Wm Operators#

bpy.ops.wm.alembic_export(filepath='', check_existing=True, filter_blender=False, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_archive=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=True, filter_usd=False, filter_obj=False, filter_volume=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=8, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='', filter_glob='*.abc', start=-2147483648, end=-2147483648, xsamples=1, gsamples=1, sh_open=0.0, sh_close=1.0, selected=False, visible_objects_only=False, flatten=False, collection='', uvs=True, packuv=True, normals=True, vcolors=False, orcos=True, face_sets=False, subdiv_schema=False, apply_subdiv=False, curves_as_mesh=False, use_instancing=True, global_scale=1.0, triangulate=False, quad_method='SHORTEST_DIAGONAL', ngon_method='BEAUTY', export_hair=True, export_particles=True, export_custom_properties=True, as_background_job=False, evaluation_mode='RENDER', init_scene_frame_range=True)#

Export current scene in an Alembic archive

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in [], (optional)) – File sorting mode

  • start (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Start Frame, Start frame of the export, use the default value to take the start frame of the current scene

  • end (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – End Frame, End frame of the export, use the default value to take the end frame of the current scene

  • xsamples (int in [1, 128], (optional)) – Transform Samples, Number of times per frame transformations are sampled

  • gsamples (int in [1, 128], (optional)) – Geometry Samples, Number of times per frame object data are sampled

  • sh_open (float in [-1, 1], (optional)) – Shutter Open, Time at which the shutter is open

  • sh_close (float in [-1, 1], (optional)) – Shutter Close, Time at which the shutter is closed

  • selected (boolean, (optional)) – Selected Objects Only, Export only selected objects

  • visible_objects_only (boolean, (optional)) – Visible Objects Only, Export only objects that are visible

  • flatten (boolean, (optional)) – Flatten Hierarchy, Do not preserve objects’ parent/children relationship

  • collection (string, (optional, never None)) – Collection

  • uvs (boolean, (optional)) – UV Coordinates, Export UV coordinates

  • packuv (boolean, (optional)) – Merge UVs

  • normals (boolean, (optional)) – Normals, Export normals

  • vcolors (boolean, (optional)) – Color Attributes, Export color attributes

  • orcos (boolean, (optional)) – Generated Coordinates, Export undeformed mesh vertex coordinates

  • face_sets (boolean, (optional)) – Face Sets, Export per face shading group assignments

  • subdiv_schema (boolean, (optional)) – Use Subdivision Schema, Export meshes using Alembic’s subdivision schema

  • apply_subdiv (boolean, (optional)) – Apply Subdivision Surface, Export subdivision surfaces as meshes

  • curves_as_mesh (boolean, (optional)) – Curves as Mesh, Export curves and NURBS surfaces as meshes

  • use_instancing (boolean, (optional)) – Use Instancing, Export data of duplicated objects as Alembic instances; speeds up the export and can be disabled for compatibility with other software

  • global_scale (float in [0.0001, 1000], (optional)) – Scale, Value by which to enlarge or shrink the objects with respect to the world’s origin

  • triangulate (boolean, (optional)) – Triangulate, Export polygons (quads and n-gons) as triangles

  • quad_method (enum in Modifier Triangulate Quad Method Items, (optional)) – Quad Method, Method for splitting the quads into triangles

  • ngon_method (enum in Modifier Triangulate Ngon Method Items, (optional)) – N-gon Method, Method for splitting the n-gons into triangles

  • export_hair (boolean, (optional)) – Export Hair, Exports hair particle systems as animated curves

  • export_particles (boolean, (optional)) – Export Particles, Exports non-hair particle systems

  • export_custom_properties (boolean, (optional)) – Export Custom Properties, Export custom properties to Alembic .userProperties

  • as_background_job (boolean, (optional)) – Run as Background Job, Enable this to run the import in the background, disable to block Blender while importing. This option is deprecated; EXECUTE this operator to run in the foreground, and INVOKE it to run as a background job

  • evaluation_mode (enum in ['RENDER', 'VIEWPORT'], (optional)) –

    Settings, Determines visibility of objects, modifier settings, and other areas where there are different settings for viewport and rendering

    • RENDER Render – Use Render settings for object visibility, modifier settings, etc.

    • VIEWPORT Viewport – Use Viewport settings for object visibility, modifier settings, etc.

bpy.ops.wm.alembic_import(filepath='', directory='', files=None, check_existing=False, filter_blender=False, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_archive=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=True, filter_usd=False, filter_obj=False, filter_volume=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=8, relative_path=True, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='', filter_glob='*.abc', scale=1.0, set_frame_range=True, validate_meshes=False, always_add_cache_reader=False, is_sequence=False, as_background_job=False)#

Load an Alembic archive

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • directory (string, (optional, never None)) – Directory, Directory of the file

  • files (bpy_prop_collection of OperatorFileListElement, (optional)) – Files

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • relative_path (boolean, (optional)) – Relative Path, Select the file relative to the blend file

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in [], (optional)) – File sorting mode

  • scale (float in [0.0001, 1000], (optional)) – Scale, Value by which to enlarge or shrink the objects with respect to the world’s origin

  • set_frame_range (boolean, (optional)) – Set Frame Range, If checked, update scene’s start and end frame to match those of the Alembic archive

  • validate_meshes (boolean, (optional)) – Validate Meshes, Ensure the data is valid (when disabled, data may be imported which causes crashes displaying or editing)

  • always_add_cache_reader (boolean, (optional)) – Always Add Cache Reader, Add cache modifiers and constraints to imported objects even if they are not animated so that they can be updated when reloading the Alembic archive

  • is_sequence (boolean, (optional)) – Is Sequence, Set to true if the cache is split into separate files

  • as_background_job (boolean, (optional)) – Run as Background Job, Enable this to run the export in the background, disable to block Blender while exporting. This option is deprecated; EXECUTE this operator to run in the foreground, and INVOKE it to run as a background job

bpy.ops.wm.append(filepath='', directory='', filename='', files=None, check_existing=False, filter_blender=True, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_archive=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_usd=False, filter_obj=False, filter_volume=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=True, filemode=1, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='', link=False, do_reuse_local_id=False, clear_asset_data=False, autoselect=True, active_collection=True, instance_collections=False, instance_object_data=True, set_fake=False, use_recursive=True)#

Append from a Library .blend file

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • directory (string, (optional, never None)) – Directory, Directory of the file

  • filename (string, (optional, never None)) – File Name, Name of the file

  • files (bpy_prop_collection of OperatorFileListElement, (optional)) – Files

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in [], (optional)) – File sorting mode

  • link (boolean, (optional)) – Link, Link the objects or data-blocks rather than appending

  • do_reuse_local_id (boolean, (optional)) – Re-Use Local Data, Try to re-use previously matching appended data-blocks instead of appending a new copy

  • clear_asset_data (boolean, (optional)) – Clear Asset Data, Don’t add asset meta-data or tags from the original data-block

  • autoselect (boolean, (optional)) – Select, Select new objects

  • active_collection (boolean, (optional)) – Active Collection, Put new objects on the active collection

  • instance_collections (boolean, (optional)) – Instance Collections, Create instances for collections, rather than adding them directly to the scene

  • instance_object_data (boolean, (optional)) – Instance Object Data, Create instances for object data which are not referenced by any objects

  • set_fake (boolean, (optional)) – Fake User, Set “Fake User” for appended items (except objects and collections)

  • use_recursive (boolean, (optional)) – Localize All, Localize all appended data, including those indirectly linked from other libraries

bpy.ops.wm.batch_rename(data_type='OBJECT', data_source='SELECT', actions=None)#

Rename multiple items at once

  • data_type (enum in ['OBJECT', 'COLLECTION', 'MATERIAL', 'MESH', 'CURVE', 'META', 'VOLUME', 'GPENCIL', 'ARMATURE', 'LATTICE', 'LIGHT', 'LIGHT_PROBE', 'CAMERA', 'SPEAKER', 'BONE', 'NODE', 'SEQUENCE_STRIP', 'ACTION_CLIP', 'SCENE', 'BRUSH'], (optional)) – Type, Type of data to rename

  • data_source (enum in ['SELECT', 'ALL'], (optional)) – Source

  • actions (bpy_prop_collection of BatchRenameAction, (optional)) – actions




Check and fix all strings in current .blend file to be valid UTF-8 Unicode (needed for some old, 2.4x area files)




Open a predefined asset shelf in a popup


name (string, (optional, never None)) – Asset Shelf Name, Identifier of the asset shelf to display


Open a predefined menu


name (string, (optional, never None)) – Name, Name of the menu


Open a predefined pie menu


name (string, (optional, never None)) – Name, Name of the pie menu

bpy.ops.wm.call_panel(name='', keep_open=True)#

Open a predefined panel

  • name (string, (optional, never None)) – Name, Name of the menu

  • keep_open (boolean, (optional)) – Keep Open


Clear the recent files list


remove (enum in ['ALL', 'MISSING'], (optional)) – Remove

bpy.ops.wm.collada_export(filepath='', check_existing=True, filter_blender=False, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_archive=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=True, filter_alembic=False, filter_usd=False, filter_obj=False, filter_volume=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=8, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='', filter_glob='*.dae', prop_bc_export_ui_section='main', apply_modifiers=False, export_mesh_type=0, export_mesh_type_selection='view', export_global_forward_selection='Y', export_global_up_selection='Z', apply_global_orientation=False, selected=False, include_children=False, include_armatures=False, include_shapekeys=False, deform_bones_only=False, include_animations=True, include_all_actions=True, export_animation_type_selection='sample', sampling_rate=1, keep_smooth_curves=False, keep_keyframes=False, keep_flat_curves=False, active_uv_only=False, use_texture_copies=True, triangulate=True, use_object_instantiation=True, use_blender_profile=True, sort_by_name=False, export_object_transformation_type=0, export_object_transformation_type_selection='matrix', export_animation_transformation_type=0, export_animation_transformation_type_selection='matrix', open_sim=False, limit_precision=False, keep_bind_info=False)#

Save a Collada file

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in [], (optional)) – File sorting mode

  • prop_bc_export_ui_section (enum in ['main', 'geometry', 'armature', 'animation', 'collada'], (optional)) –

    Export Section, Only for User Interface organization

    • main Main – Data export section.

    • geometry Geom – Geometry export section.

    • armature Arm – Armature export section.

    • animation Anim – Animation export section.

    • collada Extra – Collada export section.

  • apply_modifiers (boolean, (optional)) – Apply Modifiers, Apply modifiers to exported mesh (non destructive)

  • export_mesh_type (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Resolution, Modifier resolution for export

  • export_mesh_type_selection (enum in ['view', 'render'], (optional)) –

    Resolution, Modifier resolution for export

    • view Viewport – Apply modifier’s viewport settings.

    • render Render – Apply modifier’s render settings.

  • export_global_forward_selection (enum in ['X', 'Y', 'Z', '-X', '-Y', '-Z'], (optional)) –

    Global Forward Axis, Global Forward axis for export

    • X X – Global Forward is positive X Axis.

