Image Operators#


Add a new render slot


Interactively change the current frame number


frame (int in [-1048574, 1048574], (optional)) – Frame


Clear the boundaries of the render region and disable render region


Clear the currently selected render slot


Copy the image to the clipboard


Paste new image from the clipboard

bpy.ops.image.convert_to_mesh_plane(interpolation='Linear', extension='CLIP', alpha_mode='STRAIGHT', use_auto_refresh=True, relative=True, shader='PRINCIPLED', emit_strength=1.0, use_transparency=True, render_method='DITHERED', use_backface_culling=False, show_transparent_back=True, overwrite_material=True, name_from='OBJECT', delete_ref=True)#

Convert selected reference images to textured mesh plane

  • interpolation (enum in ['Linear', 'Closest', 'Cubic', 'Smart'], (optional)) –

    Interpolation, Texture interpolation

    • Linear Linear – Linear interpolation.

    • Closest Closest – No interpolation (sample closest texel).

    • Cubic Cubic – Cubic interpolation.

    • Smart Smart – Bicubic when magnifying, else bilinear (OSL only).

  • extension (enum in ['CLIP', 'EXTEND', 'REPEAT'], (optional)) –

    Extension, How the image is extrapolated past its original bounds

    • CLIP Clip – Clip to image size and set exterior pixels as transparent.

    • EXTEND Extend – Extend by repeating edge pixels of the image.

    • REPEAT Repeat – Cause the image to repeat horizontally and vertically.

  • alpha_mode (enum in ['STRAIGHT', 'PREMUL', 'CHANNEL_PACKED', 'NONE'], (optional)) –

    Alpha Mode, Representation of alpha in the image file, to convert to and from when saving and loading the image

    • STRAIGHT Straight – Store RGB and alpha channels separately with alpha acting as a mask, also known as unassociated alpha. Commonly used by image editing applications and file formats like PNG..

    • PREMUL Premultiplied – Store RGB channels with alpha multiplied in, also known as associated alpha. The natural format for renders and used by file formats like OpenEXR..

    • CHANNEL_PACKED Channel Packed – Different images are packed in the RGB and alpha channels, and they should not affect each other. Channel packing is commonly used by game engines to save memory..

    • NONE None – Ignore alpha channel from the file and make image fully opaque.

  • use_auto_refresh (boolean, (optional)) – Auto Refresh, Always refresh image on frame changes

  • relative (boolean, (optional)) – Relative Paths, Use relative file paths

  • shader (enum in ['PRINCIPLED', 'SHADELESS', 'EMISSION'], (optional)) –

    Shader, Node shader to use

    • PRINCIPLED Principled – Principled shader.

    • SHADELESS Shadeless – Only visible to camera and reflections.

    • EMISSION Emission – Emission shader.

  • emit_strength (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Emission Strength, Strength of emission

  • use_transparency (boolean, (optional)) – Use Alpha, Use alpha channel for transparency

  • render_method (enum in ['DITHERED', 'BLENDED'], (optional)) –

    Render Method

    • DITHERED Dithered – Allows for grayscale hashed transparency, and compatible with render passes and ray-tracing. Also known as deferred rendering..

    • BLENDED Blended – Allows for colored transparency, but incompatible with render passes and ray-tracing. Also known as forward rendering..

  • use_backface_culling (boolean, (optional)) – Backface Culling, Use backface culling to hide the back side of faces

  • show_transparent_back (boolean, (optional)) – Show Backface, Render multiple transparent layers (may introduce transparency sorting problems)

  • overwrite_material (boolean, (optional)) – Overwrite Material, Overwrite existing material with the same name

  • name_from (enum in ['OBJECT', 'IMAGE'], (optional)) –

    Name After, Name for new mesh object and material

    • OBJECT Source Object – Name after object source with a suffix.

    • IMAGE Source Image – name from laoded image.

  • delete_ref (boolean, (optional)) – Delete Reference Object, Delete empty image object once mesh plane is created



bpy.ops.image.curves_point_set(point='BLACK_POINT', size=1)#

Set black point or white point for curves

  • point (enum in ['BLACK_POINT', 'WHITE_POINT'], (optional)) – Point, Set black point or white point for curves

  • size (int in [1, 128], (optional)) – Sample Size


Cycle through all non-void render slots


reverse (boolean, (optional)) – Cycle in Reverse


Edit image in an external application


filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – filepath



bpy.ops.image.file_browse(filepath='', hide_props_region=True, check_existing=False, filter_blender=False, filter_backup=False, filter_image=True, filter_movie=True, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_archive=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_usd=False, filter_obj=False, filter_volume=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=9, relative_path=True, show_multiview=False, use_multiview=False, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='')#

