Gpencil Operators#


Delete the active frame for the active Grease Pencil Layer


Delete the active frame(s) of all editable Grease Pencil layers

bpy.ops.gpencil.annotate(mode='DRAW', arrowstyle_start='NONE', arrowstyle_end='NONE', use_stabilizer=False, stabilizer_factor=0.75, stabilizer_radius=35, stroke=None, wait_for_input=True)#

Make annotations on the active data

  • mode (enum in ['DRAW', 'DRAW_STRAIGHT', 'DRAW_POLY', 'ERASER'], (optional)) –

    Mode, Way to interpret mouse movements

    • DRAW Draw Freehand – Draw freehand stroke(s).

    • DRAW_STRAIGHT Draw Straight Lines – Draw straight line segment(s).

    • DRAW_POLY Draw Poly Line – Click to place endpoints of straight line segments (connected).

    • ERASER Eraser – Erase Annotation strokes.

  • arrowstyle_start (enum in ['NONE', 'ARROW', 'ARROW_OPEN', 'ARROW_OPEN_INVERTED', 'DIAMOND'], (optional)) –

    Start Arrow Style, Stroke start style

    • NONE None – Don’t use any arrow/style in corner.

    • ARROW Arrow – Use closed arrow style.

    • ARROW_OPEN Open Arrow – Use open arrow style.

    • ARROW_OPEN_INVERTED Segment – Use perpendicular segment style.

    • DIAMOND Square – Use square style.

  • arrowstyle_end (enum in ['NONE', 'ARROW', 'ARROW_OPEN', 'ARROW_OPEN_INVERTED', 'DIAMOND'], (optional)) –

    End Arrow Style, Stroke end style

    • NONE None – Don’t use any arrow/style in corner.

    • ARROW Arrow – Use closed arrow style.

    • ARROW_OPEN Open Arrow – Use open arrow style.

    • ARROW_OPEN_INVERTED Segment – Use perpendicular segment style.

    • DIAMOND Square – Use square style.

  • use_stabilizer (boolean, (optional)) – Stabilize Stroke, Helper to draw smooth and clean lines. Press Shift for an invert effect (even if this option is not active)

  • stabilizer_factor (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Stabilizer Stroke Factor, Higher values gives a smoother stroke

  • stabilizer_radius (int in [0, 200], (optional)) – Stabilizer Stroke Radius, Minimum distance from last point before stroke continues

  • stroke (bpy_prop_collection of OperatorStrokeElement, (optional)) – Stroke

  • wait_for_input (boolean, (optional)) – Wait for Input, Wait for first click instead of painting immediately


Delete the active frame for the active Annotation Layer


Add new Annotation data-block

bpy.ops.gpencil.bake_grease_pencil_animation(frame_start=1, frame_end=250, step=1, only_selected=False, frame_target=1, project_type='KEEP')#

Bake grease pencil object transform to grease pencil keyframes

  • frame_start (int in [1, 100000], (optional)) – Start Frame, The start frame

  • frame_end (int in [1, 100000], (optional)) – End Frame, The end frame of animation

  • step (int in [1, 100], (optional)) – Step, Step between generated frames

  • only_selected (boolean, (optional)) – Only Selected Keyframes, Convert only selected keyframes

  • frame_target (int in [1, 100000], (optional)) – Target Frame, Destination frame

  • project_type (enum in ['KEEP', 'FRONT', 'SIDE', 'TOP', 'VIEW', 'CURSOR'], (optional)) –

    Projection Type

    • KEEP No Reproject.

    • FRONT Front – Reproject the strokes using the X-Z plane.

    • SIDE Side – Reproject the strokes using the Y-Z plane.

    • TOP Top – Reproject the strokes using the X-Y plane.

    • VIEW View – Reproject the strokes to end up on the same plane, as if drawn from the current viewpoint using ‘Cursor’ Stroke Placement.

    • CURSOR Cursor – Reproject the strokes using the orientation of 3D cursor.

bpy.ops.gpencil.bake_mesh_animation(target='NEW', frame_start=1, frame_end=250, step=1, thickness=1, angle=1.22173, offset=0.001, seams=False, faces=True, only_selected=False, frame_target=1, project_type='VIEW')#

Bake mesh animation to grease pencil strokes

  • target (enum in ['NEW', 'SELECTED'], (optional)) – Target Object, Target grease pencil

  • frame_start (int in [1, 100000], (optional)) – Start Frame, The start frame

  • frame_end (int in [1, 100000], (optional)) – End Frame, The end frame of animation

  • step (int in [1, 100], (optional)) – Step, Step between generated frames

  • thickness (int in [1, 100], (optional)) – Thickness

  • angle (float in [0, 3.14159], (optional)) – Threshold Angle, Threshold to determine ends of the strokes

  • offset (float in [0, 100], (optional)) – Stroke Offset, Offset strokes from fill

  • seams (boolean, (optional)) – Only Seam Edges, Convert only seam edges

  • faces (boolean, (optional)) – Export Faces, Export faces as filled strokes

  • only_selected (boolean, (optional)) – Only Selected Keyframes, Convert only selected keyframes

  • frame_target (int in [1, 100000], (optional)) – Target Frame, Destination frame

  • project_type (enum in ['KEEP', 'FRONT', 'SIDE', 'TOP', 'VIEW', 'CURSOR'], (optional)) –

    Projection Type

    • KEEP No Reproject.

    • FRONT Front – Reproject the strokes using the X-Z plane.

    • SIDE Side – Reproject the strokes using the Y-Z plane.

    • TOP Top – Reproject the strokes using the X-Y plane.

    • VIEW View – Reproject the strokes to end up on the same plane, as if drawn from the current viewpoint using ‘Cursor’ Stroke Placement.

    • CURSOR Cursor – Reproject the strokes using the orientation of 3D cursor.


