Object Operators#

bpy.ops.object.add(radius=1.0, type='EMPTY', enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), scale=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))#

Add an object to the scene

  • radius (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Radius

  • type (enum in Object Type Items, (optional)) – Type

  • enter_editmode (boolean, (optional)) – Enter Edit Mode, Enter edit mode when adding this object

  • align (enum in ['WORLD', 'VIEW', 'CURSOR'], (optional)) –

    Align, The alignment of the new object

    • WORLD World – Align the new object to the world.

    • VIEW View – Align the new object to the view.

    • CURSOR 3D Cursor – Use the 3D cursor orientation for the new object.

  • location (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Location, Location for the newly added object

  • rotation (mathutils.Euler rotation of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Rotation, Rotation for the newly added object

  • scale (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Scale, Scale for the newly added object


Undocumented, consider contributing.



bpy.ops.object.add_named(linked=False, name='', session_uid=0, matrix=((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), drop_x=0, drop_y=0)#

Add named object

  • linked (boolean, (optional)) – Linked, Duplicate object but not object data, linking to the original data

  • name (string, (optional, never None)) – Name, Name of the data-block to use by the operator

  • session_uid (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Session UID, Session UID of the data-block to use by the operator

  • matrix (mathutils.Matrix of 4 * 4 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Matrix

  • drop_x (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Drop X, X-coordinate (screen space) to place the new object under

  • drop_y (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Drop Y, Y-coordinate (screen space) to place the new object under

bpy.ops.object.align(bb_quality=True, align_mode='OPT_2', relative_to='OPT_4', align_axis={})#

Align objects

  • bb_quality (boolean, (optional)) – High Quality, Enables high quality but slow calculation of the bounding box for perfect results on complex shape meshes with rotation/scale

  • align_mode (enum in ['OPT_1', 'OPT_2', 'OPT_3'], (optional)) – Align Mode, Side of object to use for alignment

  • relative_to (enum in ['OPT_1', 'OPT_2', 'OPT_3', 'OPT_4'], (optional)) –

    Relative To, Reference location to align to

    • OPT_1 Scene Origin – Use the scene origin as the position for the selected objects to align to.

    • OPT_2 3D Cursor – Use the 3D cursor as the position for the selected objects to align to.

    • OPT_3 Selection – Use the selected objects as the position for the selected objects to align to.

    • OPT_4 Active – Use the active object as the position for the selected objects to align to.

  • align_axis (enum set in {'X', 'Y', 'Z'}, (optional)) – Align, Align to axis




Convert object animation for normal transforms to delta transforms



bpy.ops.object.armature_add(radius=1.0, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), scale=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))#

Add an armature object to the scene

  • radius (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Radius

  • enter_editmode (boolean, (optional)) – Enter Edit Mode, Enter edit mode when adding this object

  • align (enum in ['WORLD', 'VIEW', 'CURSOR'], (optional)) –

    Align, The alignment of the new object

    • WORLD World – Align the new object to the world.

    • VIEW View – Align the new object to the view.

    • CURSOR 3D Cursor – Use the 3D cursor orientation for the new object.

  • location (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Location, Location for the newly added object

  • rotation (mathutils.Euler rotation of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Rotation, Rotation for the newly added object

  • scale (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Scale, Scale for the newly added object

bpy.ops.object.assign_property_defaults(process_data=True, process_bones=True)#

Assign the current values of custom properties as their defaults, for use as part of the rest pose state in NLA track mixing

  • process_data (boolean, (optional)) – Process data properties

  • process_bones (boolean, (optional)) – Process bone properties



bpy.ops.object.bake(type='COMBINED', pass_filter={}, filepath='', width=512, height=512, margin=16, margin_type='EXTEND', use_selected_to_active=False, max_ray_distance=0.0, cage_extrusion=0.0, cage_object='', normal_space='TANGENT', normal_r='POS_X', normal_g='POS_Y', normal_b='POS_Z', target='IMAGE_TEXTURES', save_mode='INTERNAL', use_clear=False, use_cage=False, use_split_materials=False, use_automatic_name=False, uv_layer='')#

Bake image textures of selected objects

  • type (enum in Bake Pass Type Items, (optional)) – Type, Type of pass to bake, some of them may not be supported by the current render engine

  • pass_filter (enum set in Bake Pass Filter Type Items, (optional)) – Pass Filter, Filter to combined, diffuse, glossy, transmission and subsurface passes

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Image filepath to use when saving externally

  • width (int in [1, inf], (optional)) – Width, Horizontal dimension of the baking map (external only)

  • height (int in [1, inf], (optional)) – Height, Vertical dimension of the baking map (external only)

  • margin (int in [0, inf], (optional)) – Margin, Extends the baked result as a post process filter

  • margin_type (enum in Bake Margin Type Items, (optional)) – Margin Type, Which algorithm to use to generate the margin

  • use_selected_to_active (boolean, (optional)) – Selected to Active, Bake shading on the surface of selected objects to the active object

  • max_ray_distance (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Max Ray Distance, The maximum ray distance for matching points between the active and selected objects. If zero, there is no limit

  • cage_extrusion (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Cage Extrusion, Inflate the active object by the specified distance for baking. This helps matching to points nearer to the outside of the selected object meshes

  • cage_object (string, (optional, never None)) – Cage Object, Object to use as cage, instead of calculating the cage from the active object with cage extrusion

  • normal_space (enum in Normal Space Items, (optional)) – Normal Space, Choose normal space for baking

  • normal_r (enum in Normal Swizzle Items, (optional)) – R, Axis to bake in red channel

  • normal_g (enum in Normal Swizzle Items, (optional)) – G, Axis to bake in green channel

  • normal_b (enum in Normal Swizzle Items, (optional)) – B, Axis to bake in blue channel

  • target (enum in Bake Target Items, (optional)) – Target, Where to output the baked map

  • save_mode (enum in Bake Save Mode Items, (optional)) – Save Mode, Where to save baked image textures

  • use_clear (boolean, (optional)) – Clear, Clear images before baking (only for internal saving)

  • use_cage (boolean, (optional)) – Cage, Cast rays to active object from a cage

  • use_split_materials (boolean, (optional)) – Split Materials, Split baked maps per material, using material name in output file (external only)

  • use_automatic_name (boolean, (optional)) – Automatic Name, Automatically name the output file with the pass type

  • uv_layer (string, (optional, never None)) – UV Layer, UV layer to override active


Bake image textures of selected objects

bpy.ops.object.camera_add(enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), scale=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))#

Add a camera object to the scene

  • enter_editmode (boolean, (optional)) – Enter Edit Mode, Enter edit mode when adding this object

  • align (enum in ['WORLD', 'VIEW', 'CURSOR'], (optional)) –

    Align, The alignment of the new object

    • WORLD World – Align the new object to the world.

    • VIEW View – Align the new object to the view.

    • CURSOR 3D Cursor – Use the 3D cursor orientation for the new object.

  • location (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Location, Location for the newly added object

  • rotation (mathutils.Euler rotation of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Rotation, Rotation for the newly added object

  • scale (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Scale, Scale for the newly added object


Delete the selected local overrides and relink their usages to the linked data-blocks if possible, else reset them and mark them as non editable


Add an object to a new collection

bpy.ops.object.collection_external_asset_drop(session_uid=0, align='WORLD', location=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), scale=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), use_instance=True, drop_x=0, drop_y=0, collection='')#

Add the dragged collection to the scene

  • session_uid (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Session UID, Session UID of the data-block to use by the operator

  • align (enum in ['WORLD', 'VIEW', 'CURSOR'], (optional)) –

    Align, The alignment of the new object

    • WORLD World – Align the new object to the world.

    • VIEW View – Align the new object to the view.

    • CURSOR 3D Cursor – Use the 3D cursor orientation for the new object.

  • location (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Location, Location for the newly added object

  • rotation (mathutils.Euler rotation of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Rotation, Rotation for the newly added object

  • scale (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Scale, Scale for the newly added object

  • use_instance (boolean, (optional)) – Instance, Add the dropped collection as collection instance

  • drop_x (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Drop X, X-coordinate (screen space) to place the new object under

  • drop_y (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Drop Y, Y-coordinate (screen space) to place the new object under

  • collection (enum in [], (optional)) – Collection

bpy.ops.object.collection_instance_add(name='Collection', collection='', align='WORLD', location=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), scale=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), session_uid=0, drop_x=0, drop_y=0)#

Add a collection instance

  • name (string, (optional, never None)) – Name, Collection name to add

  • collection (enum in [], (optional)) – Collection

  • align (enum in ['WORLD', 'VIEW', 'CURSOR'], (optional)) –

    Align, The alignment of the new object

    • WORLD World – Align the new object to the world.

    • VIEW View – Align the new object to the view.

    • CURSOR 3D Cursor – Use the 3D cursor orientation for the new object.

