Mesh Edit Mode tools:
- Select
Select or move.
- Select Box
Select geometry by dragging a box.
- Select Circle
Select geometry by dragging a circle.
- Select Lasso
Select geometry by drawing a lasso.
- Cursor
Change the location of the 3D Cursor.
- Move
Translation tool.
- Rotate
Rotation tool.
- Scale
Scale tool.
- Scale Cage
Change the scale of an object by controlling its cage.
- Transform
Tool to adjust the objects translation, rotations and scale.
- Annotate
Draw free-hand annotation.
- Annotate Line
Draw straight line annotation.
- Annotate Polygon
Draw a polygon annotation.
- Annotate Eraser
Erase previous drawn annotations.
- Measure
Measure distances in the scene.
- Roll
Rotates a bone around its local Y axis.
Bone Size
Tehtävä vielä
Add this information.
Bone Envelope
Tehtävä vielä
Add this information.
- Extrude
Creates a new bone connected to the last selected joint.
- Extrude to Cursor
Creates a new bone between the last selected joint and the mouse position.
Tehtävä vielä
Add this information.