Insert a blank frame on the current frame (all subsequently existing frames, if any, are shifted right by one frame)


all_layers (boolean, (optional)) – All Layers, Create blank frame in all layers, not only active

bpy.ops.gpencil.convert(type='PATH', bevel_depth=0.0, bevel_resolution=0, use_normalize_weights=True, radius_multiplier=1.0, use_link_strokes=False, timing_mode='FULL', frame_range=100, start_frame=1, use_realtime=False, end_frame=250, gap_duration=0.0, gap_randomness=0.0, seed=0, use_timing_data=False)#

Convert the active Grease Pencil layer to a new Curve Object

  • type (enum in ['PATH', 'CURVE', 'POLY'], (optional)) –

    Type, Which type of curve to convert to

    • PATH Path – Animation path.

    • CURVE Bézier Curve – Smooth Bézier curve.

    • POLY Polygon Curve – Bézier curve with straight-line segments (vector handles).

  • bevel_depth (float in [0, 1000], (optional)) – Bevel Depth

  • bevel_resolution (int in [0, 32], (optional)) – Bevel Resolution, Bevel resolution when depth is non-zero

  • use_normalize_weights (boolean, (optional)) – Normalize Weight, Normalize weight (set from stroke width)

  • radius_multiplier (float in [0, 1000], (optional)) – Radius Factor, Multiplier for the points’ radii (set from stroke width)

  • use_link_strokes (boolean, (optional)) – Link Strokes, Whether to link strokes with zero-radius sections of curves

  • timing_mode (enum in ['NONE', 'LINEAR', 'FULL', 'CUSTOMGAP'], (optional)) –

    Timing Mode, How to use timing data stored in strokes

    • NONE No Timing – Ignore timing.

    • LINEAR Linear – Simple linear timing.

    • FULL Original – Use the original timing, gaps included.

    • CUSTOMGAP Custom Gaps – Use the original timing, but with custom gap lengths (in frames).

  • frame_range (int in [1, 10000], (optional)) – Frame Range, The duration of evaluation of the path control curve

  • start_frame (int in [1, 100000], (optional)) – Start Frame, The start frame of the path control curve

  • use_realtime (boolean, (optional)) – Realtime, Whether the path control curve reproduces the drawing in realtime, starting from Start Frame

  • end_frame (int in [1, 100000], (optional)) – End Frame, The end frame of the path control curve (if Realtime is not set)

  • gap_duration (float in [0, 10000], (optional)) – Gap Duration, Custom Gap mode: (Average) length of gaps, in frames (Note: Realtime value, will be scaled if Realtime is not set)

  • gap_randomness (float in [0, 10000], (optional)) – Gap Randomness, Custom Gap mode: Number of frames that gap lengths can vary

  • seed (int in [0, 1000], (optional)) – Random Seed, Custom Gap mode: Random generator seed

  • use_timing_data (boolean, (optional)) – Has Valid Timing, Whether the converted Grease Pencil layer has valid timing data (internal use)


Convert 2.7x grease pencil files to 2.80


annotation (boolean, (optional)) – Annotation, Convert to Annotations


Copy selected Grease Pencil points and strokes

Unlink active Annotation data-block


Delete selected Grease Pencil strokes, vertices, or frames


type (enum in ['POINTS', 'STROKES', 'FRAME'], (optional)) –

Type, Method used for deleting Grease Pencil data

  • POINTS Points – Delete selected points and split strokes into segments.

  • STROKES Strokes – Delete selected strokes.

  • FRAME Frame – Delete active frame.


Delete selected points without splitting strokes


type (enum in ['POINTS', 'BETWEEN', 'UNSELECT'], (optional)) –

Type, Method used for dissolving stroke points

  • POINTS Dissolve – Dissolve selected points.

  • BETWEEN Dissolve Between – Dissolve points between selected points.

  • UNSELECT Dissolve Unselect – Dissolve all unselected points.

bpy.ops.gpencil.draw(mode='DRAW', stroke=None, wait_for_input=True, disable_straight=False, disable_fill=False, disable_stabilizer=False, guide_last_angle=0.0)#

Draw a new stroke in the active Grease Pencil object

  • mode (enum in ['DRAW', 'DRAW_STRAIGHT', 'ERASER'], (optional)) –

    Mode, Way to interpret mouse movements

    • DRAW Draw Freehand – Draw freehand stroke(s).

    • DRAW_STRAIGHT Draw Straight Lines – Draw straight line segment(s).

    • ERASER Eraser – Erase Grease Pencil strokes.

  • stroke (bpy_prop_collection of OperatorStrokeElement, (optional)) – Stroke

  • wait_for_input (boolean, (optional)) – Wait for Input, Wait for first click instead of painting immediately

  • disable_straight (boolean, (optional)) – No Straight lines, Disable key for straight lines

  • disable_fill (boolean, (optional)) – No Fill Areas, Disable fill to use stroke as fill boundary

  • disable_stabilizer (boolean, (optional)) – No Stabilizer

  • guide_last_angle (float in [-10000, 10000], (optional)) – Angle, Speed guide angle


Duplicate the selected Grease Pencil strokes

bpy.ops.gpencil.duplicate_move(GPENCIL_OT_duplicate=None, TRANSFORM_OT_translate=None)#

Make copies of the selected Grease Pencil strokes and move them

  • GPENCIL_OT_duplicate (GPENCIL_OT_duplicate, (optional)) – Duplicate Strokes, Duplicate the selected Grease Pencil strokes

  • TRANSFORM_OT_translate (TRANSFORM_OT_translate, (optional)) – Move, Move selected items


Enter/Exit edit mode for Grease Pencil strokes


back (boolean, (optional)) – Return to Previous Mode, Return to previous mode

bpy.ops.gpencil.extract_palette_vertex(selected=False, threshold=1)#

Extract all colors used in Grease Pencil Vertex and create a Palette

  • selected (boolean, (optional)) – Only Selected, Convert only selected strokes

  • threshold (int in [1, 4], (optional)) – Threshold


Extrude the selected Grease Pencil points

bpy.ops.gpencil.extrude_move(GPENCIL_OT_extrude=None, TRANSFORM_OT_translate=None)#

Extrude selected points and move them

  • GPENCIL_OT_extrude (GPENCIL_OT_extrude, (optional)) – Extrude Stroke Points, Extrude the selected Grease Pencil points

  • TRANSFORM_OT_translate (TRANSFORM_OT_translate, (optional)) – Move, Move selected items


Fill with color the shape formed by strokes


on_back (boolean, (optional)) – Draw on Back, Send new stroke to back


Remove duplicate keyframes


type (enum in ['ALL', 'SELECTED'], (optional)) – Type


Remove ‘no fill’ boundary strokes


mode (enum in ['ACTIVE', 'ALL'], (optional)) –


  • ACTIVE Active Frame Only – Clean active frame only.