    • Y Y – Global Forward is positive Y Axis.

    • Z Z – Global Forward is positive Z Axis.

    • -X -X – Global Forward is negative X Axis.

    • -Y -Y – Global Forward is negative Y Axis.

    • -Z -Z – Global Forward is negative Z Axis.

  • export_global_up_selection (enum in ['X', 'Y', 'Z', '-X', '-Y', '-Z'], (optional)) –

    Global Up Axis, Global Up axis for export

    • X X – Global UP is positive X Axis.

    • Y Y – Global UP is positive Y Axis.

    • Z Z – Global UP is positive Z Axis.

    • -X -X – Global UP is negative X Axis.

    • -Y -Y – Global UP is negative Y Axis.

    • -Z -Z – Global UP is negative Z Axis.

  • apply_global_orientation (boolean, (optional)) – Apply Global Orientation, Rotate all root objects to match the global orientation settings otherwise set the global orientation per Collada asset

  • selected (boolean, (optional)) – Selection Only, Export only selected elements

  • include_children (boolean, (optional)) – Include Children, Export all children of selected objects (even if not selected)

  • include_armatures (boolean, (optional)) – Include Armatures, Export related armatures (even if not selected)

  • include_shapekeys (boolean, (optional)) – Include Shape Keys, Export all Shape Keys from Mesh Objects

  • deform_bones_only (boolean, (optional)) – Deform Bones Only, Only export deforming bones with armatures

  • include_animations (boolean, (optional)) – Include Animations, Export animations if available (exporting animations will enforce the decomposition of node transforms into <translation> <rotation> and <scale> components)

  • include_all_actions (boolean, (optional)) – Include all Actions, Export also unassigned actions (this allows you to export entire animation libraries for your character(s))

  • export_animation_type_selection (enum in ['sample', 'keys'], (optional)) –

    Key Type, Type for exported animations (use sample keys or Curve keys)

    • sample Samples – Export Sampled points guided by sampling rate.

    • keys Curves – Export Curves (note: guided by curve keys).

  • sampling_rate (int in [1, inf], (optional)) – Sampling Rate, The distance between 2 keyframes (1 to key every frame)

  • keep_smooth_curves (boolean, (optional)) – Keep Smooth curves, Export also the curve handles (if available) (this does only work when the inverse parent matrix is the unity matrix, otherwise you may end up with odd results)

  • keep_keyframes (boolean, (optional)) – Keep Keyframes, Use existing keyframes as additional sample points (this helps when you want to keep manual tweaks)

  • keep_flat_curves (boolean, (optional)) – All Keyed Curves, Export also curves which have only one key or are totally flat

  • active_uv_only (boolean, (optional)) – Only Selected UV Map, Export only the selected UV Map

  • use_texture_copies (boolean, (optional)) – Copy, Copy textures to same folder where the .dae file is exported

  • triangulate (boolean, (optional)) – Triangulate, Export polygons (quads and n-gons) as triangles

  • use_object_instantiation (boolean, (optional)) – Use Object Instances, Instantiate multiple Objects from same Data

  • use_blender_profile (boolean, (optional)) – Use Blender Profile, Export additional Blender specific information (for material, shaders, bones, etc.)

  • sort_by_name (boolean, (optional)) – Sort by Object name, Sort exported data by Object name

  • export_object_transformation_type (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Transform, Object Transformation type for translation, scale and rotation

  • export_object_transformation_type_selection (enum in ['matrix', 'decomposed'], (optional)) –

    Transform, Object Transformation type for translation, scale and rotation

    • matrix Matrix – Use <matrix> representation for exported transformations.

    • decomposed Decomposed – Use <rotate>, <translate> and <scale> representation for exported transformations.

  • export_animation_transformation_type (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Transform, Transformation type for translation, scale and rotation. Note: The Animation transformation type in the Anim Tab is always equal to the Object transformation type in the Geom tab

  • export_animation_transformation_type_selection (enum in ['matrix', 'decomposed'], (optional)) –

    Transform, Transformation type for translation, scale and rotation. Note: The Animation transformation type in the Anim Tab is always equal to the Object transformation type in the Geom tab

    • matrix Matrix – Use <matrix> representation for exported transformations.

    • decomposed Decomposed – Use <rotate>, <translate> and <scale> representation for exported transformations.

  • open_sim (boolean, (optional)) – Export to SL/OpenSim, Compatibility mode for Second Life, OpenSimulator and other compatible online worlds

  • limit_precision (boolean, (optional)) – Limit Precision, Reduce the precision of the exported data to 6 digits

  • keep_bind_info (boolean, (optional)) – Keep Bind Info, Store Bindpose information in custom bone properties for later use during Collada export

bpy.ops.wm.collada_import(filepath='', check_existing=False, filter_blender=False, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_archive=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=True, filter_alembic=False, filter_usd=False, filter_obj=False, filter_volume=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=8, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='', filter_glob='*.dae', import_units=False, custom_normals=True, fix_orientation=False, find_chains=False, auto_connect=False, min_chain_length=0, keep_bind_info=False)#

Load a Collada file

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in [], (optional)) – File sorting mode

  • import_units (boolean, (optional)) – Import Units, If disabled match import to Blender’s current Unit settings, otherwise use the settings from the Imported scene

  • custom_normals (boolean, (optional)) – Custom Normals, Import custom normals, if available (otherwise Blender will compute them)

  • fix_orientation (boolean, (optional)) – Fix Leaf Bones, Fix Orientation of Leaf Bones (Collada does only support Joints)

  • find_chains (boolean, (optional)) – Find Bone Chains, Find best matching Bone Chains and ensure bones in chain are connected

  • auto_connect (boolean, (optional)) – Auto Connect, Set use_connect for parent bones which have exactly one child bone

  • min_chain_length (int in [0, inf], (optional)) – Minimum Chain Length, When searching Bone Chains disregard chains of length below this value

  • keep_bind_info (boolean, (optional)) – Keep Bind Info, Store Bindpose information in custom bone properties for later use during Collada export


Invoke all configured exporters for all collections

bpy.ops.wm.context_collection_boolean_set(data_path_iter='', data_path_item='', type='TOGGLE')#

Set boolean values for a collection of items

  • data_path_iter (string, (optional, never None)) – data_path_iter, The data path relative to the context, must point to an iterable

  • data_path_item (string, (optional, never None)) – data_path_item, The data path from each iterable to the value (int or float)

  • type (enum in ['TOGGLE', 'ENABLE', 'DISABLE'], (optional)) – Type



bpy.ops.wm.context_cycle_array(data_path='', reverse=False)#

Set a context array value (useful for cycling the active mesh edit mode)

  • data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Context Attributes, Context data-path (expanded using visible windows in the current .blend file)

  • reverse (boolean, (optional)) – Reverse, Cycle backwards



bpy.ops.wm.context_cycle_enum(data_path='', reverse=False, wrap=False)#

Toggle a context value

  • data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Context Attributes, Context data-path (expanded using visible windows in the current .blend file)

  • reverse (boolean, (optional)) – Reverse, Cycle backwards

  • wrap (boolean, (optional)) – Wrap, Wrap back to the first/last values



bpy.ops.wm.context_cycle_int(data_path='', reverse=False, wrap=False)#

Set a context value (useful for cycling active material, shape keys, groups, etc.)

  • data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Context Attributes, Context data-path (expanded using visible windows in the current .blend file)

  • reverse (boolean, (optional)) – Reverse, Cycle backwards

  • wrap (boolean, (optional)) – Wrap, Wrap back to the first/last values




Undocumented, consider contributing.


data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Context Attributes, Context data-path (expanded using visible windows in the current .blend file)



bpy.ops.wm.context_modal_mouse(data_path_iter='', data_path_item='', header_text='', input_scale=0.01, invert=False, initial_x=0)#

Adjust arbitrary values with mouse input

  • data_path_iter (string, (optional, never None)) – data_path_iter, The data path relative to the context, must point to an iterable

  • data_path_item (string, (optional, never None)) – data_path_item, The data path from each iterable to the value (int or float)

  • header_text (string, (optional, never None)) – Header Text, Text to display in header during scale

  • input_scale (float in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – input_scale, Scale the mouse movement by this value before applying the delta

  • invert (boolean, (optional)) – invert, Invert the mouse input

  • initial_x (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – initial_x




Undocumented, consider contributing.


data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Context Attributes, Context data-path (expanded using visible windows in the current .blend file)



bpy.ops.wm.context_scale_float(data_path='', value=1.0)#

Scale a float context value

  • data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Context Attributes, Context data-path (expanded using visible windows in the current .blend file)

  • value (float in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Value, Assign value



bpy.ops.wm.context_scale_int(data_path='', value=1.0, always_step=True)#

Scale an int context value

  • data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Context Attributes, Context data-path (expanded using visible windows in the current .blend file)

  • value (float in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Value, Assign value

  • always_step (boolean, (optional)) – Always Step, Always adjust the value by a minimum of 1 when ‘value’ is not 1.0



bpy.ops.wm.context_set_boolean(data_path='', value=True)#

Set a context value

  • data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Context Attributes, Context data-path (expanded using visible windows in the current .blend file)

  • value (boolean, (optional)) – Value, Assignment value



bpy.ops.wm.context_set_enum(data_path='', value='')#

Set a context value

  • data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Context Attributes, Context data-path (expanded using visible windows in the current .blend file)

  • value (string, (optional, never None)) – Value, Assignment value (as a string)



bpy.ops.wm.context_set_float(data_path='', value=0.0, relative=False)#

Set a context value

  • data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Context Attributes, Context data-path (expanded using visible windows in the current .blend file)

  • value (float in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Value, Assignment value

  • relative (boolean, (optional)) – Relative, Apply relative to the current value (delta)



bpy.ops.wm.context_set_id(data_path='', value='')#

Set a context value to an ID data-block

  • data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Context Attributes, Context data-path (expanded using visible windows in the current .blend file)

  • value (string, (optional, never None)) – Value, Assign value



bpy.ops.wm.context_set_int(data_path='', value=0, relative=False)#

Set a context value

  • data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Context Attributes, Context data-path (expanded using visible windows in the current .blend file)

  • value (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Value, Assign value

  • relative (boolean, (optional)) – Relative, Apply relative to the current value (delta)



bpy.ops.wm.context_set_string(data_path='', value='')#

Set a context value

  • data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Context Attributes, Context data-path (expanded using visible windows in the current .blend file)

  • value (string, (optional, never None)) – Value, Assign value



bpy.ops.wm.context_set_value(data_path='', value='')#

Set a context value

  • data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Context Attributes, Context data-path (expanded using visible windows in the current .blend file)

  • value (string, (optional, never None)) – Value, Assignment value (as a string)



bpy.ops.wm.context_toggle(data_path='', module='')#

Toggle a context value

  • data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Context Attributes, Context data-path (expanded using visible windows in the current .blend file)

  • module (string, (optional, never None)) – Module, Optionally override the context with a module



bpy.ops.wm.context_toggle_enum(data_path='', value_1='', value_2='')#

Toggle a context value

  • data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Context Attributes, Context data-path (expanded using visible windows in the current .blend file)

  • value_1 (string, (optional, never None)) – Value, Toggle enum

  • value_2 (string, (optional, never None)) – Value, Toggle enum




Open a popup to set the debug level


debug_value (int in [-32768, 32767], (optional)) – Debug Value


Open online reference docs in a web browser


doc_id (string, (optional, never None)) – Doc ID




Load online manual


doc_id (string, (optional, never None)) – Doc ID




View a context based online manual in a web browser


Undocumented, consider contributing.


filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – filepath



bpy.ops.wm.drop_import_file(directory='', files=None)#

Operator that allows file handlers to receive file drops

  • directory (string, (optional, never None)) – Directory, Directory of the file

  • files (bpy_prop_collection of OperatorFileListElement, (optional)) – Files

bpy.ops.wm.gpencil_export_pdf(filepath='', check_existing=True, filter_blender=False, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_archive=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_usd=False, filter_obj=True, filter_volume=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=8, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='', use_fill=True, selected_object_type='SELECTED', stroke_sample=0.0, use_normalized_thickness=False, frame_mode='ACTIVE')#

Export grease pencil to PDF

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in [], (optional)) – File sorting mode

  • use_fill (boolean, (optional)) – Fill, Export strokes with fill enabled

  • selected_object_type (enum in ['ACTIVE', 'SELECTED', 'VISIBLE'], (optional)) –

    Object, Which objects to include in the export

    • ACTIVE Active – Include only the active object.