Open an image file browser, hold Shift to open the file, Alt to browse containing directory

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • hide_props_region (boolean, (optional)) – Hide Operator Properties, Collapse the region displaying the operator settings

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • relative_path (boolean, (optional)) – Relative Path, Select the file relative to the blend file

  • show_multiview (boolean, (optional)) – Enable Multi-View

  • use_multiview (boolean, (optional)) – Use Multi-View

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in [], (optional)) – File sorting mode

bpy.ops.image.flip(use_flip_x=False, use_flip_y=False)#

Flip the image

  • use_flip_x (boolean, (optional)) – Horizontal, Flip the image horizontally

  • use_flip_y (boolean, (optional)) – Vertical, Flip the image vertically

bpy.ops.image.import_as_mesh_planes(interpolation='Linear', extension='CLIP', alpha_mode='STRAIGHT', use_auto_refresh=True, relative=True, shader='PRINCIPLED', emit_strength=1.0, use_transparency=True, render_method='DITHERED', use_backface_culling=False, show_transparent_back=True, overwrite_material=True, filepath='', align='WORLD', location=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), files=None, directory='', filter_image=True, filter_movie=True, filter_folder=True, force_reload=False, image_sequence=False, offset=True, offset_axis='+X', offset_amount=0.1, align_axis='CAM_AX', prev_align_axis='NONE', align_track=False, size_mode='ABSOLUTE', fill_mode='FILL', height=1.0, factor=600.0)#

Create mesh plane(s) from image files with the appropriate aspect ratio

  • interpolation (enum in ['Linear', 'Closest', 'Cubic', 'Smart'], (optional)) –

    Interpolation, Texture interpolation

    • Linear Linear – Linear interpolation.

    • Closest Closest – No interpolation (sample closest texel).

    • Cubic Cubic – Cubic interpolation.

    • Smart Smart – Bicubic when magnifying, else bilinear (OSL only).

  • extension (enum in ['CLIP', 'EXTEND', 'REPEAT'], (optional)) –

    Extension, How the image is extrapolated past its original bounds

    • CLIP Clip – Clip to image size and set exterior pixels as transparent.

    • EXTEND Extend – Extend by repeating edge pixels of the image.

    • REPEAT Repeat – Cause the image to repeat horizontally and vertically.

  • alpha_mode (enum in ['STRAIGHT', 'PREMUL', 'CHANNEL_PACKED', 'NONE'], (optional)) –

    Alpha Mode, Representation of alpha in the image file, to convert to and from when saving and loading the image

    • STRAIGHT Straight – Store RGB and alpha channels separately with alpha acting as a mask, also known as unassociated alpha. Commonly used by image editing applications and file formats like PNG..

    • PREMUL Premultiplied – Store RGB channels with alpha multiplied in, also known as associated alpha. The natural format for renders and used by file formats like OpenEXR..

    • CHANNEL_PACKED Channel Packed – Different images are packed in the RGB and alpha channels, and they should not affect each other. Channel packing is commonly used by game engines to save memory..

    • NONE None – Ignore alpha channel from the file and make image fully opaque.

  • use_auto_refresh (boolean, (optional)) – Auto Refresh, Always refresh image on frame changes

  • relative (boolean, (optional)) – Relative Paths, Use relative file paths

  • shader (enum in ['PRINCIPLED', 'SHADELESS', 'EMISSION'], (optional)) –

    Shader, Node shader to use

    • PRINCIPLED Principled – Principled shader.

    • SHADELESS Shadeless – Only visible to camera and reflections.

    • EMISSION Emission – Emission shader.

  • emit_strength (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Emission Strength, Strength of emission

  • use_transparency (boolean, (optional)) – Use Alpha, Use alpha channel for transparency

  • render_method (enum in ['DITHERED', 'BLENDED'], (optional)) –

    Render Method

    • DITHERED Dithered – Allows for grayscale hashed transparency, and compatible with render passes and ray-tracing. Also known as deferred rendering..

    • BLENDED Blended – Allows for colored transparency, but incompatible with render passes and ray-tracing. Also known as forward rendering..

  • use_backface_culling (boolean, (optional)) – Backface Culling, Use backface culling to hide the back side of faces

  • show_transparent_back (boolean, (optional)) – Show Backface, Render multiple transparent layers (may introduce transparency sorting problems)

  • overwrite_material (boolean, (optional)) – Overwrite Material, Overwrite existing material with the same name

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Filepath used for importing the file

  • align (enum in ['WORLD', 'VIEW', 'CURSOR'], (optional)) –


    • WORLD World – Align the new object to the world.

