
Topology – Sets the rotation origin automatically using the topology and shape of the mesh as a guide.FACE_SETS
Face Sets – Creates a pose segment per face sets, starting from the active face set.FACE_SETS_FK
Face Sets FK – Simulates an FK deformation using the Face Set under the cursor as control.
- Type:
enum in [‘TOPOLOGY’, ‘FACE_SETS’, ‘FACE_SETS_FK’], default ‘TOPOLOGY’
- pose_smooth_iterations#
Smooth iterations applied after calculating the pose factor of each vertex
- Type:
int in [0, 100], default 4
- rake_factor#
How much grab will follow cursor rotation
- Type:
float in [0, 10], default 0.0
- rate#
Interval between paints for Airbrush
- Type:
float in [0.0001, 10000], default 0.1
- sculpt_capabilities#
- Type:
, (readonly, never None)
- sculpt_plane#
- Type:
enum in [‘AREA’, ‘VIEW’, ‘X’, ‘Y’, ‘Z’], default ‘AREA’
- sculpt_tool#
- Type:
enum in Brush Sculpt Brush Type Items, default ‘DRAW’
- secondary_color#
- Type:
of 3 items in [0, inf], default (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- sharp_threshold#
Threshold below which, no sharpening is done
- Type:
float in [0, 100], default 0.0
- show_multiplane_scrape_planes_preview#
Preview the scrape planes in the cursor during the stroke
- Type:
boolean, default False
- size#
Radius of the brush in pixels
- Type:
int in [1, 5000], default 35
- slide_deform_type#
Deformation type that is used in the brush
- Type:
enum in [‘DRAG’, ‘PINCH’, ‘EXPAND’], default ‘DRAG’
- smear_deform_type#
Deformation type that is used in the brush
- Type:
enum in [‘DRAG’, ‘PINCH’, ‘EXPAND’], default ‘DRAG’
- smooth_deform_type#
Deformation type that is used in the brush
Laplacian – Smooths the surface and the volume.SURFACE
Surface – Smooths the surface of the mesh, preserving the volume.
- Type:
enum in [‘LAPLACIAN’, ‘SURFACE’], default ‘LAPLACIAN’
- smooth_stroke_factor#
Higher values give a smoother stroke
- Type:
float in [0.5, 0.99], default 0.9
- smooth_stroke_radius#
Minimum distance from last point before stroke continues
- Type:
int in [10, 200], default 75
- snake_hook_deform_type#
Deformation type that is used in the brush
Radius Falloff – Applies the brush falloff in the tip of the brush.ELASTIC
Elastic – Modifies the entire mesh using elastic deform.
- Type:
enum in [‘FALLOFF’, ‘ELASTIC’], default ‘FALLOFF’
- spacing#
Spacing between brush daubs as a percentage of brush diameter
- Type:
int in [1, 1000], default 10
- stencil_dimension#
Dimensions of stencil in viewport
- Type:
of 2 items in [-inf, inf], default (256.0, 256.0)
- stencil_pos#
Position of stencil in viewport
- Type:
of 2 items in [-inf, inf], default (256.0, 256.0)
- strength#
How powerful the effect of the brush is when applied
- Type:
float in [0, 10], default 1.0
- stroke_method#
Dots – Apply paint on each mouse move step.DRAG_DOT
Drag Dot – Allows a single dot to be carefully positioned.SPACE
Space – Limit brush application to the distance specified by spacing.AIRBRUSH
Airbrush – Keep applying paint effect while holding mouse (spray).ANCHORED
Anchored – Keep the brush anchored to the initial location.LINE
Line – Draw a line with dabs separated according to spacing.CURVE
Curve – Define the stroke curve with a Bézier curve (dabs are separated according to spacing).