    • SELECTED Selected – Include selected objects.

    • VISIBLE Visible – Include all visible objects.

  • stroke_sample (float in [0, 100], (optional)) – Sampling, Precision of stroke sampling. Low values mean a more precise result, and zero disables sampling

  • use_normalized_thickness (boolean, (optional)) – Normalize, Export strokes with constant thickness

  • frame_mode (enum in ['ACTIVE', 'SELECTED', 'SCENE'], (optional)) –

    Frames, Which frames to include in the export

    • ACTIVE Active – Include only active frame.

    • SELECTED Selected – Include selected frames.

    • SCENE Scene – Include all scene frames.

bpy.ops.wm.gpencil_export_svg(filepath='', check_existing=True, filter_blender=False, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_archive=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_usd=False, filter_obj=True, filter_volume=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=8, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='', use_fill=True, selected_object_type='SELECTED', stroke_sample=0.0, use_normalized_thickness=False, use_clip_camera=False)#

Export grease pencil to SVG

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in [], (optional)) – File sorting mode

  • use_fill (boolean, (optional)) – Fill, Export strokes with fill enabled

  • selected_object_type (enum in ['ACTIVE', 'SELECTED', 'VISIBLE'], (optional)) –

    Object, Which objects to include in the export

    • ACTIVE Active – Include only the active object.

    • SELECTED Selected – Include selected objects.

    • VISIBLE Visible – Include all visible objects.

  • stroke_sample (float in [0, 100], (optional)) – Sampling, Precision of stroke sampling. Low values mean a more precise result, and zero disables sampling

  • use_normalized_thickness (boolean, (optional)) – Normalize, Export strokes with constant thickness

  • use_clip_camera (boolean, (optional)) – Clip Camera, Clip drawings to camera size when export in camera view

bpy.ops.wm.gpencil_import_svg(filepath='', directory='', files=None, check_existing=False, filter_blender=False, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_archive=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_usd=False, filter_obj=True, filter_volume=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=8, relative_path=True, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='', resolution=10, scale=10.0)#

Import SVG into grease pencil

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • directory (string, (optional, never None)) – Directory, Directory of the file

  • files (bpy_prop_collection of OperatorFileListElement, (optional)) – Files

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • relative_path (boolean, (optional)) – Relative Path, Select the file relative to the blend file

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in [], (optional)) – File sorting mode

  • resolution (int in [1, 30], (optional)) – Resolution, Resolution of the generated strokes

  • scale (float in [0.001, 100], (optional)) – Scale, Scale of the final strokes

bpy.ops.wm.grease_pencil_export_pdf(filepath='', check_existing=True, filter_blender=False, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_archive=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_usd=False, filter_obj=True, filter_volume=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=8, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='', use_fill=True, selected_object_type='ACTIVE', stroke_sample=0.0, use_uniform_width=False, frame_mode='ACTIVE')#

Export grease pencil to PDF

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in [], (optional)) – File sorting mode

  • use_fill (boolean, (optional)) – Fill, Export strokes with fill enabled

  • selected_object_type (enum in ['ACTIVE', 'SELECTED', 'VISIBLE'], (optional)) –

    Object, Which objects to include in the export

    • ACTIVE Active – Include only the active object.

    • SELECTED Selected – Include selected objects.

    • VISIBLE Visible – Include all visible objects.

  • stroke_sample (float in [0, 100], (optional)) – Sampling, Precision of stroke sampling. Low values mean a more precise result, and zero disables sampling

  • use_uniform_width (boolean, (optional)) – Uniform Width, Export strokes with uniform width

  • frame_mode (enum in ['ACTIVE', 'SELECTED', 'SCENE'], (optional)) –

    Frames, Which frames to include in the export

    • ACTIVE Active – Include only active frame.

    • SELECTED Selected – Include selected frames.

    • SCENE Scene – Include all scene frames.

bpy.ops.wm.grease_pencil_export_svg(filepath='', check_existing=True, filter_blender=False, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_archive=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_usd=False, filter_obj=True, filter_volume=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=8, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='', use_fill=True, selected_object_type='ACTIVE', stroke_sample=0.0, use_uniform_width=False, use_clip_camera=False)#

Export grease pencil to SVG

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in [], (optional)) – File sorting mode

  • use_fill (boolean, (optional)) – Fill, Export strokes with fill enabled

  • selected_object_type (enum in ['ACTIVE', 'SELECTED', 'VISIBLE'], (optional)) –

    Object, Which objects to include in the export

    • ACTIVE Active – Include only the active object.

    • SELECTED Selected – Include selected objects.

    • VISIBLE Visible – Include all visible objects.

  • stroke_sample (float in [0, 100], (optional)) – Sampling, Precision of stroke sampling. Low values mean a more precise result, and zero disables sampling

  • use_uniform_width (boolean, (optional)) – Uniform Width, Export strokes with uniform width

  • use_clip_camera (boolean, (optional)) – Clip Camera, Clip drawings to camera size when exporting in camera view

bpy.ops.wm.grease_pencil_import_svg(filepath='', directory='', files=None, check_existing=False, filter_blender=False, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_archive=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_usd=False, filter_obj=True, filter_volume=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=8, relative_path=True, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='', resolution=10, scale=10.0, use_scene_unit=False)#

Import SVG into grease pencil

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • directory (string, (optional, never None)) – Directory, Directory of the file

  • files (bpy_prop_collection of OperatorFileListElement, (optional)) – Files

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • relative_path (boolean, (optional)) – Relative Path, Select the file relative to the blend file

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in [], (optional)) – File sorting mode

  • resolution (int in [1, 100000], (optional)) – Resolution, Resolution of the generated strokes

  • scale (float in [1e-06, 1e+06], (optional)) – Scale, Scale of the final strokes

  • use_scene_unit (boolean, (optional)) – Scene Unit, Apply current scene’s unit (as defined by unit scale) to imported data

bpy.ops.wm.interface_theme_preset_add(name='', remove_name=False, remove_active=False)#

Add a custom theme to the preset list

  • name (string, (optional, never None)) – Name, Name of the preset, used to make the path name

  • remove_name (boolean, (optional)) – remove_name

  • remove_active (boolean, (optional)) – remove_active



bpy.ops.wm.interface_theme_preset_remove(name='', remove_name=False, remove_active=True)#

Remove a custom theme from the preset list

  • name (string, (optional, never None)) – Name, Name of the preset, used to make the path name

  • remove_name (boolean, (optional)) – remove_name

  • remove_active (boolean, (optional)) – remove_active



bpy.ops.wm.interface_theme_preset_save(name='', remove_name=False, remove_active=True)#

Save a custom theme in the preset list

  • name (string, (optional, never None)) – Name, Name of the preset, used to make the path name

  • remove_name (boolean, (optional)) – remove_name

  • remove_active (boolean, (optional)) – remove_active



bpy.ops.wm.keyconfig_preset_add(name='', remove_name=False, remove_active=False)#

Add a custom keymap configuration to the preset list

  • name (string, (optional, never None)) – Name, Name of the preset, used to make the path name

  • remove_name (boolean, (optional)) – remove_name

  • remove_active (boolean, (optional)) – remove_active



bpy.ops.wm.keyconfig_preset_remove(name='', remove_name=False, remove_active=True)#

Remove a custom keymap configuration from the preset list

  • name (string, (optional, never None)) – Name, Name of the preset, used to make the path name

  • remove_name (boolean, (optional)) – remove_name

  • remove_active (boolean, (optional)) – remove_active



bpy.ops.wm.lib_reload(library='', filepath='', directory='', filename='', hide_props_region=True, check_existing=False, filter_blender=True, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_archive=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_usd=False, filter_obj=False, filter_volume=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=8, relative_path=True, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='')#

Reload the given library

  • library (string, (optional, never None)) – Library, Library to reload

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • directory (string, (optional, never None)) – Directory, Directory of the file

  • filename (string, (optional, never None)) – File Name, Name of the file

  • hide_props_region (boolean, (optional)) – Hide Operator Properties, Collapse the region displaying the operator settings

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • relative_path (boolean, (optional)) – Relative Path, Select the file relative to the blend file

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in [], (optional)) – File sorting mode

bpy.ops.wm.lib_relocate(library='', filepath='', directory='', filename='', files=None, hide_props_region=True, check_existing=False, filter_blender=True, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_archive=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_usd=False, filter_obj=False, filter_volume=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=8, relative_path=True, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='')#

Relocate the given library to one or several others

  • library (string, (optional, never None)) – Library, Library to relocate

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • directory (string, (optional, never None)) – Directory, Directory of the file

  • filename (string, (optional, never None)) – File Name, Name of the file

  • files (bpy_prop_collection of OperatorFileListElement, (optional)) – Files

  • hide_props_region (boolean, (optional)) – Hide Operator Properties, Collapse the region displaying the operator settings

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • relative_path (boolean, (optional)) – Relative Path, Select the file relative to the blend file

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in [], (optional)) – File sorting mode

Link from a Library .blend file

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • directory (string, (optional, never None)) – Directory, Directory of the file

  • filename (string, (optional, never None)) – File Name, Name of the file

  • files (bpy_prop_collection of OperatorFileListElement, (optional)) – Files

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • relative_path (boolean, (optional)) – Relative Path, Select the file relative to the blend file

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in [], (optional)) – File sorting mode

  • link (boolean, (optional)) – Link, Link the objects or data-blocks rather than appending