  • ALL All Frames – Clean all frames in all layers.


Remove loose points


limit (int in [1, inf], (optional)) – Limit, Number of points to consider stroke as loose


Make a copy of the active Grease Pencil Frame


mode (enum in ['ACTIVE', 'ALL'], (optional)) –


  • ACTIVE Active – Duplicate frame in active layer only.

  • ALL All – Duplicate active frames in all layers.

bpy.ops.gpencil.generate_weights(mode='NAME', armature='DEFAULT', ratio=0.1, decay=0.8)#

Generate automatic weights for armatures (requires armature modifier)

  • mode (enum in ['NAME', 'AUTO'], (optional)) – Mode

  • armature (enum in ['DEFAULT'], (optional)) – Armature, Armature to use

  • ratio (float in [0, 2], (optional)) – Ratio, Ratio between bone length and influence radius

  • decay (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Decay, Factor to reduce influence depending of distance to bone axis

bpy.ops.gpencil.guide_rotate(increment=True, angle=0.0)#

Rotate guide angle

  • increment (boolean, (optional)) – Increment, Increment angle

  • angle (float in [-10000, 10000], (optional)) – Angle, Guide angle


Hide selected/unselected Grease Pencil layers


unselected (boolean, (optional)) – Unselected, Hide unselected rather than selected layers

bpy.ops.gpencil.image_to_grease_pencil(size=0.005, mask=False)#

Generate a Grease Pencil Object using Image as source

  • size (float in [0.0001, 10], (optional)) – Point Size, Size used for grease pencil points

  • mask (boolean, (optional)) – Generate Mask, Create an inverted image for masking using alpha channel

bpy.ops.gpencil.interpolate(shift=0.0, layers='ACTIVE', interpolate_selected_only=False, exclude_breakdowns=False, flip='AUTO', smooth_steps=1, smooth_factor=0.0, release_confirm=False)#

Interpolate grease pencil strokes between frames

  • shift (float in [-1, 1], (optional)) – Shift, Bias factor for which frame has more influence on the interpolated strokes

  • layers (enum in ['ACTIVE', 'ALL'], (optional)) – Layer, Layers included in the interpolation

  • interpolate_selected_only (boolean, (optional)) – Only Selected, Interpolate only selected strokes

  • exclude_breakdowns (boolean, (optional)) – Exclude Breakdowns, Exclude existing Breakdowns keyframes as interpolation extremes

  • flip (enum in ['NOFLIP', 'FLIP', 'AUTO'], (optional)) – Flip Mode, Invert destination stroke to match start and end with source stroke

  • smooth_steps (int in [1, 3], (optional)) – Iterations, Number of times to smooth newly created strokes

  • smooth_factor (float in [0, 2], (optional)) – Smooth, Amount of smoothing to apply to interpolated strokes, to reduce jitter/noise

  • release_confirm (boolean, (optional)) – Confirm on Release


Remove breakdown frames generated by interpolating between two Grease Pencil frames

bpy.ops.gpencil.interpolate_sequence(step=1, layers='ACTIVE', interpolate_selected_only=False, exclude_breakdowns=False, flip='AUTO', smooth_steps=1, smooth_factor=0.0, type='LINEAR', easing='AUTO', back=1.702, amplitude=0.15, period=0.15)#

Generate ‘in-betweens’ to smoothly interpolate between Grease Pencil frames

  • step (int in [1, 1048574], (optional)) – Step, Number of frames between generated interpolated frames

  • layers (enum in ['ACTIVE', 'ALL'], (optional)) – Layer, Layers included in the interpolation

  • interpolate_selected_only (boolean, (optional)) – Only Selected, Interpolate only selected strokes

  • exclude_breakdowns (boolean, (optional)) – Exclude Breakdowns, Exclude existing Breakdowns keyframes as interpolation extremes

  • flip (enum in ['NOFLIP', 'FLIP', 'AUTO'], (optional)) – Flip Mode, Invert destination stroke to match start and end with source stroke

  • smooth_steps (int in [1, 3], (optional)) – Iterations, Number of times to smooth newly created strokes

  • smooth_factor (float in [0, 2], (optional)) – Smooth, Amount of smoothing to apply to interpolated strokes, to reduce jitter/noise

  • type (enum in ['LINEAR', 'CUSTOM', 'SINE', 'QUAD', 'CUBIC', 'QUART', 'QUINT', 'EXPO', 'CIRC', 'BACK', 'BOUNCE', 'ELASTIC'], (optional)) –

    Type, Interpolation method to use the next time ‘Interpolate Sequence’ is run

    • LINEAR Linear – Straight-line interpolation between A and B (i.e. no ease in/out).

    • CUSTOM Custom – Custom interpolation defined using a curve map.

    • SINE Sinusoidal – Sinusoidal easing (weakest, almost linear but with a slight curvature).

    • QUAD Quadratic – Quadratic easing.

    • CUBIC Cubic – Cubic easing.

    • QUART Quartic – Quartic easing.

    • QUINT Quintic – Quintic easing.

    • EXPO Exponential – Exponential easing (dramatic).