  • location (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Location, Location for the newly added object

  • rotation (mathutils.Euler rotation of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Rotation, Rotation for the newly added object

  • scale (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Scale, Scale for the newly added object

  • session_uid (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Session UID, Session UID of the data-block to use by the operator

  • drop_x (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Drop X, X-coordinate (screen space) to place the new object under

  • drop_y (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Drop Y, Y-coordinate (screen space) to place the new object under

Add an object to an existing collection


collection (enum in [], (optional)) – Collection


Select all objects in collection


Remove the active object from this collection

Unlink the collection from all objects


Add a constraint to the active object


type (enum in [], (optional)) – Type


Add a constraint to the active object, with target (where applicable) set to the selected objects/bones


type (enum in [], (optional)) – Type


Clear all constraints from the selected objects


Copy constraints to other selected objects

bpy.ops.object.convert(target='MESH', keep_original=False, merge_customdata=True, angle=1.22173, thickness=5, seams=False, faces=True, offset=0.01)#

Convert selected objects to another type

  • target (enum in ['CURVE', 'MESH', 'POINTCLOUD', 'CURVES', 'GREASEPENCIL'], (optional)) –

    Target, Type of object to convert to

    • CURVE Curve – Curve from Mesh or Text objects.

    • MESH Mesh – Mesh from Curve, Surface, Metaball, Text, or Point Cloud objects.

    • POINTCLOUD Point Cloud – Point Cloud from Mesh objects.

    • CURVES Curves – Curves from evaluated curve data.

    • GREASEPENCIL Grease Pencil – Grease Pencil from Curve or Mesh objects.

  • keep_original (boolean, (optional)) – Keep Original, Keep original objects instead of replacing them

  • merge_customdata (boolean, (optional)) – Merge UVs, Merge UV coordinates that share a vertex to account for imprecision in some modifiers

  • angle (float in [0, 3.14159], (optional)) – Threshold Angle, Threshold to determine ends of the strokes

  • thickness (int in [1, 100], (optional)) – Thickness

  • seams (boolean, (optional)) – Only Seam Edges, Convert only seam edges

  • faces (boolean, (optional)) – Export Faces, Export faces as filled strokes

  • offset (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Stroke Offset, Offset strokes from fill


Bind base pose in Corrective Smooth modifier


modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit

bpy.ops.object.curves_empty_hair_add(align='WORLD', location=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), scale=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))#

Add an empty curve object to the scene with the selected mesh as surface

  • align (enum in ['WORLD', 'VIEW', 'CURSOR'], (optional)) –

    Align, The alignment of the new object

    • WORLD World – Align the new object to the world.

    • VIEW View – Align the new object to the view.

    • CURSOR 3D Cursor – Use the 3D cursor orientation for the new object.

  • location (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Location, Location for the newly added object

  • rotation (mathutils.Euler rotation of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Rotation, Rotation for the newly added object

  • scale (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Scale, Scale for the newly added object

bpy.ops.object.curves_random_add(align='WORLD', location=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), scale=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))#

Add a curves object with random curves to the scene

  • align (enum in ['WORLD', 'VIEW', 'CURSOR'], (optional)) –

    Align, The alignment of the new object

    • WORLD World – Align the new object to the world.

    • VIEW View – Align the new object to the view.

    • CURSOR 3D Cursor – Use the 3D cursor orientation for the new object.

  • location (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Location, Location for the newly added object

  • rotation (mathutils.Euler rotation of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Rotation, Rotation for the newly added object

  • scale (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Scale, Scale for the newly added object

bpy.ops.object.data_instance_add(name='', session_uid=0, type='ACTION', align='WORLD', location=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), scale=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), drop_x=0, drop_y=0)#

Add an object data instance

  • name (string, (optional, never None)) – Name, Name of the data-block to use by the operator

  • session_uid (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Session UID, Session UID of the data-block to use by the operator

  • type (enum in Id Type Items, (optional)) – Type

  • align (enum in ['WORLD', 'VIEW', 'CURSOR'], (optional)) –

    Align, The alignment of the new object

    • WORLD World – Align the new object to the world.

    • VIEW View – Align the new object to the view.

    • CURSOR 3D Cursor – Use the 3D cursor orientation for the new object.

  • location (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Location, Location for the newly added object

  • rotation (mathutils.Euler rotation of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Rotation, Rotation for the newly added object

  • scale (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Scale, Scale for the newly added object

  • drop_x (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Drop X, X-coordinate (screen space) to place the new object under

  • drop_y (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Drop Y, Y-coordinate (screen space) to place the new object under

bpy.ops.object.data_transfer(use_reverse_transfer=False, use_freeze=False, data_type='', use_create=True, vert_mapping='NEAREST', edge_mapping='NEAREST', loop_mapping='NEAREST_POLYNOR', poly_mapping='NEAREST', use_auto_transform=False, use_object_transform=True, use_max_distance=False, max_distance=1.0, ray_radius=0.0, islands_precision=0.1, layers_select_src='ACTIVE', layers_select_dst='ACTIVE', mix_mode='REPLACE', mix_factor=1.0)#

Transfer data layer(s) (weights, edge sharp, etc.) from active to selected meshes

  • use_reverse_transfer (boolean, (optional)) – Reverse Transfer, Transfer from selected objects to active one

  • use_freeze (boolean, (optional)) – Freeze Operator, Prevent changes to settings to re-run the operator, handy to change several things at once with heavy geometry


    Data Type, Which data to transfer

    • VGROUP_WEIGHTS Vertex Group(s) – Transfer active or all vertex groups.

    • BEVEL_WEIGHT_VERT Bevel Weight – Transfer bevel weights.

    • COLOR_VERTEX Colors – Color Attributes.

    • SHARP_EDGE Sharp – Transfer sharp mark.

    • SEAM UV Seam – Transfer UV seam mark.

    • CREASE Subdivision Crease – Transfer crease values.

    • BEVEL_WEIGHT_EDGE Bevel Weight – Transfer bevel weights.

    • FREESTYLE_EDGE Freestyle Mark – Transfer Freestyle edge mark.

    • CUSTOM_NORMAL Custom Normals – Transfer custom normals.

    • COLOR_CORNER Colors – Color Attributes.

    • UV UVs – Transfer UV layers.

    • SMOOTH Smooth – Transfer flat/smooth mark.

    • FREESTYLE_FACE Freestyle Mark – Transfer Freestyle face mark.

  • use_create (boolean, (optional)) – Create Data, Add data layers on destination meshes if needed

  • vert_mapping (enum in Dt Method Vertex Items, (optional)) – Vertex Mapping, Method used to map source vertices to destination ones

  • edge_mapping (enum in Dt Method Edge Items, (optional)) – Edge Mapping, Method used to map source edges to destination ones

  • loop_mapping (enum in Dt Method Loop Items, (optional)) – Face Corner Mapping, Method used to map source faces’ corners to destination ones

  • poly_mapping (enum in Dt Method Poly Items, (optional)) – Face Mapping, Method used to map source faces to destination ones

  • use_auto_transform (boolean, (optional)) – Auto Transform, Automatically compute transformation to get the best possible match between source and destination meshes.Warning: Results will never be as good as manual matching of objects

  • use_object_transform (boolean, (optional)) – Object Transform, Evaluate source and destination meshes in global space

  • use_max_distance (boolean, (optional)) – Only Neighbor Geometry, Source elements must be closer than given distance from destination one

  • max_distance (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Max Distance, Maximum allowed distance between source and destination element, for non-topology mappings

  • ray_radius (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Ray Radius, ‘Width’ of rays (especially useful when raycasting against vertices or edges)

  • islands_precision (float in [0, 10], (optional)) – Islands Precision, Factor controlling precision of islands handling (the higher, the better the results)

  • layers_select_src (enum in Dt Layers Select Src Items, (optional)) – Source Layers Selection, Which layers to transfer, in case of multi-layers types

  • layers_select_dst (enum in Dt Layers Select Dst Items, (optional)) – Destination Layers Matching, How to match source and destination layers

  • mix_mode (enum in Dt Mix Mode Items, (optional)) – Mix Mode, How to affect destination elements with source values

  • mix_factor (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Mix Factor, Factor to use when applying data to destination (exact behavior depends on mix mode)

bpy.ops.object.datalayout_transfer(modifier='', data_type='', use_delete=False, layers_select_src='ACTIVE', layers_select_dst='ACTIVE')#

Transfer layout of data layer(s) from active to selected meshes

  • modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit


    Data Type, Which data to transfer

    • VGROUP_WEIGHTS Vertex Group(s) – Transfer active or all vertex groups.

    • BEVEL_WEIGHT_VERT Bevel Weight – Transfer bevel weights.

    • COLOR_VERTEX Colors – Color Attributes.

    • SHARP_EDGE Sharp – Transfer sharp mark.

    • SEAM UV Seam – Transfer UV seam mark.

    • CREASE Subdivision Crease – Transfer crease values.

    • BEVEL_WEIGHT_EDGE Bevel Weight – Transfer bevel weights.

    • FREESTYLE_EDGE Freestyle Mark – Transfer Freestyle edge mark.

    • CUSTOM_NORMAL Custom Normals – Transfer custom normals.

    • COLOR_CORNER Colors – Color Attributes.

    • UV UVs – Transfer UV layers.

    • SMOOTH Smooth – Transfer flat/smooth mark.

    • FREESTYLE_FACE Freestyle Mark – Transfer Freestyle face mark.