    • VIEW View – Align the new object to the view.

    • CURSOR 3D Cursor – Use the 3D cursor orientation for the new object.

  • location (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Location

  • rotation (mathutils.Euler rotation of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Rotation

  • files (bpy_prop_collection of OperatorFileListElement, (optional)) – files

  • directory (string, (optional, never None)) – directory

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – filter_image

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – filter_movie

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – filter_folder

  • force_reload (boolean, (optional)) – Force Reload, Force reload the image if it is already opened elsewhere in Blender

  • image_sequence (boolean, (optional)) – Detect Image Sequences, Import sequentially numbered images as an animated image sequence instead of separate planes

  • offset (boolean, (optional)) – Offset Planes, Offset planes from each other. If disabled, multiple planes will be created at the same location

  • offset_axis (enum in ['+X', '+Y', '+Z', '-X', '-Y', '-Z'], (optional)) –

    Offset Direction, How planes are oriented relative to each others’ local axis

    • +X +X – Side by Side to the Left.

    • +Y +Y – Side by Side, Downward.

    • +Z +Z – Stacked Above.

    • -X -X – Side by Side to the Right.

    • -Y -Y – Side by Side, Upward.

    • -Z -Z – Stacked Below.

  • offset_amount (float in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Offset Distance, Set distance between each plane

  • align_axis (enum in ['+X', '+Y', '+Z', '-X', '-Y', '-Z', 'CAM', 'CAM_AX'], (optional)) –

    Align, How to align the planes

    • +X +X – Facing positive X.

    • +Y +Y – Facing positive Y.

    • +Z +Z – Facing positive Z.

    • -X -X – Facing negative X.

    • -Y -Y – Facing negative Y.

    • -Z -Z – Facing negative Z.

    • CAM Face Camera – Facing camera.

    • CAM_AX Camera’s Main Axis – Facing the camera’s dominant axis.

  • prev_align_axis (enum in ['+X', '+Y', '+Z', '-X', '-Y', '-Z', 'CAM', 'CAM_AX', 'NONE'], (optional)) –


    • +X +X – Facing positive X.

    • +Y +Y – Facing positive Y.

    • +Z +Z – Facing positive Z.

    • -X -X – Facing negative X.

    • -Y -Y – Facing negative Y.

    • -Z -Z – Facing negative Z.

    • CAM Face Camera – Facing camera.

    • CAM_AX Camera’s Main Axis – Facing the camera’s dominant axis.

    • NONE Undocumented.

  • align_track (boolean, (optional)) – Track Camera, Add a constraint to make the planes track the camera

  • size_mode (enum in ['ABSOLUTE', 'CAMERA', 'DPI', 'DPBU'], (optional)) –

    Size Mode, Method for computing the plane size

    • ABSOLUTE Absolute – Use absolute size.

    • CAMERA Scale to Camera Frame – Scale to fit or fill the camera frame.

    • DPI Pixels per Inch – Scale based on pixels per inch.

    • DPBU Pixels per Blender Unit – Scale based on pixels per Blender Unit.

  • fill_mode (enum in ['FILL', 'FIT'], (optional)) –

    Scale, Method to scale the plane with the camera frame

    • FILL Fill – Fill camera frame, spilling outside the frame.

    • FIT Fit – Fit entire image within the camera frame.

  • height (float in [0.001, inf], (optional)) – Height, Height of the created plane

  • factor (float in [1, inf], (optional)) – Definition, Number of pixels per inch or Blender Unit



bpy.ops.image.invert(invert_r=False, invert_g=False, invert_b=False, invert_a=False)#

Invert image’s channels

  • invert_r (boolean, (optional)) – Red, Invert red channel

  • invert_g (boolean, (optional)) – Green, Invert green channel

  • invert_b (boolean, (optional)) – Blue, Invert blue channel

  • invert_a (boolean, (optional)) – Alpha, Invert alpha channel


Set image’s user’s length to the one of this video'Untitled', width=1024, height=1024, color=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), alpha=True, generated_type='BLANK', float=False, use_stereo_3d=False, tiled=False)#

Create a new image

  • name (string, (optional, never None)) – Name, Image data-block name

  • width (int in [1, inf], (optional)) – Width, Image width

  • height (int in [1, inf], (optional)) – Height, Image height

  • color (float array of 4 items in [0, inf], (optional)) – Color, Default fill color

  • alpha (boolean, (optional)) – Alpha, Create an image with an alpha channel

  • generated_type (enum in Image Generated Type Items, (optional)) – Generated Type, Fill the image with a grid for UV map testing