  • do_reuse_local_id (boolean, (optional)) – Re-Use Local Data, Try to re-use previously matching appended data-blocks instead of appending a new copy

  • clear_asset_data (boolean, (optional)) – Clear Asset Data, Don’t add asset meta-data or tags from the original data-block

  • autoselect (boolean, (optional)) – Select, Select new objects

  • active_collection (boolean, (optional)) – Active Collection, Put new objects on the active collection

  • instance_collections (boolean, (optional)) – Instance Collections, Create instances for collections, rather than adding them directly to the scene

  • instance_object_data (boolean, (optional)) – Instance Object Data, Create instances for object data which are not referenced by any objects


Print memory statistics to the console

bpy.ops.wm.obj_export(filepath='', check_existing=True, filter_blender=False, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_archive=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_usd=False, filter_obj=False, filter_volume=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=8, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='', export_animation=False, start_frame=-2147483648, end_frame=2147483647, forward_axis='NEGATIVE_Z', up_axis='Y', global_scale=1.0, apply_modifiers=True, export_eval_mode='DAG_EVAL_VIEWPORT', export_selected_objects=False, export_uv=True, export_normals=True, export_colors=False, export_materials=True, export_pbr_extensions=False, path_mode='AUTO', export_triangulated_mesh=False, export_curves_as_nurbs=False, export_object_groups=False, export_material_groups=False, export_vertex_groups=False, export_smooth_groups=False, smooth_group_bitflags=False, filter_glob='*.obj;*.mtl', collection='')#

Save the scene to a Wavefront OBJ file

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in [], (optional)) – File sorting mode

  • export_animation (boolean, (optional)) – Export Animation, Export multiple frames instead of the current frame only

  • start_frame (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Start Frame, The first frame to be exported

  • end_frame (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – End Frame, The last frame to be exported

  • forward_axis (enum in ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'NEGATIVE_X', 'NEGATIVE_Y', 'NEGATIVE_Z'], (optional)) –

    Forward Axis

    • X X – Positive X axis.

    • Y Y – Positive Y axis.

    • Z Z – Positive Z axis.

    • NEGATIVE_X -X – Negative X axis.

    • NEGATIVE_Y -Y – Negative Y axis.

    • NEGATIVE_Z -Z – Negative Z axis.

  • up_axis (enum in ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'NEGATIVE_X', 'NEGATIVE_Y', 'NEGATIVE_Z'], (optional)) –

    Up Axis

    • X X – Positive X axis.

    • Y Y – Positive Y axis.

    • Z Z – Positive Z axis.

    • NEGATIVE_X -X – Negative X axis.

    • NEGATIVE_Y -Y – Negative Y axis.

    • NEGATIVE_Z -Z – Negative Z axis.

  • global_scale (float in [0.0001, 10000], (optional)) – Scale, Value by which to enlarge or shrink the objects with respect to the world’s origin

  • apply_modifiers (boolean, (optional)) – Apply Modifiers, Apply modifiers to exported meshes

  • export_eval_mode (enum in ['DAG_EVAL_RENDER', 'DAG_EVAL_VIEWPORT'], (optional)) –

    Object Properties, Determines properties like object visibility, modifiers etc., where they differ for Render and Viewport

    • DAG_EVAL_RENDER Render – Export objects as they appear in render.

    • DAG_EVAL_VIEWPORT Viewport – Export objects as they appear in the viewport.

  • export_selected_objects (boolean, (optional)) – Export Selected Objects, Export only selected objects instead of all supported objects

  • export_uv (boolean, (optional)) – Export UVs

  • export_normals (boolean, (optional)) – Export Normals, Export per-face normals if the face is flat-shaded, per-face-per-loop normals if smooth-shaded

  • export_colors (boolean, (optional)) – Export Colors, Export per-vertex colors

  • export_materials (boolean, (optional)) – Export Materials, Export MTL library. There must be a Principled-BSDF node for image textures to be exported to the MTL file

  • export_pbr_extensions (boolean, (optional)) – Export Materials with PBR Extensions, Export MTL library using PBR extensions (roughness, metallic, sheen, coat, anisotropy, transmission)

  • path_mode (enum in ['AUTO', 'ABSOLUTE', 'RELATIVE', 'MATCH', 'STRIP', 'COPY'], (optional)) –

    Path Mode, Method used to reference paths

    • AUTO Auto – Use relative paths with subdirectories only.

    • ABSOLUTE Absolute – Always write absolute paths.

    • RELATIVE Relative – Write relative paths where possible.

    • MATCH Match – Match absolute/relative setting with input path.

    • STRIP Strip – Write filename only.

    • COPY Copy – Copy the file to the destination path.

  • export_triangulated_mesh (boolean, (optional)) – Export Triangulated Mesh, All ngons with four or more vertices will be triangulated. Meshes in the scene will not be affected. Behaves like Triangulate Modifier with ngon-method: “Beauty”, quad-method: “Shortest Diagonal”, min vertices: 4

  • export_curves_as_nurbs (boolean, (optional)) – Export Curves as NURBS, Export curves in parametric form instead of exporting as mesh

  • export_object_groups (boolean, (optional)) – Export Object Groups, Append mesh name to object name, separated by a ‘_’

  • export_material_groups (boolean, (optional)) – Export Material Groups, Generate an OBJ group for each part of a geometry using a different material

  • export_vertex_groups (boolean, (optional)) – Export Vertex Groups, Export the name of the vertex group of a face. It is approximated by choosing the vertex group with the most members among the vertices of a face

  • export_smooth_groups (boolean, (optional)) – Export Smooth Groups, Every smooth-shaded face is assigned group “1” and every flat-shaded face “off”

  • smooth_group_bitflags (boolean, (optional)) – Generate Bitflags for Smooth Groups

  • filter_glob (string, (optional, never None)) – Extension Filter

  • collection (string, (optional, never None)) – Collection

bpy.ops.wm.obj_import(filepath='', directory='', files=None, check_existing=False, filter_blender=False, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_archive=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_usd=False, filter_obj=False, filter_volume=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=8, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='', global_scale=1.0, clamp_size=0.0, forward_axis='NEGATIVE_Z', up_axis='Y', use_split_objects=True, use_split_groups=False, import_vertex_groups=False, validate_meshes=True, collection_separator='', filter_glob='*.obj;*.mtl')#

Load a Wavefront OBJ scene

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • directory (string, (optional, never None)) – Directory, Directory of the file

  • files (bpy_prop_collection of OperatorFileListElement, (optional)) – Files

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in [], (optional)) – File sorting mode

  • global_scale (float in [0.0001, 10000], (optional)) – Scale, Value by which to enlarge or shrink the objects with respect to the world’s origin

  • clamp_size (float in [0, 1000], (optional)) – Clamp Bounding Box, Resize the objects to keep bounding box under this value. Value 0 disables clamping

  • forward_axis (enum in ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'NEGATIVE_X', 'NEGATIVE_Y', 'NEGATIVE_Z'], (optional)) –

    Forward Axis

    • X X – Positive X axis.

    • Y Y – Positive Y axis.

    • Z Z – Positive Z axis.

    • NEGATIVE_X -X – Negative X axis.

    • NEGATIVE_Y -Y – Negative Y axis.

    • NEGATIVE_Z -Z – Negative Z axis.

  • up_axis (enum in ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'NEGATIVE_X', 'NEGATIVE_Y', 'NEGATIVE_Z'], (optional)) –

    Up Axis

    • X X – Positive X axis.

    • Y Y – Positive Y axis.

    • Z Z – Positive Z axis.

    • NEGATIVE_X -X – Negative X axis.

    • NEGATIVE_Y -Y – Negative Y axis.

    • NEGATIVE_Z -Z – Negative Z axis.

  • use_split_objects (boolean, (optional)) – Split By Object, Import each OBJ ‘o’ as a separate object

  • use_split_groups (boolean, (optional)) – Split By Group, Import each OBJ ‘g’ as a separate object

  • import_vertex_groups (boolean, (optional)) – Vertex Groups, Import OBJ groups as vertex groups

  • validate_meshes (boolean, (optional)) – Validate Meshes, Ensure the data is valid (when disabled, data may be imported which causes crashes displaying or editing)

  • collection_separator (string, (optional, never None)) – Path Separator, Character used to separate objects name into hierarchical structure

  • filter_glob (string, (optional, never None)) – Extension Filter

bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath='', hide_props_region=True, check_existing=False, filter_blender=True, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_archive=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_usd=False, filter_obj=False, filter_volume=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=8, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='', load_ui=True, use_scripts=True, display_file_selector=True, state=0)#

Open a Blender file

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • hide_props_region (boolean, (optional)) – Hide Operator Properties, Collapse the region displaying the operator settings

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in [], (optional)) – File sorting mode

  • load_ui (boolean, (optional)) – Load UI, Load user interface setup in the .blend file

  • use_scripts (boolean, (optional)) – Trusted Source, Allow .blend file to execute scripts automatically, default available from system preferences

  • display_file_selector (boolean, (optional)) – Display File Selector

  • state (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – State


List all the operators in a text-block, useful for scripting




Set the active operator to its default values

bpy.ops.wm.operator_pie_enum(data_path='', prop_string='')#

Undocumented, consider contributing.

  • data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Operator, Operator name (in Python as string)

  • prop_string (string, (optional, never None)) – Property, Property name (as a string)



bpy.ops.wm.operator_preset_add(name='', remove_name=False, remove_active=False, operator='')#

Add or remove an Operator Preset

  • name (string, (optional, never None)) – Name, Name of the preset, used to make the path name

  • remove_name (boolean, (optional)) – remove_name

  • remove_active (boolean, (optional)) – remove_active

  • operator (string, (optional, never None)) – Operator



bpy.ops.wm.operator_presets_cleanup(operator='', properties=None)#

Remove outdated operator properties from presets that may cause problems

  • operator (string, (optional, never None)) – operator

  • properties (bpy_prop_collection of OperatorFileListElement, (optional)) – properties




Disable add-on for workspace


owner_id (string, (optional, never None)) – UI Tag




Enable add-on for workspace


owner_id (string, (optional, never None)) – UI Tag




Open a path in a file browser


filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – filepath



bpy.ops.wm.ply_export(filepath='', check_existing=True, filter_blender=False, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_archive=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_usd=False, filter_obj=False, filter_volume=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=8, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='', forward_axis='Y', up_axis='Z', global_scale=1.0, apply_modifiers=True, export_selected_objects=False, collection='', export_uv=True, export_normals=False, export_colors='SRGB', export_attributes=True, export_triangulated_mesh=False, ascii_format=False, filter_glob='*.ply')#

Save the scene to a PLY file

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in [], (optional)) – File sorting mode

  • forward_axis (enum in ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'NEGATIVE_X', 'NEGATIVE_Y', 'NEGATIVE_Z'], (optional)) –

    Forward Axis

    • X X – Positive X axis.

    • Y Y – Positive Y axis.

    • Z Z – Positive Z axis.

    • NEGATIVE_X -X – Negative X axis.