    • CIRC Circular – Circular easing (strongest and most dynamic).

    • BACK Back – Cubic easing with overshoot and settle.

    • BOUNCE Bounce – Exponentially decaying parabolic bounce, like when objects collide.

    • ELASTIC Elastic – Exponentially decaying sine wave, like an elastic band.

  • easing (enum in ['AUTO', 'EASE_IN', 'EASE_OUT', 'EASE_IN_OUT'], (optional)) –

    Easing, Which ends of the segment between the preceding and following grease pencil frames easing interpolation is applied to

    • AUTO Automatic Easing – Easing type is chosen automatically based on what the type of interpolation used (e.g. ‘Ease In’ for transitional types, and ‘Ease Out’ for dynamic effects).

    • EASE_IN Ease In – Only on the end closest to the next keyframe.

    • EASE_OUT Ease Out – Only on the end closest to the first keyframe.

    • EASE_IN_OUT Ease In and Out – Segment between both keyframes.

  • back (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Back, Amount of overshoot for ‘back’ easing

  • amplitude (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Amplitude, Amount to boost elastic bounces for ‘elastic’ easing

  • period (float in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Period, Time between bounces for elastic easing


Active Grease Pencil layer


layer (int in [0, inf], (optional)) – Grease Pencil Layer

bpy.ops.gpencil.layer_add(layer=0, new_layer_name='')#

Add new layer or note for the active data-block

  • layer (int in [-1, inf], (optional)) – Grease Pencil Layer

  • new_layer_name (string, (optional, never None)) – Name, Name of the newly added layer


Add new Annotation layer or note for the active data-block


Move the active Annotation layer up/down in the list


type (enum in ['UP', 'DOWN'], (optional)) – Type


Remove active Annotation layer


Change active Grease Pencil layer


layer (enum in ['DEFAULT'], (optional)) – Grease Pencil Layer


Make a copy of the active Grease Pencil layer


mode (enum in ['ALL', 'EMPTY'], (optional)) – Mode

bpy.ops.gpencil.layer_duplicate_object(mode='ALL', only_active=True)#

Make a copy of the active Grease Pencil layer to selected object

  • mode (enum in ['ALL', 'ACTIVE'], (optional)) – Mode

  • only_active (boolean, (optional)) – Only Active, Copy only active Layer, uncheck to append all layers


Toggle whether the active layer is the only one that can be edited and/or visible


affect_visibility (boolean, (optional)) – Affect Visibility, In addition to toggling the editability, also affect the visibility


Add new layer as masking


name (string, (optional, never None)) – Layer, Name of the layer


Move the active Grease Pencil mask layer up/down in the list


type (enum in ['UP', 'DOWN'], (optional)) – Type


Remove Layer Mask


Combine Layers


mode (enum in ['ACTIVE', 'ALL'], (optional)) –


  • ACTIVE Active – Combine active layer into the layer below.

  • ALL All – Combine all layers into the active layer.


Move the active Grease Pencil layer up/down in the list


type (enum in ['UP', 'DOWN'], (optional)) – Type


Remove active Grease Pencil layer


Lock all Grease Pencil layers to prevent them from being accidentally modified


Lock and hide any color not used in any layer


Hide selected/unselected Grease Pencil materials


unselected (boolean, (optional)) – Unselected, Hide unselected rather than selected colors


Toggle whether the active material is the only one that is editable and/or visible


affect_visibility (boolean, (optional)) – Affect Visibility, In addition to toggling the editability, also affect the visibility


Lock all Grease Pencil materials to prevent them from being accidentally modified


Lock any material not used in any selected stroke


Unhide all hidden Grease Pencil materials


Select/Deselect all Grease Pencil strokes using current material


deselect (boolean, (optional)) – Deselect, Unselect strokes


Set active material


slot (enum in ['DEFAULT'], (optional)) – Material Slot

bpy.ops.gpencil.material_to_vertex_color(remove=True, palette=True, selected=False, threshold=3)#

Replace materials in strokes with Vertex Color

  • remove (boolean, (optional)) – Remove Unused Materials, Remove any unused material after the conversion

  • palette (boolean, (optional)) – Create Palette, Create a new palette with colors

  • selected (boolean, (optional)) – Only Selected, Convert only selected strokes

  • threshold (int in [1, 4], (optional)) – Threshold


Unlock all Grease Pencil materials so that they can be edited


Append Materials of the active Grease Pencil to other object


only_active (boolean, (optional)) – Only Active, Append only active material, uncheck to append all materials

bpy.ops.gpencil.move_to_layer(layer=0, new_layer_name='')#

Move selected strokes to another layer

  • layer (int in [-1, inf], (optional)) – Grease Pencil Layer

  • new_layer_name (string, (optional, never None)) – Name, Name of the newly added layer


Enter/Exit paint mode for Grease Pencil strokes


back (boolean, (optional)) – Return to Previous Mode, Return to previous mode

bpy.ops.gpencil.paste(type='ACTIVE', paste_back=False)#

Paste previously copied strokes to active layer or to original layer

  • type (enum in ['ACTIVE', 'LAYER'], (optional)) – Type

  • paste_back (boolean, (optional)) – Paste on Back, Add pasted strokes behind all strokes

bpy.ops.gpencil.primitive_box(subdivision=3, edges=1, type='BOX', wait_for_input=True)#

Create predefined grease pencil stroke box shapes

  • subdivision (int in [0, 128], (optional)) – Subdivisions, Number of subdivisions per segment

  • edges (int in [1, 128], (optional)) – Edges, Number of points per segment

  • type (enum in ['BOX', 'LINE', 'POLYLINE', 'CIRCLE', 'ARC', 'CURVE'], (optional)) – Type, Type of shape

  • wait_for_input (boolean, (optional)) – Wait for Input

bpy.ops.gpencil.primitive_circle(subdivision=94, edges=1, type='CIRCLE', wait_for_input=True)#