  • use_delete (boolean, (optional)) – Exact Match, Also delete some data layers from destination if necessary, so that it matches exactly source

  • layers_select_src (enum in Dt Layers Select Src Items, (optional)) – Source Layers Selection, Which layers to transfer, in case of multi-layers types

  • layers_select_dst (enum in Dt Layers Select Dst Items, (optional)) – Destination Layers Matching, How to match source and destination layers

bpy.ops.object.delete(use_global=False, confirm=True)#

Delete selected objects

  • use_global (boolean, (optional)) – Delete Globally, Remove object from all scenes

  • confirm (boolean, (optional)) – Confirm, Prompt for confirmation

bpy.ops.object.drop_geometry_nodes(session_uid=0, show_datablock_in_modifier=True)#

Undocumented, consider contributing.

  • session_uid (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Session UID, Session UID of the geometry node group being dropped

  • show_datablock_in_modifier (boolean, (optional)) – Show the datablock selector in the modifier

bpy.ops.object.drop_named_material(name='', session_uid=0)#

Undocumented, consider contributing.

  • name (string, (optional, never None)) – Name, Name of the data-block to use by the operator

  • session_uid (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Session UID, Session UID of the data-block to use by the operator

bpy.ops.object.duplicate(linked=False, mode='TRANSLATION')#

Duplicate selected objects

  • linked (boolean, (optional)) – Linked, Duplicate object but not object data, linking to the original data

  • mode (enum in Transform Mode Type Items, (optional)) – Mode

bpy.ops.object.duplicate_move(OBJECT_OT_duplicate=None, TRANSFORM_OT_translate=None)#

Duplicate the selected objects and move them

  • OBJECT_OT_duplicate (OBJECT_OT_duplicate, (optional)) – Duplicate Objects, Duplicate selected objects

  • TRANSFORM_OT_translate (TRANSFORM_OT_translate, (optional)) – Move, Move selected items

bpy.ops.object.duplicate_move_linked(OBJECT_OT_duplicate=None, TRANSFORM_OT_translate=None)#

Duplicate the selected objects, but not their object data, and move them

  • OBJECT_OT_duplicate (OBJECT_OT_duplicate, (optional)) – Duplicate Objects, Duplicate selected objects

  • TRANSFORM_OT_translate (TRANSFORM_OT_translate, (optional)) – Move, Move selected items

bpy.ops.object.duplicates_make_real(use_base_parent=False, use_hierarchy=False)#

Make instanced objects attached to this object real

  • use_base_parent (boolean, (optional)) – Parent, Parent newly created objects to the original instancer

  • use_hierarchy (boolean, (optional)) – Keep Hierarchy, Maintain parent child relationships


Toggle object’s edit mode

bpy.ops.object.effector_add(type='FORCE', radius=1.0, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), scale=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))#

Add an empty object with a physics effector to the scene

  • type (enum in ['FORCE', 'WIND', 'VORTEX', 'MAGNET', 'HARMONIC', 'CHARGE', 'LENNARDJ', 'TEXTURE', 'GUIDE', 'BOID', 'TURBULENCE', 'DRAG', 'FLUID'], (optional)) – Type

  • radius (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Radius

  • enter_editmode (boolean, (optional)) – Enter Edit Mode, Enter edit mode when adding this object

  • align (enum in ['WORLD', 'VIEW', 'CURSOR'], (optional)) –

    Align, The alignment of the new object

    • WORLD World – Align the new object to the world.

    • VIEW View – Align the new object to the view.

    • CURSOR 3D Cursor – Use the 3D cursor orientation for the new object.

  • location (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Location, Location for the newly added object

  • rotation (mathutils.Euler rotation of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Rotation, Rotation for the newly added object

  • scale (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Scale, Scale for the newly added object

bpy.ops.object.empty_add(type='PLAIN_AXES', radius=1.0, align='WORLD', location=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), scale=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))#

Add an empty object to the scene

  • type (enum in Object Empty Drawtype Items, (optional)) – Type

  • radius (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Radius

  • align (enum in ['WORLD', 'VIEW', 'CURSOR'], (optional)) –

    Align, The alignment of the new object

    • WORLD World – Align the new object to the world.

    • VIEW View – Align the new object to the view.

    • CURSOR 3D Cursor – Use the 3D cursor orientation for the new object.

  • location (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Location, Location for the newly added object

  • rotation (mathutils.Euler rotation of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Rotation, Rotation for the newly added object

  • scale (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Scale, Scale for the newly added object

bpy.ops.object.empty_image_add(filepath='', hide_props_region=True, check_existing=False, filter_blender=False, filter_backup=False, filter_image=True, filter_movie=True, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_archive=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_usd=False, filter_obj=False, filter_volume=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=9, relative_path=True, show_multiview=False, use_multiview=False, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='', name='', session_uid=0, align='WORLD', location=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), scale=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), background=False)#

Add an empty image type to scene with data

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • hide_props_region (boolean, (optional)) – Hide Operator Properties, Collapse the region displaying the operator settings

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • relative_path (boolean, (optional)) – Relative Path, Select the file relative to the blend file

  • show_multiview (boolean, (optional)) – Enable Multi-View

  • use_multiview (boolean, (optional)) – Use Multi-View

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'FILE_SORT_ALPHA', 'FILE_SORT_EXTENSION', 'FILE_SORT_TIME', 'FILE_SORT_SIZE'], (optional)) –

    File sorting mode

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine sort method for files.

    • FILE_SORT_ALPHA Name – Sort the file list alphabetically.

    • FILE_SORT_EXTENSION Extension – Sort the file list by extension/type.

    • FILE_SORT_TIME Modified Date – Sort files by modification time.

    • FILE_SORT_SIZE Size – Sort files by size.

  • name (string, (optional, never None)) – Name, Name of the data-block to use by the operator

  • session_uid (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Session UID, Session UID of the data-block to use by the operator

  • align (enum in ['WORLD', 'VIEW', 'CURSOR'], (optional)) –

    Align, The alignment of the new object

    • WORLD World – Align the new object to the world.

    • VIEW View – Align the new object to the view.

    • CURSOR 3D Cursor – Use the 3D cursor orientation for the new object.

  • location (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Location, Location for the newly added object

  • rotation (mathutils.Euler rotation of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Rotation, Rotation for the newly added object

  • scale (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Scale, Scale for the newly added object

  • background (boolean, (optional)) – Put in Background, Make the image render behind all objects


Refresh data in the Explode modifier


modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit


Toggle object’s force field

bpy.ops.object.geometry_node_bake_delete_single(session_uid=0, modifier_name='', bake_id=0)#

Delete baked data of a single bake node or simulation

  • session_uid (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Session UID, Session UID of the data-block to use by the operator

  • modifier_name (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier Name, Name of the modifier that contains the node

  • bake_id (int in [0, inf], (optional)) – Bake ID, Nested node id of the node

bpy.ops.object.geometry_node_bake_pack_single(session_uid=0, modifier_name='', bake_id=0)#

Pack baked data from disk into the .blend file

  • session_uid (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Session UID, Session UID of the data-block to use by the operator

  • modifier_name (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier Name, Name of the modifier that contains the node

  • bake_id (int in [0, inf], (optional)) – Bake ID, Nested node id of the node

bpy.ops.object.geometry_node_bake_single(session_uid=0, modifier_name='', bake_id=0)#

Bake a single bake node or simulation

  • session_uid (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Session UID, Session UID of the data-block to use by the operator

  • modifier_name (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier Name, Name of the modifier that contains the node

  • bake_id (int in [0, inf], (optional)) – Bake ID, Nested node id of the node

bpy.ops.object.geometry_node_bake_unpack_single(session_uid=0, modifier_name='', bake_id=0, method='USE_LOCAL')#

Unpack baked data from the .blend file to disk

  • session_uid (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Session UID, Session UID of the data-block to use by the operator

  • modifier_name (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier Name, Name of the modifier that contains the node

  • bake_id (int in [0, inf], (optional)) – Bake ID, Nested node id of the node

  • method (enum in ['USE_LOCAL', 'WRITE_LOCAL', 'USE_ORIGINAL', 'WRITE_ORIGINAL'], (optional)) – Method, How to unpack


Copy the active geometry node group and assign it to the active modifier

bpy.ops.object.geometry_nodes_input_attribute_toggle(input_name='', modifier_name='')#

Switch between an attribute and a single value to define the data for every element

  • input_name (string, (optional, never None)) – Input Name

  • modifier_name (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier Name


Move inputs and outputs from in the modifier to a new node group


use_selected_objects (boolean, (optional)) – Selected Objects, Affect all selected objects instead of just the active object



bpy.ops.object.gpencil_add(radius=1.0, align='WORLD', location=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), scale=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), type='EMPTY', use_in_front=True, stroke_depth_offset=0.05, use_lights=False, stroke_depth_order='3D')#

Add a Grease Pencil object to the scene

  • radius (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Radius

  • align (enum in ['WORLD', 'VIEW', 'CURSOR'], (optional)) –

    Align, The alignment of the new object

    • WORLD World – Align the new object to the world.

    • VIEW View – Align the new object to the view.