    • NEGATIVE_Y -Y – Negative Y axis.

    • NEGATIVE_Z -Z – Negative Z axis.

  • up_axis (enum in ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'NEGATIVE_X', 'NEGATIVE_Y', 'NEGATIVE_Z'], (optional)) –

    Up Axis

    • X X – Positive X axis.

    • Y Y – Positive Y axis.

    • Z Z – Positive Z axis.

    • NEGATIVE_X -X – Negative X axis.

    • NEGATIVE_Y -Y – Negative Y axis.

    • NEGATIVE_Z -Z – Negative Z axis.

  • global_scale (float in [0.0001, 10000], (optional)) – Scale, Value by which to enlarge or shrink the objects with respect to the world’s origin

  • apply_modifiers (boolean, (optional)) – Apply Modifiers, Apply modifiers to exported meshes

  • export_selected_objects (boolean, (optional)) – Export Selected Objects, Export only selected objects instead of all supported objects

  • collection (string, (optional, never None)) – Source Collection, Export only objects from this collection (and its children)

  • export_uv (boolean, (optional)) – Export UVs

  • export_normals (boolean, (optional)) – Export Vertex Normals, Export specific vertex normals if available, export calculated normals otherwise

  • export_colors (enum in ['NONE', 'SRGB', 'LINEAR'], (optional)) –

    Export Vertex Colors, Export vertex color attributes

    • NONE None – Do not import/export color attributes.

    • SRGB sRGB – Vertex colors in the file are in sRGB color space.

    • LINEAR Linear – Vertex colors in the file are in linear color space.

  • export_attributes (boolean, (optional)) – Export Vertex Attributes, Export custom vertex attributes

  • export_triangulated_mesh (boolean, (optional)) – Export Triangulated Mesh, All ngons with four or more vertices will be triangulated. Meshes in the scene will not be affected. Behaves like Triangulate Modifier with ngon-method: “Beauty”, quad-method: “Shortest Diagonal”, min vertices: 4

  • ascii_format (boolean, (optional)) – ASCII Format, Export file in ASCII format, export as binary otherwise

  • filter_glob (string, (optional, never None)) – Extension Filter

bpy.ops.wm.ply_import(filepath='', directory='', files=None, check_existing=False, filter_blender=False, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_archive=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_usd=False, filter_obj=False, filter_volume=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=8, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='', global_scale=1.0, use_scene_unit=False, forward_axis='Y', up_axis='Z', merge_verts=False, import_colors='SRGB', import_attributes=True, filter_glob='*.ply')#

Import an PLY file as an object

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • directory (string, (optional, never None)) – Directory, Directory of the file

  • files (bpy_prop_collection of OperatorFileListElement, (optional)) – Files

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in [], (optional)) – File sorting mode

  • global_scale (float in [1e-06, 1e+06], (optional)) – Scale

  • use_scene_unit (boolean, (optional)) – Scene Unit, Apply current scene’s unit (as defined by unit scale) to imported data

  • forward_axis (enum in ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'NEGATIVE_X', 'NEGATIVE_Y', 'NEGATIVE_Z'], (optional)) –

    Forward Axis

    • X X – Positive X axis.

    • Y Y – Positive Y axis.

    • Z Z – Positive Z axis.

    • NEGATIVE_X -X – Negative X axis.

    • NEGATIVE_Y -Y – Negative Y axis.

    • NEGATIVE_Z -Z – Negative Z axis.

  • up_axis (enum in ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'NEGATIVE_X', 'NEGATIVE_Y', 'NEGATIVE_Z'], (optional)) –

    Up Axis

    • X X – Positive X axis.

    • Y Y – Positive Y axis.

    • Z Z – Positive Z axis.

    • NEGATIVE_X -X – Negative X axis.

    • NEGATIVE_Y -Y – Negative Y axis.

    • NEGATIVE_Z -Z – Negative Z axis.

  • merge_verts (boolean, (optional)) – Merge Vertices, Merges vertices by distance

  • import_colors (enum in ['NONE', 'SRGB', 'LINEAR'], (optional)) –

    Vertex Colors, Import vertex color attributes

    • NONE None – Do not import/export color attributes.

    • SRGB sRGB – Vertex colors in the file are in sRGB color space.

    • LINEAR Linear – Vertex colors in the file are in linear color space.

  • import_attributes (boolean, (optional)) – Vertex Attributes, Import custom vertex attributes

  • filter_glob (string, (optional, never None)) – Extension Filter

bpy.ops.wm.previews_batch_clear(files=None, directory='', filter_blender=True, filter_folder=True, use_scenes=True, use_collections=True, use_objects=True, use_intern_data=True, use_trusted=False, use_backups=True)#

Clear selected .blend file’s previews

  • files (bpy_prop_collection of OperatorFileListElement, (optional)) – files

  • directory (string, (optional, never None)) – directory

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – filter_blender

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – filter_folder

  • use_scenes (boolean, (optional)) – Scenes, Clear scenes’ previews

  • use_collections (boolean, (optional)) – Collections, Clear collections’ previews

  • use_objects (boolean, (optional)) – Objects, Clear objects’ previews

  • use_intern_data (boolean, (optional)) – Materials & Textures, Clear ‘internal’ previews (materials, textures, images, etc.)

  • use_trusted (boolean, (optional)) – Trusted Blend Files, Enable Python evaluation for selected files

  • use_backups (boolean, (optional)) – Save Backups, Keep a backup (.blend1) version of the files when saving with cleared previews



bpy.ops.wm.previews_batch_generate(files=None, directory='', filter_blender=True, filter_folder=True, use_scenes=True, use_collections=True, use_objects=True, use_intern_data=True, use_trusted=False, use_backups=True)#

Generate selected .blend file’s previews

  • files (bpy_prop_collection of OperatorFileListElement, (optional)) – Collection of file paths with common directory root

  • directory (string, (optional, never None)) – Root path of all files listed in files collection

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Show Blender files in the File Browser

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Show folders in the File Browser

  • use_scenes (boolean, (optional)) – Scenes, Generate scenes’ previews

  • use_collections (boolean, (optional)) – Collections, Generate collections’ previews

  • use_objects (boolean, (optional)) – Objects, Generate objects’ previews

  • use_intern_data (boolean, (optional)) – Materials & Textures, Generate ‘internal’ previews (materials, textures, images, etc.)

  • use_trusted (boolean, (optional)) – Trusted Blend Files, Enable Python evaluation for selected files

  • use_backups (boolean, (optional)) – Save Backups, Keep a backup (.blend1) version of the files when saving with generated previews




Clear data-block previews (only for some types like objects, materials, textures, etc.)


id_type (enum set in {'ALL', 'GEOMETRY', 'SHADING', 'SCENE', 'COLLECTION', 'OBJECT', 'MATERIAL', 'LIGHT', 'WORLD', 'TEXTURE', 'IMAGE'}, (optional)) –

Data-Block Type, Which data-block previews to clear

  • ALL All Types.

  • GEOMETRY All Geometry Types – Clear previews for scenes, collections and objects.

  • SHADING All Shading Types – Clear previews for materials, lights, worlds, textures and images.

  • SCENE Scenes.

  • COLLECTION Collections.

  • OBJECT Objects.

  • MATERIAL Materials.

  • LIGHT Lights.

  • WORLD Worlds.

  • TEXTURE Textures.

  • IMAGE Images.


Ensure data-block previews are available and up-to-date (to be saved in .blend file, only for some types like materials, textures, etc.)


Add your own property to the data-block


data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Property Edit, Property data_path edit




Jump to a different tab inside the properties editor


context (string, (optional, never None)) – Context



bpy.ops.wm.properties_edit(data_path='', property_name='', property_type='FLOAT', is_overridable_library=False, description='', use_soft_limits=False, array_length=3, default_int=(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), min_int=-10000, max_int=10000, soft_min_int=-10000, soft_max_int=10000, step_int=1, default_bool=(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False), default_float=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), min_float=-10000.0, max_float=-10000.0, soft_min_float=-10000.0, soft_max_float=-10000.0, precision=3, step_float=0.1, subtype='', default_string='', id_type='OBJECT', eval_string='')#

Change a custom property’s type, or adjust how it is displayed in the interface

  • data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Property Edit, Property data_path edit

  • property_name (string, (optional, never None)) – Property Name, Property name edit

  • property_type (enum in ['FLOAT', 'FLOAT_ARRAY', 'INT', 'INT_ARRAY', 'BOOL', 'BOOL_ARRAY', 'STRING', 'DATA_BLOCK', 'PYTHON'], (optional)) –


    • FLOAT Float – A single floating-point value.

    • FLOAT_ARRAY Float Array – An array of floating-point values.

    • INT Integer – A single integer.

    • INT_ARRAY Integer Array – An array of integers.

    • BOOL Boolean – A true or false value.

    • BOOL_ARRAY Boolean Array – An array of true or false values.

    • STRING String – A string value.

    • DATA_BLOCK Data-Block – A data-block value.

    • PYTHON Python – Edit a Python value directly, for unsupported property types.

  • is_overridable_library (boolean, (optional)) – Library Overridable, Allow the property to be overridden when the data-block is linked

  • description (string, (optional, never None)) – Description

  • use_soft_limits (boolean, (optional)) – Soft Limits, Limits the Property Value slider to a range, values outside the range must be inputted numerically

  • array_length (int in [1, 32], (optional)) – Array Length

  • default_int (int array of 32 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Default Value

  • min_int (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Min

  • max_int (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Max

  • soft_min_int (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Soft Min

  • soft_max_int (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Soft Max

  • step_int (int in [1, inf], (optional)) – Step

  • default_bool (boolean array of 32 items, (optional)) – Default Value

  • default_float (float array of 32 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Default Value

  • min_float (float in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Min

  • max_float (float in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Max

  • soft_min_float (float in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Soft Min

  • soft_max_float (float in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Soft Max

  • precision (int in [0, 8], (optional)) – Precision

  • step_float (float in [0.001, inf], (optional)) – Step

  • subtype (enum in [], (optional)) – Subtype

  • default_string (string, (optional, never None)) – Default Value

  • id_type (enum in ['OBJECT'], (optional)) – ID Type

  • eval_string (string, (optional, never None)) – Value, Python value for unsupported custom property types



bpy.ops.wm.properties_edit_value(data_path='', property_name='', eval_string='')#

Edit the value of a custom property

  • data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Property Edit, Property data_path edit

  • property_name (string, (optional, never None)) – Property Name, Property name edit

  • eval_string (string, (optional, never None)) – Value, Value for custom property types that can only be edited as a Python expression



bpy.ops.wm.properties_remove(data_path='', property_name='')#

Internal use (edit a property data_path)

  • data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Property Edit, Property data_path edit

  • property_name (string, (optional, never None)) – Property Name, Property name edit




Quit Blender

bpy.ops.wm.radial_control(data_path_primary='', data_path_secondary='', use_secondary='', rotation_path='', color_path='', fill_color_path='', fill_color_override_path='', fill_color_override_test_path='', zoom_path='', image_id='', secondary_tex=False, release_confirm=False)#