Create predefined grease pencil stroke circle shapes

  • subdivision (int in [0, 128], (optional)) – Subdivisions, Number of subdivisions per segment

  • edges (int in [1, 128], (optional)) – Edges, Number of points per segment

  • type (enum in ['BOX', 'LINE', 'POLYLINE', 'CIRCLE', 'ARC', 'CURVE'], (optional)) – Type, Type of shape

  • wait_for_input (boolean, (optional)) – Wait for Input

bpy.ops.gpencil.primitive_curve(subdivision=62, edges=1, type='CURVE', wait_for_input=True)#

Create predefined grease pencil stroke curve shapes

  • subdivision (int in [0, 128], (optional)) – Subdivisions, Number of subdivisions per segment

  • edges (int in [1, 128], (optional)) – Edges, Number of points per segment

  • type (enum in ['BOX', 'LINE', 'POLYLINE', 'CIRCLE', 'ARC', 'CURVE'], (optional)) – Type, Type of shape

  • wait_for_input (boolean, (optional)) – Wait for Input

bpy.ops.gpencil.primitive_line(subdivision=6, edges=1, type='LINE', wait_for_input=True)#

Create predefined grease pencil stroke lines

  • subdivision (int in [0, 128], (optional)) – Subdivisions, Number of subdivisions per segment

  • edges (int in [1, 128], (optional)) – Edges, Number of points per segment

  • type (enum in ['BOX', 'LINE', 'POLYLINE', 'CIRCLE', 'ARC', 'CURVE'], (optional)) – Type, Type of shape

  • wait_for_input (boolean, (optional)) – Wait for Input

bpy.ops.gpencil.primitive_polyline(subdivision=6, edges=1, type='POLYLINE', wait_for_input=True)#

Create predefined grease pencil stroke polylines

  • subdivision (int in [0, 128], (optional)) – Subdivisions, Number of subdivisions per segment

  • edges (int in [1, 128], (optional)) – Edges, Number of points per segment

  • type (enum in ['BOX', 'LINE', 'POLYLINE', 'CIRCLE', 'ARC', 'CURVE'], (optional)) – Type, Type of shape

  • wait_for_input (boolean, (optional)) – Wait for Input


Update all internal geometry data

bpy.ops.gpencil.reproject(type='VIEW', keep_original=False, offset=0.0)#

Reproject the selected strokes from the current viewpoint as if they had been newly drawn (e.g. to fix problems from accidental 3D cursor movement or accidental viewport changes, or for matching deforming geometry)

  • type (enum in ['FRONT', 'SIDE', 'TOP', 'VIEW', 'SURFACE', 'CURSOR'], (optional)) –

    Projection Type

    • FRONT Front – Reproject the strokes using the X-Z plane.

    • SIDE Side – Reproject the strokes using the Y-Z plane.

    • TOP Top – Reproject the strokes using the X-Y plane.

    • VIEW View – Reproject the strokes to end up on the same plane, as if drawn from the current viewpoint using ‘Cursor’ Stroke Placement.

    • SURFACE Surface – Reproject the strokes on to the scene geometry, as if drawn using ‘Surface’ placement.

    • CURSOR Cursor – Reproject the strokes using the orientation of 3D cursor.

  • keep_original (boolean, (optional)) – Keep Original, Keep original strokes and create a copy before reprojecting

  • offset (float in [0, 10], (optional)) – Surface Offset


Reset any UV transformation and back to default values


mode (enum in ['ALL', 'TRANSLATE', 'ROTATE', 'SCALE'], (optional)) – Mode


Show all Grease Pencil layers


select (boolean, (optional)) – Select

bpy.ops.gpencil.sculpt_paint(stroke=None, wait_for_input=True)#

Apply tweaks to strokes by painting over the strokes

  • stroke (bpy_prop_collection of OperatorStrokeElement, (optional)) – Stroke

  • wait_for_input (boolean, (optional)) – Wait for Input, Enter a mini ‘sculpt-mode’ if enabled, otherwise, exit after drawing a single stroke


Enter/Exit sculpt mode for Grease Pencil strokes


back (boolean, (optional)) – Return to Previous Mode, Return to previous mode, deselect=False, toggle=False, deselect_all=False, select_passthrough=False, entire_strokes=False, location=(0, 0), use_shift_extend=False)#

Select Grease Pencil strokes and/or stroke points

  • extend (boolean, (optional)) – Extend, Extend selection instead of deselecting everything first

  • deselect (boolean, (optional)) – Deselect, Remove from selection

  • toggle (boolean, (optional)) – Toggle Selection, Toggle the selection

  • deselect_all (boolean, (optional)) – Deselect On Nothing, Deselect all when nothing under the cursor

  • select_passthrough (boolean, (optional)) – Only Select Unselected, Ignore the select action when the element is already selected

  • entire_strokes (boolean, (optional)) – Entire Strokes, Select entire strokes instead of just the nearest stroke vertex

  • location (int array of 2 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Location, Mouse location

  • use_shift_extend (boolean, (optional)) – Extend


Change selection of all Grease Pencil strokes currently visible


action (enum in ['TOGGLE', 'SELECT', 'DESELECT', 'INVERT'], (optional)) –

Action, Selection action to execute

  • TOGGLE Toggle – Toggle selection for all elements.

  • SELECT Select – Select all elements.

  • DESELECT Deselect – Deselect all elements.

  • INVERT Invert – Invert selection of all elements.


Select alternative points in same strokes as already selected points


unselect_ends (boolean, (optional)) – Unselect Ends, Do not select the first and last point of the stroke

bpy.ops.gpencil.select_box(xmin=0, xmax=0, ymin=0, ymax=0, wait_for_input=True, mode='SET')#

Select Grease Pencil strokes within a rectangular region

  • xmin (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – X Min

  • xmax (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – X Max

  • ymin (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Y Min

  • ymax (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Y Max

  • wait_for_input (boolean, (optional)) – Wait for Input

  • mode (enum in ['SET', 'ADD', 'SUB', 'XOR', 'AND'], (optional)) –


    • SET Set – Set a new selection.