- Type:
enum in [‘DOTS’, ‘DRAG_DOT’, ‘SPACE’, ‘AIRBRUSH’, ‘ANCHORED’, ‘LINE’, ‘CURVE’], default ‘DOTS’
- surface_smooth_current_vertex#
How much the position of each individual vertex influences the final result
- Type:
float in [0, 1], default 0.0
- surface_smooth_iterations#
Number of smoothing iterations per brush step
- Type:
int in [1, 10], default 0
- surface_smooth_shape_preservation#
How much of the original shape is preserved when smoothing
- Type:
float in [0, 1], default 0.0
- texture_overlay_alpha#
- Type:
int in [0, 100], default 33
- texture_sample_bias#
Value added to texture samples
- Type:
float in [-1, 1], default 0.0
- texture_slot#
- Type:
, (readonly)
- tilt_strength_factor#
How much the tilt of the pen will affect the brush
- Type:
float in [0, 1], default 0.0
- tip_roundness#
Roundness of the brush tip
- Type:
float in [0, 1], default 1.0
- tip_scale_x#
Scale of the brush tip in the X axis
- Type:
float in [0, 1], default 1.0
- topology_rake_factor#
Automatically align edges to the brush direction to generate cleaner topology and define sharp features. Best used on low-poly meshes as it has a performance impact.
- Type:
float in [0, 1], default 0.0
- unprojected_radius#
Radius of brush in Blender units
- Type:
float in [0.001, inf], default 0.05
- use_accumulate#
Accumulate stroke daubs on top of each other
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_adaptive_space#
Space daubs according to surface orientation instead of screen space
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_airbrush#
Keep applying paint effect while holding mouse (spray)
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_alpha#
When this is disabled, lock alpha while painting
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_anchor#
Keep the brush anchored to the initial location
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_automasking_boundary_edges#
Do not affect non manifold boundary edges
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_automasking_boundary_face_sets#
Do not affect vertices that belong to a Face Set boundary
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_automasking_cavity#
Do not affect vertices on peaks, based on the surface curvature
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_automasking_cavity_inverted#
Do not affect vertices within crevices, based on the surface curvature
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_automasking_custom_cavity_curve#
Use custom curve
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_automasking_face_sets#
Affect only vertices that share Face Sets with the active vertex
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_automasking_start_normal#
Affect only vertices with a similar normal to where the stroke starts
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_automasking_topology#
Affect only vertices connected to the active vertex under the brush
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_automasking_view_normal#
Affect only vertices with a normal that faces the viewer
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_automasking_view_occlusion#
Only affect vertices that are not occluded by other faces (Slower performance)
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_cloth_collision#
Collide with objects during the simulation
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_cloth_pin_simulation_boundary#
Lock the position of the vertices in the simulation falloff area to avoid artifacts and create a softer transition with unaffected areas
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_color_as_displacement#
Handle each pixel color as individual vector for displacement (area plane mapping only)
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_connected_only#
Affect only topologically connected elements
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_cursor_overlay#
Show cursor in viewport
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_cursor_overlay_override#
Don’t show overlay during a stroke
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_curve#
Define the stroke curve with a Bézier curve. Dabs are separated according to spacing.
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_custom_icon#
Set the brush icon from an image file
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_density_pressure#
Use pressure to modulate density
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_edge_to_edge#
Drag anchor brush from edge-to-edge
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_flow_pressure#
Use pressure to modulate flow
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_frontface#
Brush only affects vertices that face the viewer
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_frontface_falloff#
Blend brush influence by how much they face the front
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_grab_active_vertex#
Apply the maximum grab strength to the active vertex instead of the cursor location
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_grab_silhouette#
Grabs trying to automask the silhouette of the object
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_hardness_pressure#
Use pressure to modulate hardness
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_inverse_smooth_pressure#
Lighter pressure causes more smoothing to be applied
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_line#
Draw a line with dabs separated according to spacing
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_locked_size#
Measure brush size relative to the view or the scene
View – Measure brush size relative to the view.SCENE
Scene – Measure brush size relative to the scene.