    • CURSOR 3D Cursor – Use the 3D cursor orientation for the new object.

  • location (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Location, Location for the newly added object

  • rotation (mathutils.Euler rotation of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Rotation, Rotation for the newly added object

  • scale (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Scale, Scale for the newly added object

  • type (enum in Object Gpencil Type Items, (optional)) – Type

  • use_in_front (boolean, (optional)) – Show In Front, Show Line Art grease pencil in front of everything

  • stroke_depth_offset (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Stroke Offset, Stroke offset for the Line Art modifier

  • use_lights (boolean, (optional)) – Use Lights, Use lights for this grease pencil object

  • stroke_depth_order (enum in ['2D', '3D'], (optional)) –

    Stroke Depth Order, Defines how the strokes are ordered in 3D space (for objects not displayed ‘In Front’)

    • 2D 2D Layers – Display strokes using grease pencil layers to define order.

    • 3D 3D Location – Display strokes using real 3D position in 3D space.

bpy.ops.object.grease_pencil_add(type='EMPTY', use_in_front=True, stroke_depth_offset=0.05, use_lights=False, stroke_depth_order='3D', radius=1.0, align='WORLD', location=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), scale=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))#

Add a Grease Pencil object to the scene

  • type (enum in Object Gpencil Type Items, (optional)) – Type

  • use_in_front (boolean, (optional)) – Show In Front, Show Line Art grease pencil in front of everything

  • stroke_depth_offset (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Stroke Offset, Stroke offset for the Line Art modifier

  • use_lights (boolean, (optional)) – Use Lights, Use lights for this grease pencil object

  • stroke_depth_order (enum in ['2D', '3D'], (optional)) –

    Stroke Depth Order, Defines how the strokes are ordered in 3D space (for objects not displayed ‘In Front’)

    • 2D 2D Layers – Display strokes using grease pencil layers to define order.

    • 3D 3D Location – Display strokes using real 3D position in 3D space.

  • radius (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Radius

  • align (enum in ['WORLD', 'VIEW', 'CURSOR'], (optional)) –

    Align, The alignment of the new object

    • WORLD World – Align the new object to the world.

    • VIEW View – Align the new object to the view.

    • CURSOR 3D Cursor – Use the 3D cursor orientation for the new object.

  • location (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Location, Location for the newly added object

  • rotation (mathutils.Euler rotation of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Rotation, Rotation for the newly added object

  • scale (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Scale, Scale for the newly added object


Add a segment to the dash modifier


modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit

bpy.ops.object.grease_pencil_dash_modifier_segment_move(modifier='', type='UP')#

Move the active dash segment up or down

  • modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit

  • type (enum in ['UP', 'DOWN'], (optional)) – Type

bpy.ops.object.grease_pencil_dash_modifier_segment_remove(modifier='', index=0)#

Remove the active segment from the dash modifier

  • modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit

  • index (int in [0, inf], (optional)) – Index, Index of the segment to remove


Add a segment to the time modifier


modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit

bpy.ops.object.grease_pencil_time_modifier_segment_move(modifier='', type='UP')#

Move the active time segment up or down

  • modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit

  • type (enum in ['UP', 'DOWN'], (optional)) – Type

bpy.ops.object.grease_pencil_time_modifier_segment_remove(modifier='', index=0)#

Remove the active segment from the time modifier

  • modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit

  • index (int in [0, inf], (optional)) – Index, Index of the segment to remove

bpy.ops.object.hide_collection(collection_index=-1, toggle=False, extend=False)#

Show only objects in collection (Shift to extend)

  • collection_index (int in [-1, inf], (optional)) – Collection Index, Index of the collection to change visibility

  • toggle (boolean, (optional)) – Toggle, Toggle visibility

  • extend (boolean, (optional)) – Extend, Extend visibility


Reveal all render objects by setting the hide render flag




Reveal temporarily hidden objects


select (boolean, (optional)) – Select, Select revealed objects


Temporarily hide objects from the viewport


unselected (boolean, (optional)) – Unselected, Hide unselected rather than selected objects


Hook selected vertices to a newly created object


Hook selected vertices to the first selected object


use_bone (boolean, (optional)) – Active Bone, Assign the hook to the hook object’s active bone


Assign the selected vertices to a hook


modifier (enum in [], (optional)) – Modifier, Modifier number to assign to


Set hook center to cursor position


modifier (enum in [], (optional)) – Modifier, Modifier number to assign to


Remove a hook from the active object


modifier (enum in [], (optional)) – Modifier, Modifier number to remove


Recalculate and clear offset transformation


modifier (enum in [], (optional)) – Modifier, Modifier number to assign to


Select affected vertices on mesh


modifier (enum in [], (optional)) – Modifier, Modifier number to remove


Set offset used for collection instances based on cursor position




Set offset used for collection instances based on the active object position




Set cursor position to the offset used for collection instances




Hide unselected render objects of same type as active by setting the hide render flag




Join selected objects into active object


Copy the current resulting shape of another selected object to this one


Transfer UV Maps from active to selected objects (needs matching geometry)




Bind mesh to system in laplacian deform modifier


modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit

bpy.ops.object.light_add(type='POINT', radius=1.0, align='WORLD', location=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), scale=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))#

Add a light object to the scene

  • type (enum in Light Type Items, (optional)) – Type

  • radius (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Radius

  • align (enum in ['WORLD', 'VIEW', 'CURSOR'], (optional)) –

    Align, The alignment of the new object

    • WORLD World – Align the new object to the world.

    • VIEW View – Align the new object to the view.

    • CURSOR 3D Cursor – Use the 3D cursor orientation for the new object.

  • location (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Location, Location for the newly added object

  • rotation (mathutils.Euler rotation of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Rotation, Rotation for the newly added object

  • scale (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Scale, Scale for the newly added object


Create new light linking collection used by the active emitter

Light link selected blockers to the active emitter object


link_state (enum in ['INCLUDE', 'EXCLUDE'], (optional)) –

Link State, State of the shadow linking

  • INCLUDE Include – Include selected blockers to cast shadows from the active emitter.

  • EXCLUDE Exclude – Exclude selected blockers from casting shadows from the active emitter.


Select all objects which block light from this emitter


Create new light linking collection used by the active emitter

Light link selected receivers to the active emitter object


link_state (enum in ['INCLUDE', 'EXCLUDE'], (optional)) –

Link State, State of the light linking

  • INCLUDE Include – Include selected receivers to receive light from the active emitter.

  • EXCLUDE Exclude – Exclude selected receivers from receiving light from the active emitter.


Select all objects which receive light from this emitter

Remove this object or collection from the light linking collection

bpy.ops.object.lightprobe_add(type='SPHERE', radius=1.0, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), scale=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))#

Add a light probe object

  • type (enum in ['SPHERE', 'PLANE', 'VOLUME'], (optional)) –


    • SPHERE Sphere – Light probe that captures precise lighting from all directions at a single point in space.

    • PLANE Plane – Light probe that captures incoming light from a single direction on a plane.

    • VOLUME Volume – Light probe that captures low frequency lighting inside a volume.

  • radius (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Radius

  • enter_editmode (boolean, (optional)) – Enter Edit Mode, Enter edit mode when adding this object

  • align (enum in ['WORLD', 'VIEW', 'CURSOR'], (optional)) –

    Align, The alignment of the new object

    • WORLD World – Align the new object to the world.

    • VIEW View – Align the new object to the view.

    • CURSOR 3D Cursor – Use the 3D cursor orientation for the new object.

  • location (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Location, Location for the newly added object

  • rotation (mathutils.Euler rotation of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Rotation, Rotation for the newly added object

  • scale (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Scale, Scale for the newly added object


Bake irradiance volume light cache


subset (enum in ['ALL', 'SELECTED', 'ACTIVE'], (optional)) –

Subset, Subset of probes to update

  • ALL All Volumes – Bake all light probe volumes.

  • SELECTED Selected Only – Only bake selected light probe volumes.

  • ACTIVE Active Only – Only bake the active light probe volume.


Delete cached indirect lighting


subset (enum in ['ALL', 'SELECTED', 'ACTIVE'], (optional)) –

Subset, Subset of probes to update

  • ALL All Light Probes – Delete all light probes’ baked lighting data.

  • SELECTED Selected Only – Only delete selected light probes’ baked lighting data.

  • ACTIVE Active Only – Only delete the active light probe’s baked lighting data.


Bake Line Art for current Grease Pencil object


bake_all (boolean, (optional)) – Bake All, Bake all line art modifiers


Clear all strokes in current Grease Pencil object


clear_all (boolean, (optional)) – Clear All, Clear all line art modifier bakes

Link objects to a collection

  • collection_index (int in [-1, inf], (optional)) – Collection Index, Index of the collection to move to

  • is_new (boolean, (optional)) – New, Move objects to a new collection

  • new_collection_name (string, (optional, never None)) – Name, Name of the newly added collection


Clear the object’s location


clear_delta (boolean, (optional)) – Clear Delta, Clear delta location in addition to clearing the normal location transform


Convert objects into instanced faces



Transfer data from active object to selected objects




  • OBDATA Link Object Data – Replace assigned Object Data.