    • ADD Extend – Extend existing selection.

    • SUB Subtract – Subtract existing selection.

    • XOR Difference – Invert existing selection.

    • AND Intersect – Intersect existing selection.

bpy.ops.gpencil.select_circle(x=0, y=0, radius=25, wait_for_input=True, mode='SET')#

Select Grease Pencil strokes using brush selection

  • x (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – X

  • y (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Y

  • radius (int in [1, inf], (optional)) – Radius

  • wait_for_input (boolean, (optional)) – Wait for Input

  • mode (enum in ['SET', 'ADD', 'SUB'], (optional)) –


    • SET Set – Set a new selection.

    • ADD Extend – Extend existing selection.

    • SUB Subtract – Subtract existing selection.

bpy.ops.gpencil.select_first(only_selected_strokes=False, extend=False)#

Select first point in Grease Pencil strokes

  • only_selected_strokes (boolean, (optional)) – Selected Strokes Only, Only select the first point of strokes that already have points selected

  • extend (boolean, (optional)) – Extend, Extend selection instead of deselecting all other selected points


Select all strokes with similar characteristics


type (enum in ['LAYER', 'MATERIAL'], (optional)) –


  • LAYER Layer – Shared layers.

  • MATERIAL Material – Shared materials.

bpy.ops.gpencil.select_lasso(mode='SET', path=None, use_smooth_stroke=False, smooth_stroke_factor=0.75, smooth_stroke_radius=35)#

Select Grease Pencil strokes using lasso selection

  • mode (enum in ['SET', 'ADD', 'SUB', 'XOR', 'AND'], (optional)) –


    • SET Set – Set a new selection.

    • ADD Extend – Extend existing selection.

    • SUB Subtract – Subtract existing selection.

    • XOR Difference – Invert existing selection.

    • AND Intersect – Intersect existing selection.

  • path (bpy_prop_collection of OperatorMousePath, (optional)) – Path

  • use_smooth_stroke (boolean, (optional)) – Stabilize Stroke, Selection lags behind mouse and follows a smoother path

  • smooth_stroke_factor (float in [0.5, 0.99], (optional)) – Smooth Stroke Factor, Higher values gives a smoother stroke

  • smooth_stroke_radius (int in [10, 200], (optional)) – Smooth Stroke Radius, Minimum distance from last point before selection continues

bpy.ops.gpencil.select_last(only_selected_strokes=False, extend=False)#

Select last point in Grease Pencil strokes

  • only_selected_strokes (boolean, (optional)) – Selected Strokes Only, Only select the last point of strokes that already have points selected

  • extend (boolean, (optional)) – Extend, Extend selection instead of deselecting all other selected points


Shrink sets of selected Grease Pencil points


Select all points in same strokes as already selected points


Grow sets of selected Grease Pencil points

bpy.ops.gpencil.select_random(ratio=0.5, seed=0, action='SELECT', unselect_ends=False)#

Select random points for non selected strokes

  • ratio (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Ratio, Portion of items to select randomly

  • seed (int in [0, inf], (optional)) – Random Seed, Seed for the random number generator

  • action (enum in ['SELECT', 'DESELECT'], (optional)) –

    Action, Selection action to execute

    • SELECT Select – Select all elements.

    • DESELECT Deselect – Deselect all elements.

  • unselect_ends (boolean, (optional)) – Unselect Ends, Do not select the first and last point of the stroke


Select all points with similar vertex color of current selected


threshold (int in [0, 5], (optional)) – Threshold, Tolerance of the selection. Higher values select a wider range of similar colors


Hide/Unhide selected points for Grease Pencil strokes setting alpha factor


Set selection mode for Grease Pencil strokes


mode (int in [0, 2], (optional)) – Select Mode, Select mode


Set the selected stroke material as the active material


Snap cursor to center of selected points


Snap selected points/strokes to the cursor


use_offset (boolean, (optional)) – With Offset, Offset the entire stroke instead of selected points only


Snap selected points to the nearest grid points


Apply the thickness change of the layer to its strokes


Arrange selected strokes up/down in the display order of the active layer


direction (enum in ['TOP', 'UP', 'DOWN', 'BOTTOM'], (optional)) – Direction


Change stroke caps mode (rounded or flat)


type (enum in ['TOGGLE', 'START', 'END', 'DEFAULT'], (optional)) –


  • TOGGLE Both.

  • START Start.

  • END End.

  • DEFAULT Default – Set as default rounded.


Move selected strokes to active material


material (string, (optional, never None)) – Material, Name of the material

bpy.ops.gpencil.stroke_cutter(path=None, use_smooth_stroke=False, smooth_stroke_factor=0.75, smooth_stroke_radius=35, flat_caps=False)#

Select section and cut

  • path (bpy_prop_collection of OperatorMousePath, (optional)) – Path

  • use_smooth_stroke (boolean, (optional)) – Stabilize Stroke, Selection lags behind mouse and follows a smoother path

  • smooth_stroke_factor (float in [0.5, 0.99], (optional)) – Smooth Stroke Factor, Higher values gives a smoother stroke

  • smooth_stroke_radius (int in [10, 200], (optional)) – Smooth Stroke Radius, Minimum distance from last point before selection continues

  • flat_caps (boolean, (optional)) – Flat Caps

bpy.ops.gpencil.stroke_cyclical_set(type='TOGGLE', geometry=False)#

Close or open the selected stroke adding a segment from last to first point

  • type (enum in ['CLOSE', 'OPEN', 'TOGGLE'], (optional)) – Type

  • geometry (boolean, (optional)) – Create Geometry, Create new geometry for closing stroke


Set the type of an edit curve handle


type (enum in ['FREE', 'AUTOMATIC', 'VECTOR', 'ALIGNED'], (optional)) – Type, Spline type