Set some size property (e.g. brush size) with mouse wheel

  • data_path_primary (string, (optional, never None)) – Primary Data Path, Primary path of property to be set by the radial control

  • data_path_secondary (string, (optional, never None)) – Secondary Data Path, Secondary path of property to be set by the radial control

  • use_secondary (string, (optional, never None)) – Use Secondary, Path of property to select between the primary and secondary data paths

  • rotation_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Rotation Path, Path of property used to rotate the texture display

  • color_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Color Path, Path of property used to set the color of the control

  • fill_color_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Fill Color Path, Path of property used to set the fill color of the control

  • fill_color_override_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Fill Color Override Path

  • fill_color_override_test_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Fill Color Override Test

  • zoom_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Zoom Path, Path of property used to set the zoom level for the control

  • image_id (string, (optional, never None)) – Image ID, Path of ID that is used to generate an image for the control

  • secondary_tex (boolean, (optional)) – Secondary Texture, Tweak brush secondary/mask texture

  • release_confirm (boolean, (optional)) – Confirm On Release, Finish operation on key release

bpy.ops.wm.read_factory_settings(use_factory_startup_app_template_only=False, app_template='Template', use_empty=False)#

Load factory default startup file and preferences. To make changes permanent, use “Save Startup File” and “Save Preferences”

  • use_factory_startup_app_template_only (boolean, (optional)) – Factory Startup App-Template Only

  • use_empty (boolean, (optional)) – Empty, After loading, remove everything except scenes, windows, and workspaces. This makes it possible to load the startup file with its scene configuration and window layout intact, but no objects, materials, animations, …


Load factory default preferences. To make changes to preferences permanent, use “Save Preferences”


use_factory_startup_app_template_only (boolean, (optional)) – Factory Startup App-Template Only


Reloads history and bookmarks

bpy.ops.wm.read_homefile(filepath='', load_ui=True, use_splash=False, use_factory_startup=False, use_factory_startup_app_template_only=False, app_template='Template', use_empty=False)#

Open the default file

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to an alternative start-up file

  • load_ui (boolean, (optional)) – Load UI, Load user interface setup from the .blend file

  • use_splash (boolean, (optional)) – Splash

  • use_factory_startup (boolean, (optional)) – Factory Startup, Load the default (‘factory startup’) blend file. This is independent of the normal start-up file that the user can save

  • use_factory_startup_app_template_only (boolean, (optional)) – Factory Startup App-Template Only

  • use_empty (boolean, (optional)) – Empty, After loading, remove everything except scenes, windows, and workspaces. This makes it possible to load the startup file with its scene configuration and window layout intact, but no objects, materials, animations, …


Load last saved preferences

bpy.ops.wm.recover_auto_save(filepath='', hide_props_region=True, check_existing=False, filter_blender=True, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_archive=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_usd=False, filter_obj=False, filter_volume=False, filter_folder=False, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=8, display_type='LIST_VERTICAL', sort_method='', use_scripts=True)#

Open an automatically saved file to recover it

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • hide_props_region (boolean, (optional)) – Hide Operator Properties, Collapse the region displaying the operator settings

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in [], (optional)) – File sorting mode

  • use_scripts (boolean, (optional)) – Trusted Source, Allow .blend file to execute scripts automatically, default available from system preferences


Open the last closed file (“quit.blend”)


use_scripts (boolean, (optional)) – Trusted Source, Allow .blend file to execute scripts automatically, default available from system preferences

bpy.ops.wm.redraw_timer(type='DRAW', iterations=10, time_limit=0.0)#

Simple redraw timer to test the speed of updating the interface

  • type (enum in ['DRAW', 'DRAW_SWAP', 'DRAW_WIN', 'DRAW_WIN_SWAP', 'ANIM_STEP', 'ANIM_PLAY', 'UNDO'], (optional)) –


    • DRAW Draw Region – Draw region.

    • DRAW_SWAP Draw Region & Swap – Draw region and swap.

    • DRAW_WIN Draw Window – Draw window.

    • DRAW_WIN_SWAP Draw Window & Swap – Draw window and swap.

    • ANIM_STEP Animation Step – Animation steps.

    • ANIM_PLAY Animation Play – Animation playback.

    • UNDO Undo/Redo – Undo and redo.

  • iterations (int in [1, inf], (optional)) – Iterations, Number of times to redraw

  • time_limit (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Time Limit, Seconds to run the test for (override iterations)


Reload the saved file


use_scripts (boolean, (optional)) – Trusted Source, Allow .blend file to execute scripts automatically, default available from system preferences

bpy.ops.wm.save_as_mainfile(filepath='', hide_props_region=True, check_existing=True, filter_blender=True, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_archive=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_usd=False, filter_obj=False, filter_volume=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=8, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='', compress=False, relative_remap=True, copy=False)#

Save the current file in the desired location

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • hide_props_region (boolean, (optional)) – Hide Operator Properties, Collapse the region displaying the operator settings

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in [], (optional)) – File sorting mode

  • compress (boolean, (optional)) – Compress, Write compressed .blend file

  • relative_remap (boolean, (optional)) – Remap Relative, Remap relative paths when saving to a different directory

  • copy (boolean, (optional)) – Save Copy, Save a copy of the actual working state but does not make saved file active


Make the current file the default startup file

bpy.ops.wm.save_mainfile(filepath='', hide_props_region=True, check_existing=True, filter_blender=True, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_archive=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_usd=False, filter_obj=False, filter_volume=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=8, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='', compress=False, relative_remap=False, exit=False, incremental=False)#

Save the current Blender file

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • hide_props_region (boolean, (optional)) – Hide Operator Properties, Collapse the region displaying the operator settings

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in [], (optional)) – File sorting mode

  • compress (boolean, (optional)) – Compress, Write compressed .blend file

  • relative_remap (boolean, (optional)) – Remap Relative, Remap relative paths when saving to a different directory

  • exit (boolean, (optional)) – Exit, Exit Blender after saving

  • incremental (boolean, (optional)) – Incremental, Save the current Blender file with a numerically incremented name that does not overwrite any existing files


Make the current preferences default


Pop-up a search over all menus in the current context


Pop-up a search over all available operators in current context

bpy.ops.wm.search_single_menu(menu_idname='', initial_query='')#

Pop-up a search for a menu in current context

  • menu_idname (string, (optional, never None)) – Menu Name, Menu to search in

  • initial_query (string, (optional, never None)) – Initial Query, Query to insert into the search box

bpy.ops.wm.set_stereo_3d(display_mode='ANAGLYPH', anaglyph_type='RED_CYAN', interlace_type='ROW_INTERLEAVED', use_interlace_swap=False, use_sidebyside_crosseyed=False)#

Toggle 3D stereo support for current window (or change the display mode)

  • display_mode (enum in Stereo3D Display Items, (optional)) – Display Mode

  • anaglyph_type (enum in Stereo3D Anaglyph Type Items, (optional)) – Anaglyph Type

  • interlace_type (enum in Stereo3D Interlace Type Items, (optional)) – Interlace Type

  • use_interlace_swap (boolean, (optional)) – Swap Left/Right, Swap left and right stereo channels

  • use_sidebyside_crosseyed (boolean, (optional)) – Cross-Eyed, Right eye should see left image and vice versa


Open the splash screen with release info


Open a window with information about Blender

bpy.ops.wm.stl_export(filepath='', check_existing=True, filter_blender=False, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_archive=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_usd=False, filter_obj=False, filter_volume=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=8, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='', ascii_format=False, use_batch=False, export_selected_objects=False, collection='', global_scale=1.0, use_scene_unit=False, forward_axis='Y', up_axis='Z', apply_modifiers=True, filter_glob='*.stl')#

Save the scene to an STL file

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in [], (optional)) – File sorting mode

  • ascii_format (boolean, (optional)) – ASCII Format, Export file in ASCII format, export as binary otherwise

  • use_batch (boolean, (optional)) – Batch Export, Export each object to a separate file

  • export_selected_objects (boolean, (optional)) – Export Selected Objects, Export only selected objects instead of all supported objects

  • collection (string, (optional, never None)) – Source Collection, Export only objects from this collection (and its children)

  • global_scale (float in [1e-06, 1e+06], (optional)) – Scale

  • use_scene_unit (boolean, (optional)) – Scene Unit, Apply current scene’s unit (as defined by unit scale) to exported data

  • forward_axis (enum in ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'NEGATIVE_X', 'NEGATIVE_Y', 'NEGATIVE_Z'], (optional)) –

    Forward Axis

    • X X – Positive X axis.

    • Y Y – Positive Y axis.

    • Z Z – Positive Z axis.

    • NEGATIVE_X -X – Negative X axis.

    • NEGATIVE_Y -Y – Negative Y axis.

    • NEGATIVE_Z -Z – Negative Z axis.

  • up_axis (enum in ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'NEGATIVE_X', 'NEGATIVE_Y', 'NEGATIVE_Z'], (optional)) –

    Up Axis

    • X X – Positive X axis.

    • Y Y – Positive Y axis.

    • Z Z – Positive Z axis.

    • NEGATIVE_X -X – Negative X axis.

    • NEGATIVE_Y -Y – Negative Y axis.

    • NEGATIVE_Z -Z – Negative Z axis.

  • apply_modifiers (boolean, (optional)) – Apply Modifiers, Apply modifiers to exported meshes

  • filter_glob (string, (optional, never None)) – Extension Filter

bpy.ops.wm.stl_import(filepath='', directory='', files=None, check_existing=False, filter_blender=False, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_archive=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_usd=False, filter_obj=False, filter_volume=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=8, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='', global_scale=1.0, use_scene_unit=False, use_facet_normal=False, forward_axis='Y', up_axis='Z', use_mesh_validate=True, filter_glob='*.stl')#

Import an STL file as an object

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • directory (string, (optional, never None)) – Directory, Directory of the file

  • files (bpy_prop_collection of OperatorFileListElement, (optional)) – Files

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in [], (optional)) – File sorting mode

  • global_scale (float in [1e-06, 1e+06], (optional)) – Scale

  • use_scene_unit (boolean, (optional)) – Scene Unit, Apply current scene’s unit (as defined by unit scale) to imported data

  • use_facet_normal (boolean, (optional)) – Facet Normals, Use (import) facet normals (note that this will still give flat shading)

  • forward_axis (enum in ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'NEGATIVE_X', 'NEGATIVE_Y', 'NEGATIVE_Z'], (optional)) –

    Forward Axis

    • X X – Positive X axis.

    • Y Y – Positive Y axis.

    • Z Z – Positive Z axis.

    • NEGATIVE_X -X – Negative X axis.

    • NEGATIVE_Y -Y – Negative Y axis.

    • NEGATIVE_Z -Z – Negative Z axis.

  • up_axis (enum in ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'NEGATIVE_X', 'NEGATIVE_Y', 'NEGATIVE_Z'], (optional)) –

    Up Axis

    • X X – Positive X axis.