  • MATERIAL Link Materials – Replace assigned Materials.

  • ANIMATION Link Animation Data – Replace assigned Animation Data.

  • GROUPS Link Collections – Replace assigned Collections.

  • DUPLICOLLECTION Link Instance Collection – Replace assigned Collection Instance.

  • FONTS Link Fonts to Text – Replace Text object Fonts.

  • MODIFIERS Copy Modifiers – Replace Modifiers.

  • EFFECTS Copy Grease Pencil Effects – Replace Grease Pencil Effects.

Link selection to another scene


scene (enum in [], (optional)) – Scene


Make library linked data-blocks local to this file


type (enum in ['SELECT_OBJECT', 'SELECT_OBDATA', 'SELECT_OBDATA_MATERIAL', 'ALL'], (optional)) – Type


Create a local override of the selected linked objects, and their hierarchy of dependencies


collection (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Override Collection, Session UID of the directly linked collection containing the selected object, to make an override from

bpy.ops.object.make_single_user(type='SELECTED_OBJECTS', object=False, obdata=False, material=False, animation=False, obdata_animation=False)#

Make linked data local to each object

  • type (enum in ['SELECTED_OBJECTS', 'ALL'], (optional)) – Type

  • object (boolean, (optional)) – Object, Make single user objects

  • obdata (boolean, (optional)) – Object Data, Make single user object data

  • material (boolean, (optional)) – Materials, Make materials local to each data-block

  • animation (boolean, (optional)) – Object Animation, Make object animation data local to each object

  • obdata_animation (boolean, (optional)) – Object Data Animation, Make object data (mesh, curve etc.) animation data local to each object


Add a new material slot


Assign active material slot to selection


Copy material to selected objects


Deselect by active material slot


Move the active material up/down in the list


direction (enum in ['UP', 'DOWN'], (optional)) – Direction, Direction to move the active material towards


Remove the selected material slot


Remove unused material slots


Select by active material slot


Bind mesh to cage in mesh deform modifier


modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit

bpy.ops.object.metaball_add(type='BALL', radius=2.0, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), scale=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))#

Add an metaball object to the scene

  • type (enum in Metaelem Type Items, (optional)) – Primitive

  • radius (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Radius

  • enter_editmode (boolean, (optional)) – Enter Edit Mode, Enter edit mode when adding this object

  • align (enum in ['WORLD', 'VIEW', 'CURSOR'], (optional)) –

    Align, The alignment of the new object

    • WORLD World – Align the new object to the world.

    • VIEW View – Align the new object to the view.

    • CURSOR 3D Cursor – Use the 3D cursor orientation for the new object.

  • location (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Location, Location for the newly added object

  • rotation (mathutils.Euler rotation of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Rotation, Rotation for the newly added object

  • scale (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Scale, Scale for the newly added object

bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=False)#

Sets the object interaction mode

  • mode (enum in Object Mode Items, (optional)) – Mode

  • toggle (boolean, (optional)) – Toggle

bpy.ops.object.mode_set_with_submode(mode='OBJECT', toggle=False, mesh_select_mode={})#

Sets the object interaction mode

bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type='SUBSURF', use_selected_objects=False)#

Add a procedural operation/effect to the active object

  • type (enum in Object Modifier Type Items, (optional)) – Type

  • use_selected_objects (boolean, (optional)) – Selected Objects, Affect all selected objects instead of just the active object

bpy.ops.object.modifier_add_node_group(asset_library_type='LOCAL', asset_library_identifier='', relative_asset_identifier='', session_uid=0, use_selected_objects=False)#

Add a procedural operation/effect to the active object

  • asset_library_type (enum in Asset Library Type Items, (optional)) – Asset Library Type

  • asset_library_identifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Asset Library Identifier

  • relative_asset_identifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Relative Asset Identifier

  • session_uid (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Session UID, Session UID of the data-block to use by the operator

  • use_selected_objects (boolean, (optional)) – Selected Objects, Affect all selected objects instead of just the active object

bpy.ops.object.modifier_apply(modifier='', report=False, merge_customdata=True, single_user=False, use_selected_objects=False)#

Apply modifier and remove from the stack

  • modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit

  • report (boolean, (optional)) – Report, Create a notification after the operation

  • merge_customdata (boolean, (optional)) – Merge UVs, For mesh objects, merge UV coordinates that share a vertex to account for imprecision in some modifiers

  • single_user (boolean, (optional)) – Make Data Single User, Make the object’s data single user if needed

  • use_selected_objects (boolean, (optional)) – Selected Objects, Affect all selected objects instead of just the active object

bpy.ops.object.modifier_apply_as_shapekey(keep_modifier=False, modifier='', report=False)#

Apply modifier as a new shape key and remove from the stack

  • keep_modifier (boolean, (optional)) – Keep Modifier, Do not remove the modifier from stack

  • modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit

  • report (boolean, (optional)) – Report, Create a notification after the operation


Convert particles to a mesh object


modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit

bpy.ops.object.modifier_copy(modifier='', use_selected_objects=False)#

Duplicate modifier at the same position in the stack

  • modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit

  • use_selected_objects (boolean, (optional)) – Selected Objects, Affect all selected objects instead of just the active object


Copy the modifier from the active object to all selected objects


modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit


Move modifier down in the stack


modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit

bpy.ops.object.modifier_move_to_index(modifier='', index=0, use_selected_objects=False)#

Change the modifier’s index in the stack so it evaluates after the set number of others

  • modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit

  • index (int in [0, inf], (optional)) – Index, The index to move the modifier to

  • use_selected_objects (boolean, (optional)) – Selected Objects, Affect all selected objects instead of just the active object


Move modifier up in the stack


modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit

bpy.ops.object.modifier_remove(modifier='', report=False, use_selected_objects=False)#

Remove a modifier from the active object

  • modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit

  • report (boolean, (optional)) – Report, Create a notification after the operation

  • use_selected_objects (boolean, (optional)) – Selected Objects, Affect all selected objects instead of just the active object


Activate the modifier to use as the context


modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit


Clear all modifiers from the selected objects


Copy modifiers to other selected objects

bpy.ops.object.move_to_collection(collection_index=-1, is_new=False, new_collection_name='')#

Move objects to a collection

  • collection_index (int in [-1, inf], (optional)) – Collection Index, Index of the collection to move to

  • is_new (boolean, (optional)) – New, Move objects to a new collection

  • new_collection_name (string, (optional, never None)) – Name, Name of the newly added collection


Modify the base mesh to conform to the displaced mesh


modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit


Pack displacements from an external file

bpy.ops.object.multires_external_save(filepath='', hide_props_region=True, check_existing=True, filter_blender=False, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_archive=False, filter_btx=True, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_usd=False, filter_obj=False, filter_volume=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=9, relative_path=True, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='', modifier='')#

Save displacements to an external file

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • hide_props_region (boolean, (optional)) – Hide Operator Properties, Collapse the region displaying the operator settings

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • relative_path (boolean, (optional)) – Relative Path, Select the file relative to the blend file

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in [], (optional)) – File sorting mode

  • modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit


Deletes the higher resolution mesh, potential loss of detail


modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit


Rebuilds all possible subdivisions levels to generate a lower resolution base mesh


modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit


Copy vertex coordinates from other object


modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit

bpy.ops.object.multires_subdivide(modifier='', mode='CATMULL_CLARK')#

Add a new level of subdivision

  • modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit

  • mode (enum in ['CATMULL_CLARK', 'SIMPLE', 'LINEAR'], (optional)) –

    Subdivision Mode, How the mesh is going to be subdivided to create a new level

    • CATMULL_CLARK Catmull-Clark – Create a new level using Catmull-Clark subdivisions.

    • SIMPLE Simple – Create a new level using simple subdivisions.

    • LINEAR Linear – Create a new level using linear interpolation of the sculpted displacement.


Rebuild a lower subdivision level of the current base mesh


modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit

bpy.ops.object.ocean_bake(modifier='', free=False)#

Bake an image sequence of ocean data

  • modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit

  • free (boolean, (optional)) – Free, Free the bake, rather than generating it


Clear the object’s origin

bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type='GEOMETRY_ORIGIN', center='MEDIAN')#

Set the object’s origin, by either moving the data, or set to center of data, or use 3D cursor



    • GEOMETRY_ORIGIN Geometry to Origin – Move object geometry to object origin.

    • ORIGIN_GEOMETRY Origin to Geometry – Calculate the center of geometry based on the current pivot point (median, otherwise bounding box).

    • ORIGIN_CURSOR Origin to 3D Cursor – Move object origin to position of the 3D cursor.

    • ORIGIN_CENTER_OF_MASS Origin to Center of Mass (Surface) – Calculate the center of mass from the surface area.

    • ORIGIN_CENTER_OF_VOLUME Origin to Center of Mass (Volume) – Calculate the center of mass from the volume (must be manifold geometry with consistent normals).

  • center (enum in ['MEDIAN', 'BOUNDS'], (optional)) – Center


Clear the object’s parenting


type (enum in ['CLEAR', 'CLEAR_KEEP_TRANSFORM', 'CLEAR_INVERSE'], (optional)) –


  • CLEAR Clear Parent – Completely clear the parenting relationship, including involved modifiers if any.