Called to transform a stroke into a curve


error_threshold (float in [1.17549e-38, 100], (optional)) – Error Threshold, Threshold on the maximum deviation from the actual stroke


Change direction of the points of the selected strokes

bpy.ops.gpencil.stroke_join(type='JOIN', leave_gaps=False)#

Join selected strokes (optionally as new stroke)

  • type (enum in ['JOIN', 'JOINCOPY'], (optional)) – Type

  • leave_gaps (boolean, (optional)) – Leave Gaps, Leave gaps between joined strokes instead of linking them

bpy.ops.gpencil.stroke_merge(mode='STROKE', back=False, additive=False, cyclic=False, clear_point=False, clear_stroke=False)#

Create a new stroke with the selected stroke points

  • mode (enum in ['STROKE', 'POINT'], (optional)) – Mode

  • back (boolean, (optional)) – Draw on Back, Draw new stroke below all previous strokes

  • additive (boolean, (optional)) – Additive Drawing, Add to previous drawing

  • cyclic (boolean, (optional)) – Cyclic, Close new stroke

  • clear_point (boolean, (optional)) – Dissolve Points, Dissolve old selected points

  • clear_stroke (boolean, (optional)) – Delete Strokes, Delete old selected strokes

bpy.ops.gpencil.stroke_merge_by_distance(threshold=0.001, use_unselected=False)#

Merge points by distance

  • threshold (float in [0, 100], (optional)) – Threshold

  • use_unselected (boolean, (optional)) – Unselected, Use whole stroke, not only selected points

bpy.ops.gpencil.stroke_merge_material(hue_threshold=0.001, sat_threshold=0.001, val_threshold=0.001)#

Replace materials in strokes merging similar

  • hue_threshold (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Hue Threshold

  • sat_threshold (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Saturation Threshold

  • val_threshold (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Value Threshold

bpy.ops.gpencil.stroke_normalize(mode='THICKNESS', factor=1.0, value=10)#

Normalize stroke attributes

  • mode (enum in ['THICKNESS', 'OPACITY'], (optional)) –

    Mode, Attribute to be normalized

    • THICKNESS Thickness – Normalizes the stroke thickness by making all points use the same thickness value.

    • OPACITY Opacity – Normalizes the stroke opacity by making all points use the same opacity value.

  • factor (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Factor

  • value (int in [0, 1000], (optional)) – Value, Value

bpy.ops.gpencil.stroke_outline(view_mode='VIEW', material_mode='ACTIVE', thickness=1, keep=True, subdivisions=3, length=0.0)#

Convert stroke to perimeter

  • view_mode (enum in ['VIEW', 'FRONT', 'SIDE', 'TOP', 'CAMERA'], (optional)) – View

  • material_mode (enum in ['ACTIVE', 'KEEP', 'NEW'], (optional)) –

    Material Mode

    • ACTIVE Active Material.

    • KEEP Keep Material – Keep current stroke material.

    • NEW New Material.

  • thickness (int in [1, 1000], (optional)) – Thickness, Thickness of the stroke perimeter

  • keep (boolean, (optional)) – Keep Shape, Try to keep global shape when the stroke thickness change

  • subdivisions (int in [0, 10], (optional)) – Subdivisions

  • length (float in [0, 100], (optional)) – Sample Length


Reset vertex color for all or selected strokes


mode (enum in ['STROKE', 'FILL', 'BOTH'], (optional)) –


  • STROKE Stroke – Reset Vertex Color to Stroke only.

  • FILL Fill – Reset Vertex Color to Fill only.

  • BOTH Stroke & Fill – Reset Vertex Color to Stroke and Fill.

bpy.ops.gpencil.stroke_sample(length=0.1, sharp_threshold=0.1)#

Sample stroke points to predefined segment length

  • length (float in [0, 100], (optional)) – Length

  • sharp_threshold (float in [0, 3.14159], (optional)) – Sharp Threshold


Separate the selected strokes or layer in a new grease pencil object


mode (enum in ['POINT', 'STROKE', 'LAYER'], (optional)) –


  • POINT Selected Points – Separate the selected points.

  • STROKE Selected Strokes – Separate the selected strokes.

  • LAYER Active Layer – Separate the strokes of the current layer.


Simplify selected strokes, reducing number of points


factor (float in [0, 100], (optional)) – Factor


Simplify selected strokes, reducing number of points using fixed algorithm


step (int in [1, 100], (optional)) – Steps, Number of simplify steps

bpy.ops.gpencil.stroke_smooth(repeat=2, factor=1.0, only_selected=True, smooth_position=True, smooth_thickness=True, smooth_strength=False, smooth_uv=False)#

Smooth selected strokes

  • repeat (int in [1, 1000], (optional)) – Repeat

  • factor (float in [0, 2], (optional)) – Factor

  • only_selected (boolean, (optional)) – Selected Points, Smooth only selected points in the stroke

  • smooth_position (boolean, (optional)) – Position

  • smooth_thickness (boolean, (optional)) – Thickness

  • smooth_strength (boolean, (optional)) – Strength

  • smooth_uv (boolean, (optional)) – UV


Split selected points as new stroke on same frame


Set start point for cyclic strokes

bpy.ops.gpencil.stroke_subdivide(number_cuts=1, factor=0.0, repeat=1, only_selected=True, smooth_position=True, smooth_thickness=True, smooth_strength=False, smooth_uv=False)#

Subdivide between continuous selected points of the stroke adding a point half way between them

  • number_cuts (int in [1, 10], (optional)) – Number of Cuts

  • factor (float in [0, 2], (optional)) – Smooth

  • repeat (int in [1, 10], (optional)) – Repeat

  • only_selected (boolean, (optional)) – Selected Points, Smooth only selected points in the stroke