  • float (boolean, (optional)) – 32-bit Float, Create image with 32-bit floating-point bit depth

  • use_stereo_3d (boolean, (optional)) – Stereo 3D, Create an image with left and right views

  • tiled (boolean, (optional)) – Tiled, Create a tiled image, filepath='', directory='', files=None, hide_props_region=True, check_existing=False, filter_blender=False, filter_backup=False, filter_image=True, filter_movie=True, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_archive=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_usd=False, filter_obj=False, filter_volume=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=9, relative_path=True, show_multiview=False, use_multiview=False, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='', use_sequence_detection=True, use_udim_detecting=True)#

Open image

  • allow_path_tokens (boolean, (optional)) – Allow the path to contain substitution tokens

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • directory (string, (optional, never None)) – Directory, Directory of the file

  • files (bpy_prop_collection of OperatorFileListElement, (optional)) – Files

  • hide_props_region (boolean, (optional)) – Hide Operator Properties, Collapse the region displaying the operator settings

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • relative_path (boolean, (optional)) – Relative Path, Select the file relative to the blend file

  • show_multiview (boolean, (optional)) – Enable Multi-View

  • use_multiview (boolean, (optional)) – Use Multi-View

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in [], (optional)) – File sorting mode

  • use_sequence_detection (boolean, (optional)) – Detect Sequences, Automatically detect animated sequences in selected images (based on file names)

  • use_udim_detecting (boolean, (optional)) – Detect UDIMs, Detect selected UDIM files and load all matching tiles

bpy.ops.image.open_images(directory='', files=None, relative_path=True, use_sequence_detection=True, use_udim_detection=True)#

Undocumented, consider contributing.

  • directory (string, (optional, never None)) – directory

  • files (bpy_prop_collection of OperatorFileListElement, (optional)) – files

  • relative_path (boolean, (optional)) – Use relative path

  • use_sequence_detection (boolean, (optional)) – Use sequence detection

  • use_udim_detection (boolean, (optional)) – Use UDIM detection




Pack an image as embedded data into the .blend file


Project edited image back onto the object




Edit a snapshot of the 3D Viewport in an external image editor




Read all the current scene’s view layers from cache, as needed


Reload current image from disk


Remove the current render slot

bpy.ops.image.render_border(xmin=0, xmax=0, ymin=0, ymax=0, wait_for_input=True)#

Set the boundaries of the render region and enable render region

  • xmin (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – X Min

  • xmax (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – X Max

  • ymin (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Y Min

  • ymax (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Y Max

  • wait_for_input (boolean, (optional)) – Wait for Input

bpy.ops.image.replace(filepath='', hide_props_region=True, check_existing=False, filter_blender=False, filter_backup=False, filter_image=True, filter_movie=True, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_archive=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_usd=False, filter_obj=False, filter_volume=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=9, relative_path=True, show_multiview=False, use_multiview=False, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='')#

Replace current image by another one from disk

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • hide_props_region (boolean, (optional)) – Hide Operator Properties, Collapse the region displaying the operator settings

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • relative_path (boolean, (optional)) – Relative Path, Select the file relative to the blend file

  • show_multiview (boolean, (optional)) – Enable Multi-View

  • use_multiview (boolean, (optional)) – Use Multi-View

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in [], (optional)) – File sorting mode

bpy.ops.image.resize(size=(0, 0))#

Resize the image


size (int array of 2 items in [1, inf], (optional)) – Size


Rotate the image


degrees (enum in ['90', '180', '270'], (optional)) –

Degrees, Amount of rotation in degrees (90, 180, 270)

  • 90 90 Degrees – Rotate 90 degrees clockwise.

  • 180 180 Degrees – Rotate 180 degrees clockwise.

  • 270 270 Degrees – Rotate 270 degrees clockwise.


Use mouse to sample a color in current image


size (int in [1, 128], (optional)) – Sample Size

bpy.ops.image.sample_line(xstart=0, xend=0, ystart=0, yend=0, flip=False, cursor=5)#

Sample a line and show it in Scope panels

  • xstart (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – X Start

  • xend (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – X End

  • ystart (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Y Start

  • yend (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Y End

  • flip (boolean, (optional)) – Flip

  • cursor (int in [0, inf], (optional)) – Cursor, Mouse cursor style to use during the modal operator

Save the image with current name and settings


Save all modified images

bpy.ops.image.save_as(save_as_render=False, copy=False, allow_path_tokens=True, filepath='', check_existing=True, filter_blender=False, filter_backup=False, filter_image=True, filter_movie=True, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_archive=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_usd=False, filter_obj=False, filter_volume=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=9, relative_path=True, show_multiview=False, use_multiview=False, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='')#