  • CLEAR_KEEP_TRANSFORM Clear and Keep Transformation – As ‘Clear Parent’, but keep the current visual transformations of the object.

  • CLEAR_INVERSE Clear Parent Inverse – Reset the transform corrections applied to the parenting relationship, does not remove parenting itself.


Apply the object’s parent inverse to its data


Set the object’s parenting without setting the inverse parent correction


keep_transform (boolean, (optional)) – Keep Transform, Preserve the world transform throughout parenting

bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type='OBJECT', xmirror=False, keep_transform=False)#

Set the object’s parenting


  • xmirror (boolean, (optional)) – X Mirror, Apply weights symmetrically along X axis, for Envelope/Automatic vertex groups creation

  • keep_transform (boolean, (optional)) – Keep Transform, Apply transformation before parenting


Add a particle system


Remove the selected particle system

bpy.ops.object.paths_calculate(display_type='RANGE', range='SCENE')#

Generate motion paths for the selected objects


Undocumented, consider contributing.


only_selected (boolean, (optional)) – Only Selected, Only clear motion paths of selected objects


Recalculate motion paths for selected objects


Recalculate all visible motion paths for objects and poses

bpy.ops.object.pointcloud_add(align='WORLD', location=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), scale=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))#

Add a point cloud object to the scene

  • align (enum in ['WORLD', 'VIEW', 'CURSOR'], (optional)) –

    Align, The alignment of the new object

    • WORLD World – Align the new object to the world.

    • VIEW View – Align the new object to the view.

    • CURSOR 3D Cursor – Use the 3D cursor orientation for the new object.

  • location (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Location, Location for the newly added object

  • rotation (mathutils.Euler rotation of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Rotation, Rotation for the newly added object

  • scale (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Scale, Scale for the newly added object


Enable or disable posing/selecting bones

bpy.ops.object.quadriflow_remesh(use_mesh_symmetry=True, use_preserve_sharp=False, use_preserve_boundary=False, preserve_attributes=False, smooth_normals=False, mode='FACES', target_ratio=1.0, target_edge_length=0.1, target_faces=4000, mesh_area=-1.0, seed=0)#

Create a new quad based mesh using the surface data of the current mesh. All data layers will be lost

  • use_mesh_symmetry (boolean, (optional)) – Use Mesh Symmetry, Generates a symmetrical mesh using the mesh symmetry configuration

  • use_preserve_sharp (boolean, (optional)) – Preserve Sharp, Try to preserve sharp features on the mesh

  • use_preserve_boundary (boolean, (optional)) – Preserve Mesh Boundary, Try to preserve mesh boundary on the mesh

  • preserve_attributes (boolean, (optional)) – Preserve Attributes, Reproject attributes onto the new mesh

  • smooth_normals (boolean, (optional)) – Smooth Normals, Set the output mesh normals to smooth

  • mode (enum in ['RATIO', 'EDGE', 'FACES'], (optional)) –

    Mode, How to specify the amount of detail for the new mesh

    • RATIO Ratio – Specify target number of faces relative to the current mesh.

    • EDGE Edge Length – Input target edge length in the new mesh.

    • FACES Faces – Input target number of faces in the new mesh.

  • target_ratio (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Ratio, Relative number of faces compared to the current mesh

  • target_edge_length (float in [1e-07, inf], (optional)) – Edge Length, Target edge length in the new mesh

  • target_faces (int in [1, inf], (optional)) – Number of Faces, Approximate number of faces (quads) in the new mesh

  • mesh_area (float in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Old Object Face Area, This property is only used to cache the object area for later calculations

  • seed (int in [0, inf], (optional)) – Seed, Random seed to use with the solver. Different seeds will cause the remesher to come up with different quad layouts on the mesh

bpy.ops.object.quick_explode(style='EXPLODE', amount=100, frame_duration=50, frame_start=1, frame_end=10, velocity=1.0, fade=True)#

Make selected objects explode

  • style (enum in ['EXPLODE', 'BLEND'], (optional)) – Explode Style

  • amount (int in [2, 10000], (optional)) – Number of Pieces

  • frame_duration (int in [1, 300000], (optional)) – Duration

  • frame_start (int in [1, 300000], (optional)) – Start Frame

  • frame_end (int in [1, 300000], (optional)) – End Frame

  • velocity (float in [0, 300000], (optional)) – Outwards Velocity

  • fade (boolean, (optional)) – Fade, Fade the pieces over time



bpy.ops.object.quick_fur(density='MEDIUM', length=0.1, radius=0.001, view_percentage=1.0, apply_hair_guides=True, use_noise=True, use_frizz=True)#

Add a fur setup to the selected objects

  • density (enum in ['LOW', 'MEDIUM', 'HIGH'], (optional)) – Density

  • length (float in [0.001, 100], (optional)) – Length

  • radius (float in [0, 10], (optional)) – Hair Radius

  • view_percentage (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – View Percentage

  • apply_hair_guides (boolean, (optional)) – Apply Hair Guides

  • use_noise (boolean, (optional)) – Noise

  • use_frizz (boolean, (optional)) – Frizz




Make selected objects liquid


show_flows (boolean, (optional)) – Render Liquid Objects, Keep the liquid objects visible during rendering



bpy.ops.object.quick_smoke(style='SMOKE', show_flows=False)#

Use selected objects as smoke emitters

  • style (enum in ['SMOKE', 'FIRE', 'BOTH'], (optional)) – Smoke Style

  • show_flows (boolean, (optional)) – Render Smoke Objects, Keep the smoke objects visible during rendering



bpy.ops.object.randomize_transform(random_seed=0, use_delta=False, use_loc=True, loc=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), use_rot=True, rot=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), use_scale=True, scale_even=False, scale=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0))#

Randomize objects location, rotation, and scale

  • random_seed (int in [0, 10000], (optional)) – Random Seed, Seed value for the random generator

  • use_delta (boolean, (optional)) – Transform Delta, Randomize delta transform values instead of regular transform

  • use_loc (boolean, (optional)) – Randomize Location, Randomize the location values

  • loc (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-100, 100], (optional)) – Location, Maximum distance the objects can spread over each axis

  • use_rot (boolean, (optional)) – Randomize Rotation, Randomize the rotation values

  • rot (mathutils.Euler rotation of 3 items in [-3.14159, 3.14159], (optional)) – Rotation, Maximum rotation over each axis

  • use_scale (boolean, (optional)) – Randomize Scale, Randomize the scale values

  • scale_even (boolean, (optional)) – Scale Even, Use the same scale value for all axis

  • scale (float array of 3 items in [-100, 100], (optional)) – Scale, Maximum scale randomization over each axis




Reset the selected local overrides to their linked references values


Clear the object’s rotation


clear_delta (boolean, (optional)) – Clear Delta, Clear delta rotation in addition to clearing the normal rotation transform


Clear the object’s scale


clear_delta (boolean, (optional)) – Clear Delta, Clear delta scale in addition to clearing the normal scale transform


Change selection of all visible objects in scene


action (enum in ['TOGGLE', 'SELECT', 'DESELECT', 'INVERT'], (optional)) –

Action, Selection action to execute

  • TOGGLE Toggle – Toggle selection for all elements.

  • SELECT Select – Select all elements.

  • DESELECT Deselect – Deselect all elements.

  • INVERT Invert – Invert selection of all elements.

bpy.ops.object.select_by_type(extend=False, type='MESH')#

Select all visible objects that are of a type

  • extend (boolean, (optional)) – Extend, Extend selection instead of deselecting everything first

  • type (enum in Object Type Items, (optional)) – Type


Select the active camera


extend (boolean, (optional)) – Extend, Extend the selection



bpy.ops.object.select_grouped(extend=False, type='CHILDREN_RECURSIVE')#

Select all visible objects grouped by various properties

  • extend (boolean, (optional)) – Extend, Extend selection instead of deselecting everything first




    • CHILDREN Immediate Children.

    • PARENT Parent.

    • SIBLINGS Siblings – Shared parent.

    • TYPE Type – Shared object type.

    • COLLECTION Collection – Shared collection.

    • HOOK Hook.

    • PASS Pass – Render pass index.

    • COLOR Color – Object color.

    • KEYINGSET Keying Set – Objects included in active Keying Set.

    • LIGHT_TYPE Light Type – Matching light types.

bpy.ops.object.select_hierarchy(direction='PARENT', extend=False)#

Select object relative to the active object’s position in the hierarchy

  • direction (enum in ['PARENT', 'CHILD'], (optional)) – Direction, Direction to select in the hierarchy

  • extend (boolean, (optional)) – Extend, Extend the existing selection




Deselect objects at the boundaries of parent/child relationships

bpy.ops.object.select_linked(extend=False, type='OBDATA')#

Select all visible objects that are linked

  • extend (boolean, (optional)) – Extend, Extend selection instead of deselecting everything first

  • type (enum in ['OBDATA', 'MATERIAL', 'DUPGROUP', 'PARTICLE', 'LIBRARY', 'LIBRARY_OBDATA'], (optional)) – Type


Select the mirror objects of the selected object e.g. “L.sword” and “R.sword”


extend (boolean, (optional)) – Extend, Extend selection instead of deselecting everything first


Select connected parent/child objects

bpy.ops.object.select_pattern(pattern='*', case_sensitive=False, extend=True)#

Select objects matching a naming pattern

  • pattern (string, (optional, never None)) – Pattern, Name filter using ‘*’, ‘?’ and ‘[abc]’ unix style wildcards

  • case_sensitive (boolean, (optional)) – Case Sensitive, Do a case sensitive compare

  • extend (boolean, (optional)) – Extend, Extend the existing selection



bpy.ops.object.select_random(ratio=0.5, seed=0, action='SELECT')#

Select or deselect random visible objects

  • ratio (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Ratio, Portion of items to select randomly

  • seed (int in [0, inf], (optional)) – Random Seed, Seed for the random number generator

  • action (enum in ['SELECT', 'DESELECT'], (optional)) –

    Action, Selection action to execute

    • SELECT Select – Select all elements.

    • DESELECT Deselect – Deselect all elements.


Select object in the same collection


collection (string, (optional, never None)) – Collection, Name of the collection to select

bpy.ops.object.shade_auto_smooth(use_auto_smooth=True, angle=0.523599)#

Add modifier to automatically set the sharpness of mesh edges based on the angle between the neighboring faces

  • use_auto_smooth (boolean, (optional)) – Auto Smooth, Add modifier to set edge sharpness automatically

  • angle (float in [0, 3.14159], (optional)) – Angle, Maximum angle between face normals that will be considered as smooth


Render and display faces uniform, using face normals


keep_sharp_edges (boolean, (optional)) – Keep Sharp Edges, Don’t remove sharp edges, which are redundant with faces shaded smooth


Render and display faces smooth, using interpolated vertex normals


keep_sharp_edges (boolean, (optional)) – Keep Sharp Edges, Don’t remove sharp edges. Tagged edges will remain sharp

bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth_by_angle(angle=0.523599, keep_sharp_edges=True)#

Set the sharpness of mesh edges based on the angle between the neighboring faces

  • angle (float in [0, 3.14159], (optional)) – Angle, Maximum angle between face normals that will be considered as smooth

  • keep_sharp_edges (boolean, (optional)) – Keep Sharp Edges, Only add sharp edges instead of clearing existing tags first


Add a visual effect to the active object


type (enum in Object Shaderfx Type Items, (optional)) – Type


Duplicate effect at the same position in the stack


shaderfx (string, (optional, never None)) – Shader, Name of the shaderfx to edit


Move effect down in the stack


shaderfx (string, (optional, never None)) – Shader, Name of the shaderfx to edit

bpy.ops.object.shaderfx_move_to_index(shaderfx='', index=0)#

Change the effect’s position in the list so it evaluates after the set number of others

  • shaderfx (string, (optional, never None)) – Shader, Name of the shaderfx to edit

  • index (int in [0, inf], (optional)) – Index, The index to move the effect to


Move effect up in the stack


shaderfx (string, (optional, never None)) – Shader, Name of the shaderfx to edit

bpy.ops.object.shaderfx_remove(shaderfx='', report=False)#

Remove a effect from the active grease pencil object

  • shaderfx (string, (optional, never None)) – Shader, Name of the shaderfx to edit

  • report (boolean, (optional)) – Report, Create a notification after the operation


Add shape key to the object


from_mix (boolean, (optional)) – From Mix, Create the new shape key from the existing mix of keys


Reset the weights of all shape keys to 0 or to the closest value respecting the limits


Change the lock state of all shape keys of active object


action (enum in ['LOCK', 'UNLOCK'], (optional)) –

Action, Lock action to execute on vertex groups

  • LOCK Lock – Lock all shape keys.

  • UNLOCK Unlock – Unlock all shape keys.


Mirror the current shape key along the local X axis


use_topology (boolean, (optional)) – Topology Mirror, Use topology based mirroring (for when both sides of mesh have matching, unique topology)


Move the active shape key up/down in the list


type (enum in ['TOP', 'UP', 'DOWN', 'BOTTOM'], (optional)) –


  • TOP Top – Top of the list.

  • UP Up.

  • DOWN Down.

  • BOTTOM Bottom – Bottom of the list.

bpy.ops.object.shape_key_remove(all=False, apply_mix=False)#

Remove shape key from the object

  • all (boolean, (optional)) – All, Remove all shape keys

  • apply_mix (boolean, (optional)) – Apply Mix, Apply current mix of shape keys to the geometry before removing them


Resets the timing for absolute shape keys

bpy.ops.object.shape_key_transfer(mode='OFFSET', use_clamp=False)#

Copy the active shape key of another selected object to this one

  • mode (enum in ['OFFSET', 'RELATIVE_FACE', 'RELATIVE_EDGE'], (optional)) –

    Transformation Mode, Relative shape positions to the new shape method

    • OFFSET Offset – Apply the relative positional offset.

    • RELATIVE_FACE Relative Face – Calculate relative position (using faces).

    • RELATIVE_EDGE Relative Edge – Calculate relative position (using edges).

  • use_clamp (boolean, (optional)) – Clamp Offset, Clamp the transformation to the distance each vertex moves in the original shape




Bake simulations in geometry nodes modifiers


selected (boolean, (optional)) – Selected, Bake cache on all selected objects


Calculate simulations in geometry nodes modifiers from the start to current frame


selected (boolean, (optional)) – Selected, Calculate all selected objects instead of just the active object


Delete cached/baked simulations in geometry nodes modifiers


selected (boolean, (optional)) – Selected, Delete cache on all selected objects


Create an armature that parallels the skin layout


modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit


Mark/clear selected vertices as loose


action (enum in ['MARK', 'CLEAR'], (optional)) –


  • MARK Mark – Mark selected vertices as loose.

  • CLEAR Clear – Set selected vertices as not loose.


Make skin radii of selected vertices equal on each axis


Mark selected vertices as roots

bpy.ops.object.speaker_add(enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), scale=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))#

Add a speaker object to the scene

  • enter_editmode (boolean, (optional)) – Enter Edit Mode, Enter edit mode when adding this object

  • align (enum in ['WORLD', 'VIEW', 'CURSOR'], (optional)) –

    Align, The alignment of the new object

    • WORLD World – Align the new object to the world.

    • VIEW View – Align the new object to the view.

    • CURSOR 3D Cursor – Use the 3D cursor orientation for the new object.

  • location (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Location, Location for the newly added object

  • rotation (mathutils.Euler rotation of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Rotation, Rotation for the newly added object

  • scale (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Scale, Scale for the newly added object

bpy.ops.object.subdivision_set(level=1, relative=False)#

Sets a Subdivision Surface level (1 to 5)

  • level (int in [-100, 100], (optional)) – Level

  • relative (boolean, (optional)) – Relative, Apply the subdivision surface level as an offset relative to the current level




Bind mesh to target in surface deform modifier


modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit

bpy.ops.object.text_add(radius=1.0, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), scale=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))#

Add a text object to the scene

  • radius (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Radius

  • enter_editmode (boolean, (optional)) – Enter Edit Mode, Enter edit mode when adding this object

  • align (enum in ['WORLD', 'VIEW', 'CURSOR'], (optional)) –

    Align, The alignment of the new object

    • WORLD World – Align the new object to the world.

    • VIEW View – Align the new object to the view.

    • CURSOR 3D Cursor – Use the 3D cursor orientation for the new object.

  • location (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Location, Location for the newly added object

  • rotation (mathutils.Euler rotation of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Rotation, Rotation for the newly added object

  • scale (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Scale, Scale for the newly added object


Clear tracking constraint or flag from object


type (enum in ['CLEAR', 'CLEAR_KEEP_TRANSFORM'], (optional)) – Type


Make the object track another object, using various methods/constraints


type (enum in ['DAMPTRACK', 'TRACKTO', 'LOCKTRACK'], (optional)) – Type


Switches the active object and assigns the same mode to a new one under the mouse cursor, leaving the active mode in the current one


use_flash_on_transfer (boolean, (optional)) – Flash On Transfer, Flash the target object when transferring the mode

bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(location=True, rotation=True, scale=True, properties=True, isolate_users=False)#

Apply the object’s transformation to its data

  • location (boolean, (optional)) – Location

  • rotation (boolean, (optional)) – Rotation

  • scale (boolean, (optional)) – Scale

  • properties (boolean, (optional)) – Apply Properties, Modify properties such as curve vertex radius, font size and bone envelope

  • isolate_users (boolean, (optional)) – Isolate Multi User Data, Create new object-data users if needed


Interactively point cameras and lights to a location (Ctrl translates)

bpy.ops.object.transform_to_mouse(name='', session_uid=0, matrix=((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), drop_x=0, drop_y=0)#

Snap selected item(s) to the mouse location

  • name (string, (optional, never None)) – Name, Object name to place (uses the active object when this and ‘session_uid’ are unset)

  • session_uid (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Session UUID, Session UUID of the object to place (uses the active object when this and ‘name’ are unset)

  • matrix (mathutils.Matrix of 4 * 4 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Matrix

  • drop_x (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Drop X, X-coordinate (screen space) to place the new object under

  • drop_y (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Drop Y, Y-coordinate (screen space) to place the new object under

bpy.ops.object.transforms_to_deltas(mode='ALL', reset_values=True)#

Convert normal object transforms to delta transforms, any existing delta transforms will be included as well

  • mode (enum in ['ALL', 'LOC', 'ROT', 'SCALE'], (optional)) –

    Mode, Which transforms to transfer

    • ALL All Transforms – Transfer location, rotation, and scale transforms.