  • smooth_position (boolean, (optional)) – Position

  • smooth_thickness (boolean, (optional)) – Thickness

  • smooth_strength (boolean, (optional)) – Strength

  • smooth_uv (boolean, (optional)) – UV


Trim selected stroke to first loop or intersection


Switch tint colors



bpy.ops.gpencil.trace_image(target='NEW', thickness=10, resolution=5, scale=1.0, sample=0.0, threshold=0.5, turnpolicy='MINORITY', mode='SINGLE', use_current_frame=True, frame_number=0)#

Extract Grease Pencil strokes from image

  • target (enum in ['NEW', 'SELECTED'], (optional)) – Target Object, Target grease pencil

  • thickness (int in [1, 1000], (optional)) – Thickness

  • resolution (int in [1, 20], (optional)) – Resolution, Resolution of the generated curves

  • scale (float in [0.001, 100], (optional)) – Scale, Scale of the final stroke

  • sample (float in [0, 100], (optional)) – Sample, Distance to sample points, zero to disable

  • threshold (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Color Threshold, Determine the lightness threshold above which strokes are generated

  • turnpolicy (enum in ['BLACK', 'WHITE', 'LEFT', 'RIGHT', 'MINORITY', 'MAJORITY', 'RANDOM'], (optional)) –

    Turn Policy, Determines how to resolve ambiguities during decomposition of bitmaps into paths

    • BLACK Black – Prefers to connect black (foreground) components.

    • WHITE White – Prefers to connect white (background) components.

    • LEFT Left – Always take a left turn.

    • RIGHT Right – Always take a right turn.

    • MINORITY Minority – Prefers to connect the color (black or white) that occurs least frequently in the local neighborhood of the current position.

    • MAJORITY Majority – Prefers to connect the color (black or white) that occurs most frequently in the local neighborhood of the current position.

    • RANDOM Random – Choose pseudo-randomly.

  • mode (enum in ['SINGLE', 'SEQUENCE'], (optional)) –

    Mode, Determines if trace simple image or full sequence

    • SINGLE Single – Trace the current frame of the image.

    • SEQUENCE Sequence – Trace full sequence.

  • use_current_frame (boolean, (optional)) – Start At Current Frame, Trace Image starting in current image frame

  • frame_number (int in [0, 9999], (optional)) – Trace Frame, Used to trace only one frame of the image sequence, set to zero to trace all

bpy.ops.gpencil.transform_fill(mode='ROTATE', location=(0.0, 0.0), rotation=0.0, scale=0.0, release_confirm=False)#

Transform grease pencil stroke fill

  • mode (enum in ['TRANSLATE', 'ROTATE', 'SCALE'], (optional)) – Mode

  • location (mathutils.Vector of 2 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Location

  • rotation (float in [-6.28319, 6.28319], (optional)) – Rotation

  • scale (float in [0.001, 100], (optional)) – Scale

  • release_confirm (boolean, (optional)) – Confirm on Release


Unlock all Grease Pencil layers so that they can be edited

bpy.ops.gpencil.vertex_color_brightness_contrast(mode='BOTH', brightness=0.0, contrast=0.0)#

Adjust vertex color brightness/contrast

  • mode (enum in ['STROKE', 'FILL', 'BOTH'], (optional)) – Mode

  • brightness (float in [-100, 100], (optional)) – Brightness

  • contrast (float in [-100, 100], (optional)) – Contrast

bpy.ops.gpencil.vertex_color_hsv(mode='BOTH', h=0.5, s=1.0, v=1.0)#

Adjust vertex color HSV values

  • mode (enum in ['STROKE', 'FILL', 'BOTH'], (optional)) – Mode

  • h (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Hue

  • s (float in [0, 2], (optional)) – Saturation

  • v (float in [0, 2], (optional)) – Value


Invert RGB values


mode (enum in ['STROKE', 'FILL', 'BOTH'], (optional)) – Mode

bpy.ops.gpencil.vertex_color_levels(mode='BOTH', offset=0.0, gain=1.0)#

Adjust levels of vertex colors

  • mode (enum in ['STROKE', 'FILL', 'BOTH'], (optional)) – Mode

  • offset (float in [-1, 1], (optional)) – Offset, Value to add to colors

  • gain (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Gain, Value to multiply colors by

bpy.ops.gpencil.vertex_color_set(mode='BOTH', factor=1.0)#

Set active color to all selected vertex

  • mode (enum in ['STROKE', 'FILL', 'BOTH'], (optional)) – Mode

  • factor (float in [0.001, 1], (optional)) – Factor, Mix Factor


Assign the selected vertices to the active vertex group


Deselect all selected vertices assigned to the active vertex group


Invert weights to the active vertex group


Normalize weights to the active vertex group


Normalize all weights of all vertex groups, so that for each vertex, the sum of all weights is 1.0


lock_active (boolean, (optional)) – Lock Active, Keep the values of the active group while normalizing others


Remove the selected vertices from active or all vertex group(s)


Select all the vertices assigned to the active vertex group

bpy.ops.gpencil.vertex_group_smooth(factor=0.5, repeat=1)#

Smooth weights to the active vertex group

  • factor (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Factor

  • repeat (int in [1, 10000], (optional)) – Iterations

bpy.ops.gpencil.vertex_paint(stroke=None, wait_for_input=True)#

Paint stroke points with a color

  • stroke (bpy_prop_collection of OperatorStrokeElement, (optional)) – Stroke

  • wait_for_input (boolean, (optional)) – Wait for Input


Enter/Exit vertex paint mode for Grease Pencil strokes


back (boolean, (optional)) – Return to Previous Mode, Return to previous mode

bpy.ops.gpencil.weight_paint(stroke=None, wait_for_input=True)#

Draw weight on stroke points

  • stroke (bpy_prop_collection of OperatorStrokeElement, (optional)) – Stroke

  • wait_for_input (boolean, (optional)) – Wait for Input


Use the mouse to sample a weight in the 3D view


Toggle Add/Subtract for the weight paint draw tool


Enter/Exit weight paint mode for Grease Pencil strokes


back (boolean, (optional)) – Return to Previous Mode, Return to previous mode