Save the image with another name and/or settings

  • save_as_render (boolean, (optional)) – Save As Render, Save image with render color management.For display image formats like PNG, apply view and display transform.For intermediate image formats like OpenEXR, use the default render output color space

  • copy (boolean, (optional)) – Copy, Create a new image file without modifying the current image in Blender

  • allow_path_tokens (boolean, (optional)) – Allow the path to contain substitution tokens

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • relative_path (boolean, (optional)) – Relative Path, Select the file relative to the blend file

  • show_multiview (boolean, (optional)) – Enable Multi-View

  • use_multiview (boolean, (optional)) – Use Multi-View

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in [], (optional)) – File sorting mode


Save a sequence of images

bpy.ops.image.tile_add(number=1002, count=1, label='', fill=True, color=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), generated_type='BLANK', width=1024, height=1024, float=False, alpha=True)#

Adds a tile to the image

  • number (int in [1001, 2000], (optional)) – Number, UDIM number of the tile

  • count (int in [1, inf], (optional)) – Count, How many tiles to add

  • label (string, (optional, never None)) – Label, Optional tile label

  • fill (boolean, (optional)) – Fill, Fill new tile with a generated image

  • color (float array of 4 items in [0, inf], (optional)) – Color, Default fill color

  • generated_type (enum in Image Generated Type Items, (optional)) – Generated Type, Fill the image with a grid for UV map testing

  • width (int in [1, inf], (optional)) – Width, Image width

  • height (int in [1, inf], (optional)) – Height, Image height

  • float (boolean, (optional)) – 32-bit Float, Create image with 32-bit floating-point bit depth

  • alpha (boolean, (optional)) – Alpha, Create an image with an alpha channel

bpy.ops.image.tile_fill(color=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), generated_type='BLANK', width=1024, height=1024, float=False, alpha=True)#

Fill the current tile with a generated image

  • color (float array of 4 items in [0, inf], (optional)) – Color, Default fill color

  • generated_type (enum in Image Generated Type Items, (optional)) – Generated Type, Fill the image with a grid for UV map testing

  • width (int in [1, inf], (optional)) – Width, Image width

  • height (int in [1, inf], (optional)) – Height, Image height

  • float (boolean, (optional)) – 32-bit Float, Create image with 32-bit floating-point bit depth

  • alpha (boolean, (optional)) – Alpha, Create an image with an alpha channel


Removes a tile from the image

bpy.ops.image.unpack(method='USE_LOCAL', id='')#

Save an image packed in the .blend file to disk

  • method (enum in Unpack Method Items, (optional)) – Method, How to unpack

  • id (string, (optional, never None)) – Image Name, Image data-block name to unpack


View the entire image


fit_view (boolean, (optional)) – Fit View, Fit frame to the viewport


Center the view so that the cursor is in the middle of the view


Set 2D Cursor To Center View location


fit_view (boolean, (optional)) – Fit View, Fit frame to the viewport


Use a 3D mouse device to pan/zoom the view

bpy.ops.image.view_pan(offset=(0.0, 0.0))#

Pan the view


offset (mathutils.Vector of 2 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Offset, Offset in floating-point units, 1.0 is the width and height of the image


View all selected UVs

bpy.ops.image.view_zoom(factor=0.0, use_cursor_init=True)#

Zoom in/out the image

  • factor (float in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Factor, Zoom factor, values higher than 1.0 zoom in, lower values zoom out

  • use_cursor_init (boolean, (optional)) – Use Mouse Position, Allow the initial mouse position to be used

bpy.ops.image.view_zoom_border(xmin=0, xmax=0, ymin=0, ymax=0, wait_for_input=True, zoom_out=False)#

Zoom in the view to the nearest item contained in the border

  • xmin (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – X Min

  • xmax (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – X Max

  • ymin (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Y Min

  • ymax (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Y Max

  • wait_for_input (boolean, (optional)) – Wait for Input

  • zoom_out (boolean, (optional)) – Zoom Out

bpy.ops.image.view_zoom_in(location=(0.0, 0.0))#

Zoom in the image (centered around 2D cursor)


location (mathutils.Vector of 2 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Location, Cursor location in screen coordinates

bpy.ops.image.view_zoom_out(location=(0.0, 0.0))#

Zoom out the image (centered around 2D cursor)


location (mathutils.Vector of 2 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Location, Cursor location in screen coordinates


Set zoom ratio of the view


ratio (float in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Ratio, Zoom ratio, 1.0 is 1:1, higher is zoomed in, lower is zoomed out