    • LOC Location – Transfer location transforms only.

    • ROT Rotation – Transfer rotation transforms only.

    • SCALE Scale – Transfer scale transforms only.

  • reset_values (boolean, (optional)) – Reset Values, Clear transform values after transferring to deltas



Undocumented, consider contributing.


Add a new vertex group to the active object


Assign the selected vertices to the active vertex group


Assign the selected vertices to a new vertex group

bpy.ops.object.vertex_group_clean(group_select_mode='', limit=0.0, keep_single=False)#

Remove vertex group assignments which are not required

  • group_select_mode (enum in [], (optional)) – Subset, Define which subset of groups shall be used

  • limit (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Limit, Remove vertices which weight is below or equal to this limit

  • keep_single (boolean, (optional)) – Keep Single, Keep verts assigned to at least one group when cleaning


Make a copy of the active vertex group


Replace vertex groups of selected objects by vertex groups of active object


Deselect all selected vertices assigned to the active vertex group

bpy.ops.object.vertex_group_invert(group_select_mode='', auto_assign=True, auto_remove=True)#

Invert active vertex group’s weights

  • group_select_mode (enum in [], (optional)) – Subset, Define which subset of groups shall be used

  • auto_assign (boolean, (optional)) – Add Weights, Add vertices from groups that have zero weight before inverting

  • auto_remove (boolean, (optional)) – Remove Weights, Remove vertices from groups that have zero weight after inverting

bpy.ops.object.vertex_group_levels(group_select_mode='', offset=0.0, gain=1.0)#

Add some offset and multiply with some gain the weights of the active vertex group

  • group_select_mode (enum in [], (optional)) – Subset, Define which subset of groups shall be used

  • offset (float in [-1, 1], (optional)) – Offset, Value to add to weights

  • gain (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Gain, Value to multiply weights by

bpy.ops.object.vertex_group_limit_total(group_select_mode='', limit=4)#

Limit deform weights associated with a vertex to a specified number by removing lowest weights

  • group_select_mode (enum in [], (optional)) – Subset, Define which subset of groups shall be used

  • limit (int in [1, 32], (optional)) – Limit, Maximum number of deform weights

bpy.ops.object.vertex_group_lock(action='TOGGLE', mask='ALL')#

Change the lock state of all or some vertex groups of active object

  • action (enum in ['TOGGLE', 'LOCK', 'UNLOCK', 'INVERT'], (optional)) –

    Action, Lock action to execute on vertex groups

    • TOGGLE Toggle – Unlock all vertex groups if there is at least one locked group, lock all in other case.

    • LOCK Lock – Lock all vertex groups.

    • UNLOCK Unlock – Unlock all vertex groups.

    • INVERT Invert – Invert the lock state of all vertex groups.

  • mask (enum in ['ALL', 'SELECTED', 'UNSELECTED', 'INVERT_UNSELECTED'], (optional)) –

    Mask, Apply the action based on vertex group selection

    • ALL All – Apply action to all vertex groups.

    • SELECTED Selected – Apply to selected vertex groups.

    • UNSELECTED Unselected – Apply to unselected vertex groups.

    • INVERT_UNSELECTED Invert Unselected – Apply the opposite of Lock/Unlock to unselected vertex groups.

bpy.ops.object.vertex_group_mirror(mirror_weights=True, flip_group_names=True, all_groups=False, use_topology=False)#

Mirror vertex group, flip weights and/or names, editing only selected vertices, flipping when both sides are selected otherwise copy from unselected

  • mirror_weights (boolean, (optional)) – Mirror Weights, Mirror weights

  • flip_group_names (boolean, (optional)) – Flip Group Names, Flip vertex group names

  • all_groups (boolean, (optional)) – All Groups, Mirror all vertex groups weights

  • use_topology (boolean, (optional)) – Topology Mirror, Use topology based mirroring (for when both sides of mesh have matching, unique topology)


Move the active vertex group up/down in the list


direction (enum in ['UP', 'DOWN'], (optional)) – Direction, Direction to move the active vertex group towards


Normalize weights of the active vertex group, so that the highest ones are now 1.0

bpy.ops.object.vertex_group_normalize_all(group_select_mode='', lock_active=True)#

Normalize all weights of all vertex groups, so that for each vertex, the sum of all weights is 1.0

  • group_select_mode (enum in [], (optional)) – Subset, Define which subset of groups shall be used

  • lock_active (boolean, (optional)) – Lock Active, Keep the values of the active group while normalizing others

bpy.ops.object.vertex_group_quantize(group_select_mode='', steps=4)#

Set weights to a fixed number of steps

  • group_select_mode (enum in [], (optional)) – Subset, Define which subset of groups shall be used

  • steps (int in [1, 1000], (optional)) – Steps, Number of steps between 0 and 1

bpy.ops.object.vertex_group_remove(all=False, all_unlocked=False)#

Delete the active or all vertex groups from the active object

  • all (boolean, (optional)) – All, Remove all vertex groups

  • all_unlocked (boolean, (optional)) – All Unlocked, Remove all unlocked vertex groups

bpy.ops.object.vertex_group_remove_from(use_all_groups=False, use_all_verts=False)#

Remove the selected vertices from active or all vertex group(s)

  • use_all_groups (boolean, (optional)) – All Groups, Remove from all groups

  • use_all_verts (boolean, (optional)) – All Vertices, Clear the active group


Select all the vertices assigned to the active vertex group


Set the active vertex group


group (enum in [], (optional)) – Group, Vertex group to set as active

bpy.ops.object.vertex_group_smooth(group_select_mode='', factor=0.5, repeat=1, expand=0.0)#

Smooth weights for selected vertices

  • group_select_mode (enum in [], (optional)) – Subset, Define which subset of groups shall be used

  • factor (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Factor

  • repeat (int in [1, 10000], (optional)) – Iterations

  • expand (float in [-1, 1], (optional)) – Expand/Contract, Expand/contract weights


Sort vertex groups


sort_type (enum in ['NAME', 'BONE_HIERARCHY'], (optional)) – Sort Type, Sort type


Parent selected objects to the selected vertices


Copy weights from active to selected


Delete this weight from the vertex (disabled if vertex group is locked)


weight_group (int in [-1, inf], (optional)) – Weight Index, Index of source weight in active vertex group


Normalize active vertex’s weights


Copy this group’s weight to other selected vertices (disabled if vertex group is locked)


weight_group (int in [-1, inf], (optional)) – Weight Index, Index of source weight in active vertex group


Set as active vertex group


weight_group (int in [-1, inf], (optional)) – Weight Index, Index of source weight in active vertex group


Apply the object’s visual transformation to its data

bpy.ops.object.volume_add(align='WORLD', location=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), scale=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))#

Add a volume object to the scene

  • align (enum in ['WORLD', 'VIEW', 'CURSOR'], (optional)) –

    Align, The alignment of the new object

    • WORLD World – Align the new object to the world.

    • VIEW View – Align the new object to the view.

    • CURSOR 3D Cursor – Use the 3D cursor orientation for the new object.

  • location (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Location, Location for the newly added object

  • rotation (mathutils.Euler rotation of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Rotation, Rotation for the newly added object

  • scale (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Scale, Scale for the newly added object

bpy.ops.object.volume_import(filepath='', directory='', files=None, hide_props_region=True, check_existing=False, filter_blender=False, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_archive=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_usd=False, filter_obj=False, filter_volume=True, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=9, relative_path=True, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='', use_sequence_detection=True, align='WORLD', location=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), scale=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))#

Import OpenVDB volume file

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • directory (string, (optional, never None)) – Directory, Directory of the file

  • files (bpy_prop_collection of OperatorFileListElement, (optional)) – Files

  • hide_props_region (boolean, (optional)) – Hide Operator Properties, Collapse the region displaying the operator settings

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • relative_path (boolean, (optional)) – Relative Path, Select the file relative to the blend file

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in [], (optional)) – File sorting mode

  • use_sequence_detection (boolean, (optional)) – Detect Sequences, Automatically detect animated sequences in selected volume files (based on file names)

  • align (enum in ['WORLD', 'VIEW', 'CURSOR'], (optional)) –

    Align, The alignment of the new object

    • WORLD World – Align the new object to the world.

    • VIEW View – Align the new object to the view.

    • CURSOR 3D Cursor – Use the 3D cursor orientation for the new object.

  • location (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Location, Location for the newly added object

  • rotation (mathutils.Euler rotation of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Rotation, Rotation for the newly added object

  • scale (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Scale, Scale for the newly added object


Calculates a new manifold mesh based on the volume of the current mesh. All data layers will be lost


Modify the mesh voxel size interactively used in the voxel remesher