    • Y Y – Positive Y axis.

    • Z Z – Positive Z axis.

    • NEGATIVE_X -X – Negative X axis.

    • NEGATIVE_Y -Y – Negative Y axis.

    • NEGATIVE_Z -Z – Negative Z axis.

  • use_mesh_validate (boolean, (optional)) – Validate Mesh, Ensure the data is valid (when disabled, data may be imported which causes crashes displaying or editing)

  • filter_glob (string, (optional, never None)) – Extension Filter


Generate system information, saved into a text file


filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – filepath



bpy.ops.wm.tool_set_by_brush_type(brush_type='', space_type='EMPTY')#

Look up the most appropriate tool for the given brush type and activate that

  • brush_type (string, (optional, never None)) – Brush Type, Brush type identifier for which the most appropriate tool will be looked up




bpy.ops.wm.tool_set_by_id(name='', cycle=False, as_fallback=False, space_type='EMPTY')#

Set the tool by name (for key-maps)

  • name (string, (optional, never None)) – Identifier, Identifier of the tool

  • cycle (boolean, (optional)) – Cycle, Cycle through tools in this group

  • as_fallback (boolean, (optional)) – Set Fallback, Set the fallback tool instead of the primary tool




bpy.ops.wm.tool_set_by_index(index=0, cycle=False, expand=True, as_fallback=False, space_type='EMPTY')#

Set the tool by index (for key-maps)

  • index (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Index in Toolbar

  • cycle (boolean, (optional)) – Cycle, Cycle through tools in this group

  • expand (boolean, (optional)) – expand, Include tool subgroups

  • as_fallback (boolean, (optional)) – Set Fallback, Set the fallback tool instead of the primary





Undocumented, consider contributing.




Undocumented, consider contributing.




Leader key like functionality for accessing tools




Open a website in the web browser


url (string, (optional, never None)) – URL, URL to open




Open a preset website in the web browser


type (enum in [], (optional)) – Site



bpy.ops.wm.usd_export(filepath='', check_existing=True, filter_blender=False, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_archive=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_usd=True, filter_obj=False, filter_volume=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=8, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='', filter_glob='*.usd', selected_objects_only=False, visible_objects_only=True, collection='', export_animation=False, export_hair=False, export_uvmaps=True, rename_uvmaps=True, export_mesh_colors=True, export_normals=True, export_materials=True, export_subdivision='BEST_MATCH', export_armatures=True, only_deform_bones=False, export_shapekeys=True, use_instancing=False, evaluation_mode='RENDER', generate_preview_surface=True, generate_materialx_network=False, convert_orientation=False, export_global_forward_selection='NEGATIVE_Z', export_global_up_selection='Y', export_textures=False, export_textures_mode='NEW', overwrite_textures=False, relative_paths=True, xform_op_mode='TRS', root_prim_path='/root', export_custom_properties=True, custom_properties_namespace='userProperties', author_blender_name=True, convert_world_material=True, allow_unicode=False, export_meshes=True, export_lights=True, export_cameras=True, export_curves=True, export_points=True, export_volumes=True, triangulate_meshes=False, quad_method='SHORTEST_DIAGONAL', ngon_method='BEAUTY', usdz_downscale_size='KEEP', usdz_downscale_custom_size=128)#

Export current scene in a USD archive

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in [], (optional)) – File sorting mode

  • selected_objects_only (boolean, (optional)) – Selection Only, Only export selected objects. Unselected parents of selected objects are exported as empty transform

  • visible_objects_only (boolean, (optional)) – Visible Only, Only export visible objects. Invisible parents of exported objects are exported as empty transforms

  • collection (string, (optional, never None)) – Collection

  • export_animation (boolean, (optional)) – Animation, Export all frames in the render frame range, rather than only the current frame

  • export_hair (boolean, (optional)) – Hair, Export hair particle systems as USD curves

  • export_uvmaps (boolean, (optional)) – UV Maps, Include all mesh UV maps in the export

  • rename_uvmaps (boolean, (optional)) – Rename UV Maps, Rename active render UV map to “st” to match USD conventions

  • export_mesh_colors (boolean, (optional)) – Color Attributes, Include mesh color attributes in the export

  • export_normals (boolean, (optional)) – Normals, Include normals of exported meshes in the export

  • export_materials (boolean, (optional)) – Materials, Export viewport settings of materials as USD preview materials, and export material assignments as geometry subsets

  • export_subdivision (enum in ['IGNORE', 'TESSELLATE', 'BEST_MATCH'], (optional)) –

    Subdivision, Choose how subdivision modifiers will be mapped to the USD subdivision scheme during export

    • IGNORE Ignore – Scheme = None. Export base mesh without subdivision.

    • TESSELLATE Tessellate – Scheme = None. Export subdivided mesh.

    • BEST_MATCH Best Match – Scheme = Catmull-Clark, when possible. Reverts to exporting the subdivided mesh for the Simple subdivision type.

  • export_armatures (boolean, (optional)) – Armatures, Export armatures and meshes with armature modifiers as USD skeletons and skinned meshes

  • only_deform_bones (boolean, (optional)) – Only Deform Bones, Only export deform bones and their parents

  • export_shapekeys (boolean, (optional)) – Shape Keys, Export shape keys as USD blend shapes

  • use_instancing (boolean, (optional)) – Instancing, Export instanced objects as references in USD rather than real objects

  • evaluation_mode (enum in ['RENDER', 'VIEWPORT'], (optional)) –

    Use Settings for, Determines visibility of objects, modifier settings, and other areas where there are different settings for viewport and rendering

    • RENDER Render – Use Render settings for object visibility, modifier settings, etc.

    • VIEWPORT Viewport – Use Viewport settings for object visibility, modifier settings, etc.

  • generate_preview_surface (boolean, (optional)) – USD Preview Surface Network, Generate an approximate USD Preview Surface shader representation of a Principled BSDF node network

  • generate_materialx_network (boolean, (optional)) – MaterialX Network, Generate a MaterialX network representation of the materials

  • convert_orientation (boolean, (optional)) – Convert Orientation, Convert orientation axis to a different convention to match other applications

  • export_global_forward_selection (enum in ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'NEGATIVE_X', 'NEGATIVE_Y', 'NEGATIVE_Z'], (optional)) –

    Forward Axis

    • X X – Positive X axis.

    • Y Y – Positive Y axis.

    • Z Z – Positive Z axis.

    • NEGATIVE_X -X – Negative X axis.

    • NEGATIVE_Y -Y – Negative Y axis.

    • NEGATIVE_Z -Z – Negative Z axis.

  • export_global_up_selection (enum in ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'NEGATIVE_X', 'NEGATIVE_Y', 'NEGATIVE_Z'], (optional)) –

    Up Axis

    • X X – Positive X axis.

    • Y Y – Positive Y axis.

    • Z Z – Positive Z axis.

    • NEGATIVE_X -X – Negative X axis.

    • NEGATIVE_Y -Y – Negative Y axis.

    • NEGATIVE_Z -Z – Negative Z axis.

  • export_textures (boolean, (optional)) – Export Textures, If exporting materials, export textures referenced by material nodes to a ‘textures’ directory in the same directory as the USD file

  • export_textures_mode (enum in ['KEEP', 'PRESERVE', 'NEW'], (optional)) –

    Export Textures, Texture export method

    • KEEP Keep – Use original location of textures.

    • PRESERVE Preserve – Preserve file paths of textures from already imported USD files.Export remaining textures to a ‘textures’ folder next to the USD file.

    • NEW New Path – Export textures to a ‘textures’ folder next to the USD file.

  • overwrite_textures (boolean, (optional)) – Overwrite Textures, Overwrite existing files when exporting textures

  • relative_paths (boolean, (optional)) – Relative Paths, Use relative paths to reference external files (i.e. textures, volumes) in USD, otherwise use absolute paths

  • xform_op_mode (enum in ['TRS', 'TOS', 'MAT'], (optional)) –

    Xform Ops, The type of transform operators to write

    • TRS Translate, Rotate, Scale – Export with translate, rotate, and scale Xform operators.

    • TOS Translate, Orient, Scale – Export with translate, orient quaternion, and scale Xform operators.

    • MAT Matrix – Export matrix operator.

  • root_prim_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Root Prim, If set, add a transform primitive with the given path to the stage as the parent of all exported data

  • export_custom_properties (boolean, (optional)) – Custom Properties, Export custom properties as USD attributes

  • custom_properties_namespace (string, (optional, never None)) – Namespace, If set, add the given namespace as a prefix to exported custom property names. This only applies to property names that do not already have a prefix (e.g., it would apply to name ‘bar’ but not ‘foo:bar’) and does not apply to blender object and data names which are always exported in the ‘userProperties:blender’ namespace

  • author_blender_name (boolean, (optional)) – Blender Names, Author USD custom attributes containing the original Blender object and object data names

  • convert_world_material (boolean, (optional)) – Convert World Material, Convert the world material to a USD dome light. Currently works for simple materials, consisting of an environment texture connected to a background shader, with an optional vector multiply of the texture color

  • allow_unicode (boolean, (optional)) – Allow Unicode, Preserve UTF-8 encoded characters when writing USD prim and property names (requires software utilizing USD 24.03 or greater when opening the resulting files)

  • export_meshes (boolean, (optional)) – Meshes, Export all meshes

  • export_lights (boolean, (optional)) – Lights, Export all lights

  • export_cameras (boolean, (optional)) – Cameras, Export all cameras

  • export_curves (boolean, (optional)) – Curves, Export all curves

  • export_points (boolean, (optional)) – Point Clouds, Export all point clouds

  • export_volumes (boolean, (optional)) – Volumes, Export all volumes

  • triangulate_meshes (boolean, (optional)) – Triangulate Meshes, Triangulate meshes during export

  • quad_method (enum in Modifier Triangulate Quad Method Items, (optional)) – Quad Method, Method for splitting the quads into triangles

  • ngon_method (enum in Modifier Triangulate Ngon Method Items, (optional)) – N-gon Method, Method for splitting the n-gons into triangles

  • usdz_downscale_size (enum in ['KEEP', '256', '512', '1024', '2048', '4096', 'CUSTOM'], (optional)) –

    USDZ Texture Downsampling, Choose a maximum size for all exported textures

    • KEEP Keep – Keep all current texture sizes.

    • 256 256 – Resize to a maximum of 256 pixels.

    • 512 512 – Resize to a maximum of 512 pixels.

    • 1024 1024 – Resize to a maximum of 1024 pixels.

    • 2048 2048 – Resize to a maximum of 2048 pixels.

    • 4096 4096 – Resize to a maximum of 4096 pixels.

    • CUSTOM Custom – Specify a custom size.