- Type:
enum in [‘VIEW’, ‘SCENE’], default ‘VIEW’
- use_multiplane_scrape_dynamic#
The angle between the planes changes during the stroke to fit the surface under the cursor
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_offset_pressure#
Enable tablet pressure sensitivity for offset
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_original_normal#
When locked keep using normal of surface where stroke was initiated
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_original_plane#
When locked keep using the plane origin of surface where stroke was initiated
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_paint_antialiasing#
Smooths the edges of the strokes
- Type:
boolean, default True
- use_paint_grease_pencil#
Use this brush in grease pencil drawing mode
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_paint_image#
Use this brush in texture paint mode
- Type:
boolean, default True
- use_paint_sculpt#
Use this brush in sculpt mode
- Type:
boolean, default True
- use_paint_sculpt_curves#
Use this brush in sculpt curves mode
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_paint_uv_sculpt#
Use this brush in UV sculpt mode
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_paint_vertex#
Use this brush in vertex paint mode
- Type:
boolean, default True
- use_paint_weight#
Use this brush in weight paint mode
- Type:
boolean, default True
- use_persistent#
Sculpt on a persistent layer of the mesh
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_plane_trim#
Limit the distance from the offset plane that a vertex can be affected
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_pose_ik_anchored#
Keep the position of the last segment in the IK chain fixed
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_pose_lock_rotation#
Do not rotate the segment when using the scale deform mode
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_pressure_area_radius#
Enable tablet pressure sensitivity for area radius
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_pressure_jitter#
Enable tablet pressure sensitivity for jitter
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_pressure_masking#
Pen pressure makes texture influence smaller
- Type:
enum in [‘NONE’, ‘RAMP’, ‘CUTOFF’], default ‘NONE’
- use_pressure_size#
Enable tablet pressure sensitivity for size
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_pressure_spacing#
Enable tablet pressure sensitivity for spacing
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_pressure_strength#
Enable tablet pressure sensitivity for strength
- Type:
boolean, default True
- use_primary_overlay#
Show texture in viewport
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_primary_overlay_override#
Don’t show overlay during a stroke
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_restore_mesh#
Allow a single dot to be carefully positioned
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_scene_spacing#
Calculate the brush spacing using view or scene distance
View – Calculate brush spacing relative to the view.SCENE
Scene – Calculate brush spacing relative to the scene using the stroke location.
- Type:
enum in [‘VIEW’, ‘SCENE’], default ‘VIEW’
- use_secondary_overlay#
Show texture in viewport
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_secondary_overlay_override#
Don’t show overlay during a stroke
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_smooth_stroke#
Brush lags behind mouse and follows a smoother path
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_space#
Limit brush application to the distance specified by spacing
- Type:
boolean, default True
- use_space_attenuation#
Automatically adjust strength to give consistent results for different spacings
- Type:
boolean, default True
- use_vertex_grease_pencil#
Use this brush in grease pencil vertex color mode
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_wet_mix_pressure#
Use pressure to modulate wet mix
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_wet_persistence_pressure#
Use pressure to modulate wet persistence
- Type:
boolean, default False
- vertex_paint_capabilities#
- Type:
, (readonly, never None)
- vertex_tool#
- Type:
enum in Brush Vertex Brush Type Items, default ‘DRAW’
- weight#
Vertex weight when brush is applied
- Type:
float in [0, 1], default 1.0
- weight_paint_capabilities#
- Type:
, (readonly, never None)
- weight_tool#
- Type:
enum in Brush Weight Brush Type Items, default ‘DRAW’
- wet_mix#
Amount of paint that is picked from the surface into the brush color
- Type:
float in [0, 1], default 0.0
- wet_paint_radius_factor#
Ratio between the brush radius and the radius that is going to be used to sample the color to blend in wet paint
- Type:
float in [0, 2], default 0.5
- wet_persistence#
Amount of wet paint that stays in the brush after applying paint to the surface
- Type:
float in [0, 1], default 0.0
- classmethod bl_rna_get_subclass(id, default=None)#
- Parameters:
id (string) – The RNA type identifier.
- Returns:
The RNA type or default when not found.
- Return type:
- classmethod bl_rna_get_subclass_py(id, default=None)#
- Parameters:
id (string) – The RNA type identifier.
- Returns:
The class or default when not found.
- Return type: