Polyline Tool



Draw Mode


Toolbar ‣ Polyline

The Polyline tool creates multiple straight lines using any of the Draw type brushes.

Tool Settings

You can configure the brush main settings exposed on the Tool Settings for convenience. For the draw brushes configuration and settings see: Draw Brush.


The number of stroke points between each stroke edge.

Thickness Profile

Use a curve widget to define the stroke thickness from the start (left) to end (right) of the stroke.

Use Curve

When enabled, the stroke use a curve profile to control the thickness along the line.

Different thickness profile samples.

Brush Asset

Picks the brush asset used by the tool.

See Brush Asset for more information.

See Draw Brushes for a detailed list of all draw brushes and their options.

Brush Settings

Parameters to control to look of the stroke.

See Draw Brushes for details.


Settings to determine the color of strokes.

See Color


Selecting a Brush and Material

In the Tool Settings select the brush, material and color type to use with the tool. The Line tool uses Draw Brush types. See Brush Settings for more information.

Creating Polylines

  1. Click (LMB or the Pen tip) and drag the start point.

  2. Release on the desired end point.

  3. Click multiple times on different locations to create multiple connected lines.

  4. Then confirm (Return/MMB) or cancel (Esc/RMB).

While dragging you can use Shift to snapping the line to horizontal, vertical or 45° angle.

NumpadPlus and NumpadMinus or using the mouse Wheel will increase or decrease the amount of points in the final line.

F will adjust the line thickness and Shift-F will adjust the opacity of the strokes.


click and dragging the start point.


Click multiple times to create multiple connected lines.


The polyline after confirming.