  • usdz_downscale_custom_size (int in [64, 16384], (optional)) – USDZ Custom Downscale Size, Custom size for downscaling exported textures

bpy.ops.wm.usd_import(filepath='', check_existing=False, filter_blender=False, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_archive=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_usd=True, filter_obj=False, filter_volume=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=8, relative_path=True, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='', filter_glob='*.usd', scale=1.0, set_frame_range=True, import_cameras=True, import_curves=True, import_lights=True, import_materials=True, import_meshes=True, import_volumes=True, import_shapes=True, import_skeletons=True, import_blendshapes=True, import_points=True, import_subdiv=False, support_scene_instancing=True, import_visible_only=True, create_collection=False, read_mesh_uvs=True, read_mesh_colors=True, read_mesh_attributes=True, prim_path_mask='', import_guide=False, import_proxy=False, import_render=True, import_all_materials=False, import_usd_preview=True, set_material_blend=True, light_intensity_scale=1.0, mtl_purpose='MTL_FULL', mtl_name_collision_mode='MAKE_UNIQUE', import_textures_mode='IMPORT_PACK', import_textures_dir='//textures/', tex_name_collision_mode='USE_EXISTING', attr_import_mode='ALL', validate_meshes=False, create_world_material=True, import_defined_only=True)#

Import USD stage into current scene

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • relative_path (boolean, (optional)) – Relative Path, Select the file relative to the blend file

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in [], (optional)) – File sorting mode

  • scale (float in [0.0001, 1000], (optional)) – Scale, Value by which to enlarge or shrink the objects with respect to the world’s origin

  • set_frame_range (boolean, (optional)) – Set Frame Range, Update the scene’s start and end frame to match those of the USD archive

  • import_cameras (boolean, (optional)) – Cameras

  • import_curves (boolean, (optional)) – Curves

  • import_lights (boolean, (optional)) – Lights

  • import_materials (boolean, (optional)) – Materials

  • import_meshes (boolean, (optional)) – Meshes

  • import_volumes (boolean, (optional)) – Volumes

  • import_shapes (boolean, (optional)) – USD Shapes

  • import_skeletons (boolean, (optional)) – Armatures

  • import_blendshapes (boolean, (optional)) – Shape Keys

  • import_points (boolean, (optional)) – Point Clouds

  • import_subdiv (boolean, (optional)) – Import Subdivision Scheme, Create subdivision surface modifiers based on the USD SubdivisionScheme attribute

  • support_scene_instancing (boolean, (optional)) – Scene Instancing, Import USD scene graph instances as collection instances

  • import_visible_only (boolean, (optional)) – Visible Primitives Only, Do not import invisible USD primitives. Only applies to primitives with a non-animated visibility attribute. Primitives with animated visibility will always be imported

  • create_collection (boolean, (optional)) – Create Collection, Add all imported objects to a new collection

  • read_mesh_uvs (boolean, (optional)) – UV Coordinates, Read mesh UV coordinates

  • read_mesh_colors (boolean, (optional)) – Color Attributes, Read mesh color attributes

  • read_mesh_attributes (boolean, (optional)) – Mesh Attributes, Read USD Primvars as mesh attributes

  • prim_path_mask (string, (optional, never None)) – Path Mask, Import only the primitive at the given path and its descendants. Multiple paths may be specified in a list delimited by commas or semicolons

  • import_guide (boolean, (optional)) – Guide, Import guide geometry

  • import_proxy (boolean, (optional)) – Proxy, Import proxy geometry

  • import_render (boolean, (optional)) – Render, Import final render geometry

  • import_all_materials (boolean, (optional)) – Import All Materials, Also import materials that are not used by any geometry. Note that when this option is false, materials referenced by geometry will still be imported

  • import_usd_preview (boolean, (optional)) – Import USD Preview, Convert UsdPreviewSurface shaders to Principled BSDF shader networks

  • set_material_blend (boolean, (optional)) – Set Material Blend, If the Import USD Preview option is enabled, the material blend method will automatically be set based on the shader’s opacity and opacityThreshold inputs

  • light_intensity_scale (float in [0.0001, 10000], (optional)) – Light Intensity Scale, Scale for the intensity of imported lights

  • mtl_purpose (enum in ['MTL_ALL_PURPOSE', 'MTL_PREVIEW', 'MTL_FULL'], (optional)) –

    Material Purpose, Attempt to import materials with the given purpose. If no material with this purpose is bound to the primitive, fall back on loading any other bound material

    • MTL_ALL_PURPOSE All Purpose – Attempt to import ‘allPurpose’ materials..

    • MTL_PREVIEW Preview – Attempt to import ‘preview’ materials. Load ‘allPurpose’ materials as a fallback.

    • MTL_FULL Full – Attempt to import ‘full’ materials. Load ‘allPurpose’ or ‘preview’ materials, in that order, as a fallback.

  • mtl_name_collision_mode (enum in ['MAKE_UNIQUE', 'REFERENCE_EXISTING'], (optional)) –

    Material Name Collision, Behavior when the name of an imported material conflicts with an existing material

    • MAKE_UNIQUE Make Unique – Import each USD material as a unique Blender material.

    • REFERENCE_EXISTING Reference Existing – If a material with the same name already exists, reference that instead of importing.

  • import_textures_mode (enum in ['IMPORT_NONE', 'IMPORT_PACK', 'IMPORT_COPY'], (optional)) –

    Import Textures, Behavior when importing textures from a USDZ archive

    • IMPORT_NONE None – Don’t import textures.

    • IMPORT_PACK Packed – Import textures as packed data.

    • IMPORT_COPY Copy – Copy files to textures directory.

  • import_textures_dir (string, (optional, never None)) – Textures Directory, Path to the directory where imported textures will be copied

  • tex_name_collision_mode (enum in ['USE_EXISTING', 'OVERWRITE'], (optional)) –

    File Name Collision, Behavior when the name of an imported texture file conflicts with an existing file

    • USE_EXISTING Use Existing – If a file with the same name already exists, use that instead of copying.

    • OVERWRITE Overwrite – Overwrite existing files.

  • attr_import_mode (enum in ['NONE', 'USER', 'ALL'], (optional)) –

    Custom Properties, Behavior when importing USD attributes as Blender custom properties

    • NONE None – Do not import USD custom attributes.

    • USER User – Import USD attributes in the ‘userProperties’ namespace as Blender custom properties. The namespace will be stripped from the property names.

    • ALL All Custom – Import all USD custom attributes as Blender custom properties. Namespaces will be retained in the property names.

  • validate_meshes (boolean, (optional)) – Validate Meshes, Ensure the data is valid (when disabled, data may be imported which causes crashes displaying or editing)

  • create_world_material (boolean, (optional)) – Create World Material, Convert the first discovered USD dome light to a world background shader

  • import_defined_only (boolean, (optional)) – Defined Primitives Only, Import only defined USD primitives. When disabled this allows importing USD primitives which are not defined, such as those with an override specifier


Close the current window


Toggle the current window full-screen


Create a new window


Create a new main window with its own workspace and scene selection

bpy.ops.wm.xr_navigation_fly(mode='VIEWER_FORWARD', lock_location_z=False, lock_direction=False, speed_frame_based=True, speed_min=0.018, speed_max=0.054, speed_interpolation0=(0.0, 0.0), speed_interpolation1=(1.0, 1.0))#

Move/turn relative to the VR viewer or controller


    Mode, Fly mode

    • FORWARD Forward – Move along navigation forward axis.

    • BACK Back – Move along navigation back axis.

    • LEFT Left – Move along navigation left axis.

    • RIGHT Right – Move along navigation right axis.

    • UP Up – Move along navigation up axis.

    • DOWN Down – Move along navigation down axis.

    • TURNLEFT Turn Left – Turn counter-clockwise around navigation up axis.

    • TURNRIGHT Turn Right – Turn clockwise around navigation up axis.

    • VIEWER_FORWARD Viewer Forward – Move along viewer’s forward axis.

    • VIEWER_BACK Viewer Back – Move along viewer’s back axis.

    • VIEWER_LEFT Viewer Left – Move along viewer’s left axis.

    • VIEWER_RIGHT Viewer Right – Move along viewer’s right axis.

    • CONTROLLER_FORWARD Controller Forward – Move along controller’s forward axis.

  • lock_location_z (boolean, (optional)) – Lock Elevation, Prevent changes to viewer elevation

  • lock_direction (boolean, (optional)) – Lock Direction, Limit movement to viewer’s initial direction

  • speed_frame_based (boolean, (optional)) – Frame Based Speed, Apply fixed movement deltas every update

  • speed_min (float in [0, 1000], (optional)) – Minimum Speed, Minimum move (turn) speed in meters (radians) per second or frame

  • speed_max (float in [0, 1000], (optional)) – Maximum Speed, Maximum move (turn) speed in meters (radians) per second or frame

  • speed_interpolation0 (mathutils.Vector of 2 items in [0, 1], (optional)) – Speed Interpolation 0, First cubic spline control point between min/max speeds

  • speed_interpolation1 (mathutils.Vector of 2 items in [0, 1], (optional)) – Speed Interpolation 1, Second cubic spline control point between min/max speeds

bpy.ops.wm.xr_navigation_grab(lock_location=False, lock_location_z=False, lock_rotation=False, lock_rotation_z=False, lock_scale=False)#

Navigate the VR scene by grabbing with controllers

  • lock_location (boolean, (optional)) – Lock Location, Prevent changes to viewer location

  • lock_location_z (boolean, (optional)) – Lock Elevation, Prevent changes to viewer elevation

  • lock_rotation (boolean, (optional)) – Lock Rotation, Prevent changes to viewer rotation

  • lock_rotation_z (boolean, (optional)) – Lock Up Orientation, Prevent changes to viewer up orientation

  • lock_scale (boolean, (optional)) – Lock Scale, Prevent changes to viewer scale

bpy.ops.wm.xr_navigation_reset(location=True, rotation=True, scale=True)#

Reset VR navigation deltas relative to session base pose

  • location (boolean, (optional)) – Location, Reset location deltas

  • rotation (boolean, (optional)) – Rotation, Reset rotation deltas

  • scale (boolean, (optional)) – Scale, Reset scale deltas

bpy.ops.wm.xr_navigation_teleport(teleport_axes=(True, True, True), interpolation=1.0, offset=0.0, selectable_only=True, distance=1.70141e+38, from_viewer=False, axis=(0.0, 0.0, -1.0), color=(0.35, 0.35, 1.0, 1.0))#

Set VR viewer location to controller raycast hit location

  • teleport_axes (boolean array of 3 items, (optional)) – Teleport Axes, Enabled teleport axes in navigation space

  • interpolation (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Interpolation, Interpolation factor between viewer and hit locations

  • offset (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Offset, Offset along hit normal to subtract from final location

  • selectable_only (boolean, (optional)) – Selectable Only, Only allow selectable objects to influence raycast result

  • distance (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Maximum raycast distance

  • from_viewer (boolean, (optional)) – From Viewer, Use viewer pose as raycast origin

  • axis (mathutils.Vector of 3 items in [-1, 1], (optional)) – Axis, Raycast axis in controller/viewer space

  • color (float array of 4 items in [0, 1], (optional)) – Color, Raycast color


Open a view for use with virtual reality headsets, or close it if already opened